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  • 中文名:余睿
  • 職業:教師


第一性原理材料計算, 研究具有新奇物理性質的材料系統,如拓撲絕緣體,反常霍爾效應材料,拓撲半金屬等.




量子力學, 固體物理,群論 等基礎課程.
Fortran,Matlab, Mathematica 等.


Realization of a Hopf insulator in circuit systems,
Z Wang, XT Zeng, Y Biao, Z Yan, R Yu,
Physical Review Letters 130 (5), 057201 2023
Non-Abelian gauge fields in circuit systems,
J Wu, Z Wang, Y Biao, F Fei, S Zhang, Z Yin, Y Hu, Z Song, T Wu, F Song, R Yu,
Nature Electronics 5 (10), 635 2022
Type-II Dirac point in ,
H Lv, Z Wang, Q Cheng, W Zhang, R Yu,
Physical Review B 103 (24), L2411154 2021
4D spinless topological insulator in a periodic electric circuit,
R Yu, YX Zhao, AP Schnyder,
National Science Review 7 (8), 1288-129560 2020
Large Fermi arc and robust Weyl semimetal phase in ,
Z Wang, K Luo, J Zhao, R Yu,
Physical Review B 100 (20), 2051178 2019
Topological nodal states in circuit lattice,
K Luo, R Yu, H Weng,
Research 76 2018
From nodal chain semimetal to Weyl semimetal in HfC,
R Yu, Q Wu, Z Fang, H Weng,
Physical Review Letters 119 (3), 036401139 2017
Topological nodal line semimetals predicted from first-principles calculations,
R Yu, Z Fang, X Dai, H Weng,
Frontiers of Physics 12, 1-14 2017
Topological Node-Line Semimetal and Dirac Semimetal State in Antiperovskite,
R Yu, H Weng, Z Fang, X Dai, X Hu,
Physical Review Letters 115 (3), 036807758 2015
Topological node-line semimetal in three-dimensional graphene networks,
H Weng, Y Liang, Q Xu, R Yu, Z Fang, X Dai, Y Kawazoe,
Physical Review B 92 (4), 045108682 2015
Quantum anomalous Hall effect and related topological electronic states,
H Weng, R Yu, X Hu, X Dai, Z Fang,
Advances in Physics 64 (3), 227-282 397 2015
Model hamiltonian for topological Kondo insulator SmB6,
R Yu, H Weng, X Hu, Z Fang, X Dai,
New Journal of Physics 17 (2), 02301236 2015
Equivalent expression of topological invariant for band insulators using the non-Abelian Berry connection,
R Yu, XL Qi, A Bernevig, Z Fang, X Dai,
Physical Review B 84 (7), 075119719 2011
Quantized anomalous Hall effect in magnetic topological insulators,
R Yu, W Zhang, HJ Zhang, SC Zhang, X Dai, Z Fang,
Science 329 (5987), 61-64 1997 2010


