任海燕(Ren Haiyan)

任海燕(Ren Haiyan)

任海燕,博士,教授,博士生導師;國家級青年人才,2023年當選中國婦女第十三次全國代表大會代表。獲國家林業和草原局林草科技創新領軍人才、農業農村部人才計畫、教育部霍英東青年教師基金、內蒙古自治區“草原英才”、內蒙古自治區青年創新人才、中國科學院“西部之光”等榮譽。主持國家重點研發計畫青年科學家項目、國家自然科學基金、內蒙古自治區傑出青年基金等科研項目20項。擔任中國生態學學會理事,以及Journal of Plant Ecology期刊青年編委等。







1. 國家級青年人才項目,草原碳庫形成機制及其固碳增匯潛力,2022–2025,主持
2. 國家重點研發計畫青年科學家項目,草種包衣技術研究及其在草地生態系統保護修復中的套用,2022–2025,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金項目,荒漠草原葉際微生物對長期增溫和氮添加的回響及其與植被生產力和多樣性的關係,2023–2026,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金項目,模擬不同氮沉降量和不同氮形態組成比例對荒漠草原植物氮吸收偏好的影響,2018–2021,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金項目,利用N自然豐度法和N示蹤法揭示內蒙古典型草原植物的氮吸收喜好,2014–2016,主持


1. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Isbell F, Huang JH, Han XG, Wan SQ, Chen SP, Wang RZ, Zeng D-H,Jiang Y, Fang YT. Exacerbated nitrogen limitation ends transient stimulation of grassland productivity by increased precipitation. Ecological Monographs, 2017, 87(3):457–469.
2. Ren HY, Han GD, Li M-H, Gao CP, Jiang L. Ethylene-regulated leaf lifespan explains divergent responses of plant productivity to warming among three hydrologically different growing seasons. Global Change Biology,2021, 27(17):4169–4180.
3. Ren HY, Tian L, Zhu Y, Xu ZW,Zeng D-H, Fang YT, Han GD. Nitrogen and water addition alter nitrogen uptake preferences of two dominant plant species in a typical Inner Mongolian steppe. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(13):1459–1468.
4. Ren HY, Kang J, Yuan ZY, Xu ZW, Han GD. Responses of nutrient resorption to warming and nitrogen fertilization in contrasting wet and dry years in a desert grassland. Plant and Soil, 2018,432(1):65–73.
5. Ren HY, Qin J, Yan BL, Alata, Baoyinhexige, Han GD. Mass loss and nutrient dynamics during litter decomposition in response to warming and nitrogen addition in a desert steppe. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2018, 5(1):64–70.
6. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Huang JH, Lü XT, Zeng D-H, Yuan ZY, Han XG, Fang YT. Increased precipitation induces a positive plant-soil feedback in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 2015, 389(1):211–223.
7. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Zhang WH, Jiang L, Huang JH, Chen SP, Wang LX, Han XG. Linking ethylene to nitrogen-dependent leaf longevity of grass species in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany, 2013,112(9):1879–1885.
8. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Huang JH, Clark C, Han XG. Nitrogen and water addition reduce leaf longevity of steppe species. Annals of Botany, 2011, 107(1):145–155.
9. Wu Q, RenHY, Wang ZW,Zhiguo Li, Liu YH, Wang Z, Li YH, Zhang RY, Zhao ML, Chang S, Han GD. Additive negative effects of decadal warming and nitrogen addition on grassland community stability. Journal of Ecology, 2020, 108(4):1442–1452.
10. Xu ZW, Ren HY, Li M-H, Van Ruijven J, Han XG, Wan SQ, Li H, Yu Q, JiangY, Jiang L. Environmental changes drive the temporal stability of semi-arid natural grasslands through altering species asynchrony. Journal of Ecology, 2015, 103(5):1308–1316.
11. Qin J, Ren HY*, Han GD,Zhang J, Browning D, Willms W, Yang DL. Grazing reduces the temporal stability of temperate grasslands in northern China. Flora, 2019, 259:151450.
12. Wu Q, Ren HY, Bisseling T,Chang SX, Wang Z, Li YH, Pan ZL, Liu YH, Cahill JF, Cheng X, Zhao ML, Wang ZW,Li ZG, Han GD. Long-term warming and nitrogen addition have contrasting effects on ecosystem carbon exchange in a desert steppe. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(11):7256−7265.
13. Tian L, Zhu Y, Li X, Han GD, Ren HY*. Responses of plant phenology to warming and nitrogen addition under different precipitation conditions in a desert steppe of Nei Mongol, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022,46(3):290–299.
14. Zhu Y, Yu KL, Wu Q, Cheng X, Li ZG, Wang ZW, Zhao ML, Wilkes A,Bisselling T, Han GD, Ren HY*. Seasonal precipitation and soil microbial community influence plant growth response to warming and N addition in a desert steppe. Plant and Soil, 2023, 482(1), 245–259.
15. 任海燕 主編. 內蒙古草原生產力對氣候變化回響的研究. 呼和浩特. 內蒙古大學出版社.2022.


1. 內蒙古農業大學草原與資源環境學院教師教學技能大賽一等獎(2019)
2. 中國生態學大會青年優秀報告獎(2014)
3. 東北師範大學“優秀畢業生”、“優秀學生”、“校長獎學金”、“一等獎學金”和“國家獎學金”(2003–2006)

