- 中文名:何智成
- 畢業院校:湖南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:車輛工程
- 任職院校:湖南大學
2009.9~2011.4 湖南大學 車輛工程博士,
2007.9~2009.9 新加坡國立大學與湖南大學聯合培養博士
2006.9~ 2007.9 湖南大學 車輛工程碩士
2016.12~至今 湖南大學 副教授,博士生導師
2011.4~2016.12 湖南大學 助理教師,博士生導師
[1] 主持國家自然基金項目“一種高精度四面體單元及汽車設計中的套用”,基金號:11202074;
[2] 主持廣西區科技計畫“白車身及零部件焊點質量線上檢測關鍵技術及裝備”,項目號:桂科攻12118007-14B;[3] 主持湖南大學汽車車身先進設計製造國家重點實驗室自主研究課題,項目號:(31175002);
[4] 中國博士後科學基金一等資助: 車身薄壁結構的聲品質高精度分析與最佳化研究 (主持,8萬,2014.02-2015.12)
[5] 白車身及零部件焊點質量線上檢測關鍵技術及裝備,柳州科技計畫重點項目,(主持,2014.02-2015.12)
[6] 湖南省科技人才創新計畫(主持,20萬,2014.02-2015.12)
[7] 湖南省自然基金,基於聲固耦合的高效高精度的中頻計算方法研究(主持,5萬,2017.01-2019.12)
[9] 電動車智慧型底盤系統開發,廣西創新驅動重大項目(主持, 2019.02-2021.12)
[10] 國家重點研發計畫:基於中美合作的電動汽車前沿技術與套用聯合研究(主要參與人)
[1] 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司多款微車振動噪音開發;
[2] 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司某款MPV振動噪聲開發;
[3] 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司多款微車通過噪聲改進;
[4] 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司多款微車車身輕量化開發;
[5] 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司某款MPV輕量化開發;
[6] 南車時代電動車的車內噪聲測試及改進;
[7] 東風柳州汽車有限公司某車型測試及改進;
[8] 東風柳州汽車有限公司多款車型振動噪聲開發;
[9] 一汽海馬某款轎車的NVH開發。
[10] 焊點自動化檢測裝備開發
[11] 某款小型電動車的開發
[12] 同底盤平台的整車NVH開發,整車聲品質開發
[13] 電動車智慧型底盤系統開發
1.Cui X, He Z*, Li E, et al. State‐of‐charge estimation of power lithium‐ion batteries based on an embedded micro control unit using a square root cubature Kalman filter at various ambient temperatures[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019.
2.He Z C, Zhang Z, Li E. Multi-source random excitation identification for stochastic structures based on matrix perturbation and modified regularization method[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 119: 266-292.
3. Z. C. He, Y. Qiu, E Li *, H. J. Wang, Y. Y. Huang, Y. Shen, et al. Analysis on loudness of exhaust noise and improvement of exhaust system based on structure-loudness model[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 150: 104-112.
4.Xiao X, He Z C*, Li E, et al. Design multi-stopband laminate acoustic metamaterials for structural-acoustic coupled system[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 115: 418-433.
5.E Li, ZC He*, Gang Wang, GR Liu,An efficient algorithm to analyze wave propagation in fluid/solid and solid/fluid phononic crystals,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 333 (2018) 421-442.
6.Hao Y D, He Z C*, Li G Y, et al. Analysis and optimization of clutch judder based on a hybrid uncertain model with random and interval variables[J]. Engineering Optimization, 2018: 1-20.
7.ZC He, JY Hu, E Li*, An uncertainty model of acoustic metamaterials with random parameters,Computational Mechanics, 2018: 1-14.
8.Li E, He Z C, Wang G, et al. Fundamental study of mechanism of band gap in fluid and solid/fluid phononic crystals[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 121: 167-177.
9.E Li, ZC He*, Gang Wang, GR Liu,An efficient algorithm to analyze wave propagation in fluid/solid and solid/fluid phononic crystals,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 333 (2018) 421-442.
10.Li Q Q, He Z C, Li E, et al. Design and optimization of three-resonator locally resonant metamaterial for impact force mitigation[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27(9): 095015.
11.He Z C, Lin X Y, Li E. A non-contact acoustic pressure-based method for load identification in acoustic-structural interaction system with non-probabilistic uncertainty[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 148: 223-237.
12.He Z C, Ye H H, Li E. An efficient algorithm for nonlinear active noise control of impulsive noise[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 148: 366-374.
13.He Z C, Xiao X, Li E*. Design for structural vibration suppression in laminate acoustic metamaterials[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017.
14.ZC He, Y Wu, E Li*. Topology Optimization of Structure for Dynamic Properties Considering Hybrid Uncertain Parameters. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2017: 1-14.
15.Chen S, He ZC*. Comparisons between the dynamic and quasi-static performances of a dissipative dielectric elastomer under pure shear mode[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017.
16.E Li, ZC He*. Development of a perfect match system in the improvement of eigenfrequencies of free vibration. Applied Mathematical Modelling 44 (2017) 614-639.
17.E Li, ZC He*, JY Hu, XY Long. Volumetric locking issue with uncertainty in the design of locally resonant acoustic metamaterials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 324 (2017) 128-148.
18.He ZC, Li E*, Liu GR, Li GY, Cheng AG, A mass-redistributed finite element method (MR-FEM) for acoustic problems using triangular mesh, Journal of Computational Physics, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2016.07.025.
19.Li E, He ZC*, Wang G. An exact solution to compute the band gap in phononic crystals[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 122: 72-85.
20.He ZC, Li E*, Wang G, Li GY, Xia Z. Development of an efficient algorithm to analyze the elastic wave in acoustic metamaterials. Acta Mechanica, 2016: 1-16.
21.Wu F, He ZC*, Liu GR, Li GY, Cheng AG. A novel hybrid ES-FE-SEA for mid-frequency prediction of Transmission losses in complex acoustic systems . Applied Acoustics, 2016, 111: 198-204.
22.Chen SE, Deng L, He ZC*, Li E*, Li GY. Temperature effect on the performance of a dissipative dielectric elastomer generator with failure modes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(5): 055017
23.Li E,He ZC*,Xu X,Zhang GY,Jiang Y,A faster and accurate explicit algorithm for quasi-harmonic dynamic problems,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,2016,DOI: 10.1002/nme.5233
24.He ZC, Li E, Li GY, Wu F*, Liu GR, Nie X. Acoustic simulation using α-FEM with a general approach for reducing dispersion error. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 61:241-253.
25.He ZC, Li GY, Zhang GY*, Liu GR, Gu YT. Acoustic analysis using a mass-redistributed smoothed finite element method with quadrilateral mesh. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(8):2292-2317.
26.Li E, *He ZC, Jiang Y, Li B. 3D mass-redistributed finite element method in structural–acoustic interaction problems. Acta Mechanica, 2015:1-23.
27.Li E, *He ZC, Xu X, Liu GR, Gu YT. A three-dimensional hybrid smoothed finite element method (H-SFEM) for nonlinear solid mechanics problems. Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(12):1-23.
28.He ZC, Zhang G Y*, Deng L, Li E, Liu GR. Topology Optimization Using Node-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method, International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2015: 1550085,
29.何智成, 陳少偉, 李光耀, 張桂勇, 基於面光滑有限元的複雜三維結構拓撲最佳化. 中國機械工程, 2015,07:864-870.
30.He ZC, Li GY, Liu GR, Cheng AG*, Li E. Numerical investigation of ES-FEM with various mass re-distribution for acoustic problems. Applied Acoustics, 2015, 89:222-233.
31.Li E,*He ZC, Chen L, Li B, Xu X, Liu GR, An ultra-accurate hybrid smoothed finite element method for piezoelectric problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2015,50:188-197.
32.Li E, *He ZC, Xu X, Liu GR. Hybrid smoothed finite element method for acoustic problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 283:664–688.
33. 何智成,李光耀,成艾國,鐘志華,基於邊光滑有限元的聲固耦合研究. 機械工程學報, 2014,04:113-119.
34. *He ZC, Li GY, Li E, Zhong ZH, Liu GR, Mid-frequency acoustic analysis using edge-based smoothed tetrahedron radial point interpolation methods. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014,11(5):10
35. Wu F,Liu GR, Li GY*,Cheng AG,He ZC,A new hybrid smoothed FEM for static and free vibration analyses of Reissner–Mindlin Plates. Computational Mechanics, 2014, 54(3):865-890.
36. He ZC,Li GY,Zhong ZH,Cheng AG*,Zhang GY,Liu GR,Li E,Zhou Z ,An edge-based smoothed tetrahedron finite element method (ES-T-FEM) for 3D static and dynamic problems. Computational Mechanics, 2013, 52(1): 221-236.
37. He ZC,Li GY,Zhong ZH, Cheng AG*,Zhang GY,Li E,An Improved Modal Analysis for Three-Dimensional Problems Using Face-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2013, 26(26):140-150.
38. Li E,He ZC*,Xu X,An edge-based smoothed tetrahedron finite element method (ES-T-FEM) for thermomechanical problems,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,66:723-732。
39. 發明專利:201210050289,何智成;成艾國;周澤;陳少偉;王國春;陳濤,一種汽車傳動軸支撐件性能的判定方法(已授權)
40. 發明專利:201210049199,成艾國;何智成;陳少偉;王國春;陳濤,一種白車身減薄率超音波檢測設備(已授權)
41. 發明專利:201210489155,何智成;王彬;周恩臨;潘能貴;余志南,一種新型汽車空氣壓縮機離合器結構(已公示)
2010年 獲得國家博士研究生學術新人獎
2014年 教育部科技進步一等獎、國家產學研獎勵
2015年 湖南省湖湘青年英才(全省35歲以下20人)
2016年 湖南省優秀博士論文獎勵
2018年 湖南省科技進步一等獎(排名第三)