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5. Public Policy in Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Supreme People’s Court of China, 27(3) Hong Kong Law Journal (2013). SSCI
6. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments between USA and China: A Study of Sanlian v Robinson, 6(1) Tsinghua China Law Review (2013).
7. Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in China: Dominant Role of the Supreme People's Court, 7(3) World Arbitration & Mediation Review(2013).
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11. The EU Choice of law Communitarization and the Modernization of Chinese Private International Law, 76(1) RabelsZ (2012).
12. Prospective UNCITRAL Technical Assistance for Asian Countries in International Arbitration, 7 The Asian Business Lawyer (2011).
13. A Global Online Dispute Resolution System: Is China Ready to Join?, 7 The Asian Business Lawyer (2011).
14. China’s Private International Law (1978–2008), 5(2) Frontiers of Law in China (2010).
15. Recent Developments with Regard to Choice of Law in Tort in China, 11 Yearbook of Private International Law (2009).
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