(1) Analysis and prevention of rockburst hazard at the coal face with high stress and hard sandstone. Controlling Seismic Hazard and Sustainable Development of Deep Mines: 757-762. New York: Rinton Press. 2009年,EI 收錄。
(2) Optimal model of rockburst prediction based on the fuzzy neural network. Controlling Seismic Hazard and Sustainable Development of Deep Mines: 1161-1166. New York: Rinton Press. 2009年,EI 收錄。
(3) Active multidimensional control of rapid deformation instability of a coal roadway in a deep mine. Controlling Seismic Hazard and Sustainable Development of Deep Mines: 633-638. New York: Rinton Press. 2009年,EI 收錄。
(4) Coutermeasure research on preventing rock burst with hard roof by energy mechanism. Boundaries of Rock Mechanics: 857-860. London: Taylor & Francis/Balkema. 2008年,EI & ISTP 收錄。
(5) Destressing design and practice of a soft rock roadway under high ground pressure. Boundaries of Rock Mechanics: 287-290. London: Taylor & Francis / Balkema. 2008年,EI & ISTP 收錄。
(6) Study on electromagnetic radiation forecast for rock burst with hard roof. Boundaries of Rock Mechanics: 811-814. London: Taylor & Francis/Balkema. 2008年,EI & ISTP 收錄。
(7) Controlling of rock burst in chain pillars between hydraulic mining face and drying mining face. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 29 (3): 247-250, 271. 2007年,EI 收錄。
(8) Application of prestress truss cable in large cross section coal roadway. Journal of China Coal Society, 32 (10): 1061-1065. 2007年,EI 收錄。
(9) Study on surrounding rock stability of working face supported by bolt-mesh-anchor in soft and thick coal seam. Chinese Journal of Rock mechanics and Engineering23(19): 3298-3304. 2004年,EI 收錄。
(10) Numerical simulation of destressing maintenance for a tailentry along gob area. Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries: 673-676. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 2001年,EI 收錄。
(11) Study on depressurizing control of the surrouding rock of a roadway along gob area. Journal of China Coal Society25 (6): 589-592. 2000年,EI 收錄。
(12) Hydraulic pressure monitoring system for powered supports at a coal face. Mining Science and Technology’99: 395-398. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 1999年,EI 收錄。
(13) Hydraulic Pressure Information Monitoring System for Underground Supports. Proc. of the 3rd APCOM: 95-98. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication . 1998年,EI 收錄。
(14) Diagnosing and monitoring the leakage of hydraulic system. Proceedings of Third Regional APCOM Symposium: 107-109. Kalgoorlie: Press of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1998年,EI 收錄。
(15) Tilt characteristics and control conditions of high powered support. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology26 (4): 20-24. 1997年,EI 收錄。
(16) Study and practice of high output, high efficiency and high mining height longwall mining techniques.Journal of Fuxin Mining Institute16 (1):5-8. 1997年,EI 收錄。
(17) Ground pressure real time monitoring system. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology26(2): 83-88. 1997.年,EI 收錄。
(18) Analysis and identification of leakage failure in hydraulic system of hydraulic powered support. Coal Science and Technology25(11): 7-9. 1997年,EI 收錄。
(19) Mechanism of coupling effect between supports in the workings and the rocks. Journal of China Coal Society 21(1): 40-44. 1996年,EI 收錄。
(20) Analysis of key block in the structure of voussoir beam in longwall mining. Journal of China Coal Society19(6): 557-563. 1994年,SCI 收錄。
(21) Mechanism and control of cataclastic rock mass caving of immediate roof on fully mechanized coal face. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology23(2): 18-25. 1994年,EI 收錄。
(22) Monitoring Indices for the support and surrounding strata system on a longwall face. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining: 255-262. Wollongong: Press of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1992年,EI & ISTP 收錄。
(23) Study of the interaction between supports and surrounding rocks in longwall mining face with large mining height. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mining Technology and Science: 493-500. Xuzhou: China University of Mining & Technology. 1991年,EI 收錄。
(24) The behavior of the main roof in longwall mining―weighting span, fracture and disturbance. Journal of Mines, Metals & FuelsⅩⅩⅩⅤⅡ(6&7): 240-246. 1989年,EI and SCI 收錄。
(25) Study and application on compound active pre-stressed support system. Progress in Safety Science and Technology: 2478-2481. Beijing: Science Press. 2008年,ISTP 收錄。
(26) Study on drainage technology by 1000m long roof boreholes in strike of high methane coal seam group. Progress in Safety Science and Technology: 1501-1505. Beijing: Science Press. 2008年,ISTP 收錄。
(27) Application of grouting in separated layer to prevent and control rock burst in colliery. Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol. V, Parts A and B: 488-493. Science Press. 2005年,ISTP 收錄。
(28) Stability and its control of top-coal in the longwall prop-free area. Mining Science and Technology: 77-80. Netherlands: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 2004年,ISTP 收錄。
(29) Monitoring indices and control of the intermediate roof caving in longwall coal face. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection’98: 227-230. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 1998年,ISTP 收錄。
(30) Study on the caving of jointed immediate roof and monitoring of powered supports in longwall face. Mining Science and Technology: 115-118. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 1996年,ISTP 收錄。
(31) The system of strata control around longwall face in China. Mining Science and Technology: 15-18. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema Publishers. 1996年,ISTP 收錄。