


  • 中文名:佟蒙蒙
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向: 海洋赤潮與生物毒素· 赤潮生物毒素的快速檢測技術
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:浙江大學
  • 性別:女



2016年至今 浙江大學 海洋學院 海洋生物研究所 副教授
2016年-2017年 國家海洋局國際合作司
2012年9月-2015年12月浙江大學 海洋學院 海洋生物研究所 講師
2010年12月-2012年9月 美國伍茲霍爾海洋研究所 博士後研究員
2007年9月-2010年12月 美國伍茲霍爾海洋研究所 交換訪問博士
2006年9月-2010年12月 天津南開大學 環境科學 博士
2004年9月-2006年6月 廣州暨南大學 環境科學 碩士
2000年9月-2004年6月 桂林電子科技大學 環境工程 學士


Jun. 2018 Capacity Building for Marine Debris Prevention and Management in the APEC Region Phase 2 Invited Speaker, Busan, Korea.
Oct. 2017 HAB Mitigation and Management in the WESTPAC region, Kashiwa, Japan
Apr. 2017 10th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium at Qingdao, China.
Jun. 2016 Identification of Box Jellyfish in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Thailand, Phuket, Thailand.
Dec. 2015 9th EASTHAB at Guangzhou, China. Oral.
Apr. 2014 9th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium at Nha Trang, Vienam. Oral.
Jan. 2013 2013 SKLMP Annual and Academic committee meeting at Shenzhen, China. Oral.
Nov. 2012 3rd international conference on pollution ecology at Tianjin, China. Oral.
Oct. 2012 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae at Changwon, Gyeongnam, Korea. Oral.
Oct. 2012 China-ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) at Hangzhou, China. Oral.
Jun. 2011 Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins Gordon Research Seminar at Waterville, ME, USA. Oral.
Jun. 2011 Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins Gordon Research Conference at Waterville, ME, USA. Poster.
Nov. 2009 Fifth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the U.S .at Seattle, Washington USA. Poster.
Oct. 2009 Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) Second Open Science Meeting on Harmful Algal Blooms and Eutrophication at Beijing China. Oral presentation.
Jun. 2009 Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins Gordon Research Conference at New London, NH, USA. Poster.







Gao H., S.You, X. Lei, Y.Xiao, H.Gu, M.Tong*, 2019, Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on distribution of surface sediment dinoflagellate cyst assemblages on Nanji Island, East China Sea, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(1): 1–12
Gao, H., C. Hua, and, M.Tong *2018. Impact of Dinophysis acuminata feeding Mesodinium rubrumon nutrient dynamics and bacterial composition in a Microcosm. Toxins, 10(11), 443.
Smith J., M. Tong*, D. Kulis and D. Anderson, 2018, Effect of ciliate strain, size, and nutritional content on the toxicity of mixotrophic Dinophysis acuminata, Harmful Algae. 78:95-105.
王玉,彭吉星,吳海燕,郭萌萌,佟蒙蒙*,譚志軍,2018. 基於高效液相色譜法的扇貝毒素-2 製備方法研究.海洋與湖沼,49(3):1-9.
Gao H, X. An, L. Liu, K. Zhang, D. Zheng, M Tong*. 2017. Characterization of Dinophysis acuminata from the Yellow Sea, China, and its response to temperature and different Mesodinium prey. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 4(46):439-450.
Yang J., H Gao, P. M. Glibert, Y Wang, M. Tong*, 2017. Rates of nitrogen uptake by cyanobacterially-dominated assemblages in Lake Taihu, China, during late summer, Harmful Algae 65: 71–84
Zou, L, Q Wang, M Tong, HB Li, J Wang, N Hu, P Wang, 2016, Detection of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins using high-sensitivity human cancer cell-based impedance biosensor, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 222:205-212.
渠佩佩 ,楊晶晶,徐軼肖,高寒,佟蒙蒙,固相吸附毒素跟蹤技術(SPATT)在 浙江南麂海域的套用,海洋與湖沼,2016,(04):795~803
尤勝炮 ,高寒,雷向東,蕭雲朴,顧海峰,佟蒙蒙,南麂列島海域沉積物中甲藻孢囊的多樣性和分布,海洋與湖沼,2016,(02):460~467
Tong, M.*, J.L. Smith, D.M. Kulis, D.M. Anderson, 2015. Role of dissolved nitrate and phosphate in isolates of Mesodinium rubrum and toxin-producing Dinophysis acuminata. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 75: 169-185.
Tong, M.*, J.L. Smith, M. Richlen, K.A. Steidinger, D.M. Kulis, E. Fux, D.M. Anderson, 2015, Characterization and comparison of toxin-producing isolates of Dinophysis acuminata from New England and Canada. J Phycol 51, 66-81.
Qu P, Y. Xu, J Yang, H. Gao, M. Tong*, 2015. Application of solid phase adsorption toxin tracking (SPATT) in the East China Sea. ICHA-16 proceedings.
Gao H., Y. Xu, P. Qu., J. Yang, M. Tong*, 2015, Role of organic nutrients originated from Mesodinium rubrum or Teleaulax amphioxeia cultures on the growth and toxin production of Dinophysis acuminata. ICHA-16 proceedings.
Zhang, K, M Tong, KH Gao, YA Di, PM Wang, CF Zhang, XC Wu, DQ Zheng, 2015, Genomic reconstruction to improve bioethanol and ergosterol production of industrial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 42(2): 207-218.
Smith, J. L*, M. Tong*, E. Fux, D. M. Anderson, 2012. Toxin production, retention, and extracellular release by Dinophysis acuminata during extended stationary phase and culture decline. Harmful Algae, 19:125-132.
Fux, E., J. L. Smith, M. Tong, L. Guzmán, D. M. Anderson*, 2011. Toxin profiles of five geographical isolates of Dinophysis spp. from North and South America. Toxicon, 57 (2): 275-287.
江天久 ,李支薇,江濤,吳鋒,佟蒙蒙,有害赤潮對近岸捕撈及觀光旅遊業直接災害經濟損失評估,水產學報,2011,(10):1582~1588
Tong, M., D. M. Kulis, J. L. Smith, E. Fux, P. Hess, Q. X. Zhou, D. M. Anderson*, 2011. The effects of growth stage and light intensity on the toxicity of Dinophysis acuminata in the northeast U.S. Harmful Algae, 10 (3): 254-264.
Tong, M., Q. X. Zhou*, D. M. Kulis, T. J. Jiang, Y. Qi, D. M. Anderson, 2010. The culturing techniques and growth characteristic of Dinophysis auminata and its prey. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28 (6): 1230-1239.
Hackett, J. D., M. Tong, D. M. Kulis, E. Fux, P. Hess, R. Bire, D. M. Anderson*, 2009. DSP toxin production de novo in cultures of Dinophysis acuminata (Dinophyceae) from North America. Harmful Algae, 8: 873-879.
江天久,江濤,曾淼,李鵬,佟蒙蒙,湛江棕囊藻對南美白對蝦蝦苗和多種魚 苗的毒性研究,熱帶亞熱帶植物學報,2006,(06):487~491
江天久,佟蒙蒙,齊雨藻,赤潮的分類分級標準及預警色設定,生態學報,2006,(06): 2035~2040
1 亞太地區典型海域微塑膠垃圾來源及分布 財政部 2018-03-2019-03
2 氣候變化背景下亞太地區典型海域海產品安全研究 財政部 2018-03--2019-12-
3 魚毒性赤潮藻的致毒機理及毒性快速檢測技術 開放課題 2018-01--2019-12
4 海洋垃圾和海洋酸化研究報告 橫向課題 2017-11-2018-06-
5 APEC落實聯合國可持續發展目標14研究 橫向課題 2017-07-2018-12
6 中國有害藻華演變的發展趨勢研究 國家海洋局 2017-01-2017-12
7 滸苔著生機理與防控技術科技部 2016-09-2020-12
8 浙江沿海赤潮生物識別及實時監控體系的初步研究 橫向課題 2016-08-2017-12
9 富營養化對舟山海域浮游植物群落結構的影響 開放課題 2016-01-2017-12
10 PTX2毒素產毒藻的大量培養 橫向課題 2015-06-2016-06
11 渤海海域有害赤潮藻的培養鑑定及生態毒理研究 橫向課題 2015-05-2016-05
12 食物鏈對腹瀉性貝類毒素產毒藻鰭藻生長和產毒的調控研究國家自然科學基金 2014-01 - 2016-12
13 浙江沿海腹瀉性貝類毒素爆發的預警預報技術浙江省公益技術研究項目2013-07 – 2015-12


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