- 中文名:何頔
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學
- 學位/學歷:工學博士
- 職業:教師
(1) He, D.; Ma, J.X.; Collins, R. and Waite, T.D.* (2016) Effect of structural transformation of nanoparticulate zero-valent iron on generation of reactive oxygen species. Environ. Sci. Technol.50(7), 3820-3828
(2) He, D.*; Kacopieros, M.; Ikeda-Ohno, A. and Waite, T.D.* (2014) Optimizing the design and synthesis of supported silver nanoparticles for low cost water disinfection. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48 (20), 12320-12326
(3) He, D.; Bligh, M and Waite, T.D.* (2013) Effects of aggregate structure on the dissolution kinetics of citrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol.47(16), 9148-9156.
(4) He, D.; Ikeda-Ohno, A.; Boland, D.D. and Waite, T.D.* (2013) Synthesis and characterization of antibacterial silver nanoparticle-impregnated rice husks and rice husk ash. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 5276-5284.
(5) He, D.; Dorantes-Aranda, J.J. and Waite, T.D.* (2012) Silver nanoparticle-algae interactions: oxidative dissolution, reactive oxygen species generation and synergistic toxic effects. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(16), 8731-8738.
(6) He, D.; Guan, X.H.*; Ma, J.*; Yu, M. (2009) Influence of different nominal molecular weight fractions of humic acid on phenol oxidation by permanganate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 8332-8337.
(7) He, D.; Wong, C.E.; Tang, W.W.; Kovalsky, P. and Waite, T.D.* (2016) Faradaic reactions in water desalination by batch-mode capacitive deionization. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.3(5), 222-226
(8) He, D.; Ma, X.M.; Jones, A.M. and Waite, T.D.* (2016) Mechanistic and kinetic insights into the ligand-promoted depassivation of bimetallic zero-valent iron nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Nano 3, 737-744.
(9)He, D.; Miller, C.J. and Waite, T.D.* (2014) Fenton-like zero-valent silver nanoparticle-mediated hydroxyl radical production. J. Cata. 317, 198-205
(10) He, D.; Garg, S. and Waite, T.D.* (2012) H2O2-mediated oxidation of zero valent silver and resultant interactions between silver nanoparticles, silver ions and reactive oxygen species. Langmuir 28(27), 10266-10275.
(11)He, D.; Jones, A.M.; Garg, S.; Pham, A.N. and Waite, T.D.* (2011) Silver nanoparticle-reactive oxygen species interactions: application of a charging-discharging model. J. Phys. Chem. C 115(13), 5461-5468.
(12)Ma, J.X.; He, D.*; Tang, W.W.; Kovalsky, P.; He, C.; Zhang, C.Y. and Waite, T.D.* (2016) Development of redox-active flow electrodes for high performance capacitive deionization. Environ. Sci. Technol.50(24), 13495-13501.
(13)Tang, W.W.; He, D.*; Zhang, C.Y. and Waite, T.D.* (2017) Optimization of sulfate removal from brackish water by membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI). Water Res. 121, 302-310.
(14)Tang, W.W.; He, D.*; Zhang, C.Y. Kovalsky P. and Waite, T.D.* (2017) Comparison of Faradaic reactions in capacitive deionization (CDI) and membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI) water treatment processes. Water Res. 120, 229-237.
(15)Ma, J.X.; He, D.*; Collins, R.N. and Waite, T.D.* (2016) The tortoise versus the hare-Possible advantages of microparticulatezerovalent iron (mZVI) over nanoparticlatezerovalent iron (nZVI) in aerobic degradation of contaminants. Water Res.105, 331-340.
(1) 趙建樹,何頔,徐劍暉. 負載納米銀的活性炭及其製備. 專利號:ZL201310100789.3
(2) 徐劍暉,何頔,趙建樹. 高效殺菌裝置、方法及具有該裝置的泳池水處理循環系統. 專利號:ZL201410810718.7
(3) 徐劍暉,何頔,趙建樹. 一種高效殺菌裝置及具有該裝置的泳池水處理循環系統. 專利號:ZL201420820461.9
(4) 徐劍暉,趙建樹,何頔. 一種無氯游泳池水處理循環系統. 專利號:ZL201420826331.6
1. FeS礦物結構轉化介導活性氧自由基產生對典型有機污染物降解機制研究,國家青年科學基金 (41807349),25萬元 (主持,在研)
2. 納米材料在環境中遷移轉化及其環境毒性,廣東工業大學“百人計畫”啟動資助,(1143-220418134), 200萬元 (主持,在研)