- 中文名:任冰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1972
- 性別:女
- 職稱:教授
- Ren Bing*, Wen Hongjie, Dong Ping, Wang Yongxue. Improved SPH simulation of wave motions and turbulent flows through porous media. Coastal Engineering, 107 (2016), 14-27.
- 任冰, 李晨光, 蔣梅榮, 王國玉,王永學. 彈性變形對三維彈性液箱內晃蕩波面的影響. 科學通報, 2015, 60: 1–10.
- Chenguang Li, Meirong Jiang, Bing Ren, Yongxuewang Wang,Experimental investigation into the effects of fluid-structure interaction on the sloshing waves in 3D elastic tanks. Proceeding of 36th IAHR World Congress. IAHR 2015, 28 June–3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands.
- Meirong Jiang, Bing Ren, Guoyu Wang. Laboratory study on the hydrodynamic and structural characteristic of violent sloshing in elastic tanks. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/17445302.2015.1023067. (SCI, EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, He Ming, Dong Ping, Wen Hongjie. Nonlinear simulations of wave-induced motions of a freely floating body using WCSPH method. Applied Ocean Research, 2015, 50, 1-12. (SCI, EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Jin Zhao, Gao Rui, Wang Yongxue, Xu Zhilin. SPH-DEM modeling of the hydraulic stability of 2D blocks on a slope. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 2014, 140(6), 04014022: 1-12.(SCI, EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Wen Hongjie, Dong Ping, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of wave interaction with porous structures using an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamic method. Coastal Engineering, 88(2014): 88-100. (SCI, EI收錄)
- Jiang Meirong, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory investigation of the hydroelastic effect on liquid sloshing in rectangular tanks. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2014, 26(5): 751-761.(SCI, EI收錄)
- Jiang Meirong, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory study on the hydrodynamic and structural characteristic of violent sloshing in elastic tanks. The 7th International Conference on the Thin-Walled Structures, Sep.28- Oct. 2, 2014, Busan, Korea, ICTWS2014-0801: 1-10.(EI收錄)
- 蔣梅榮, 任冰, 李小超, 王永學. 有限液深下彈性側壁液艙內晃蕩共振特性實驗研究. 大理工大學學報, 2014, 54(5): 558-567.
- Wen Hongjie, Ren Bing. 3D numerical wave basin based on parallelized SPH method. OMAE 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, California, USA.(EI收錄)
- 孫見峰, 任冰, 宋子路, 王永學. 波浪對彈性支撐結構物衝擊作用試驗研究. 大連理工大學學報, 2014, 54(2): 222-227.
- 崔焱, 姜峰, 任冰. 波浪作用下斜坡上護面塊體內部應力分布數值模擬. 海洋工程, 2014, 32(5): 78-84.
- 宋子路, 任冰, 孫見峰, 劉明, 王國玉. 彈性支撐水平板上的波浪衝擊壓力試驗研究. 水動力學研究與進展, 2014, 29(4): 435-443.
- 蔣梅榮, 任冰, 溫鴻傑, 王永學. 彈性液艙內液體晃蕩實驗研究. 海洋工程, 2013, 31(5): 1-10.
- He Ming, Ren Bing, Jiang Feng, Ma Chunli, Simulation of dynamic coupling between waves and a free-floating rectangular box by smoothed particle hydrodynamics. OMAE2013, June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France, OMAE2013-10286.(EI收錄)
- 任冰, 金釗, 高睿, 賀銘, 王永學. 波浪與斜坡堤護面塊體相互作用的SPH-DEM數值模擬. 大連理工大學學報, 2013, 53(2): 241-248.
- Ding Zhaoqiang, Wang Guoyu, Ren Bing. Three dimensional numerical simulation of wave slamming on an open structure. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24(4):526-534. (SCI、EI收錄)
- 金釗, 任冰, 徐志林, 王國玉. 基於SPH並行算法的數值波浪水槽研究. 第二十四屆全國水動力學研討會文集, 332-339, 2012年, 江蘇無錫.
- 任冰, 葉曉文, 高睿, 王國玉, 王永學. 波浪與多孔介質結構相互作用的SPH模擬. 海洋工程, 2012, 30(2): 46-53.
- Cheng Xiaofei, Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu. Numerical study of hydrodynamic forces on a submarine piggyback pipeline under wave action. The 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, OMAE2012-83214.(EI收錄)
- 張秋艷, 任冰, 蔣梅榮. 二維矩形彈性液艙內液體晃蕩數值模擬研究. 船海工程, 2012, 41(4): 11-20.
- 任冰, 高睿, 金釗, 王國玉, 王永學. 波浪對透空式結構物衝擊作用的光滑粒子流體動力學數值模擬. 海洋學報, 2012, 34(1): 163-177.
- Gao Rui, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Numerical modelling of regular wave slamming on subface of open-piled structures with the SPH method. Applied Ocean Research, 2012, 34: 173-186.(SCI, EI收錄)
- Li Xueyan, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic characteristic on arc crown wall using VOF method based on BFC. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(6): 767-776.(SCI、EI收錄)
- 任冰, 李雪艷, 王永學. 基於貼體格線的VOF方法數模流場研究. 計算力學學報, 2011, 28(6): 872-878.
- 李雪艷, 任冰, 王國玉, 王永學. 基於BFC-VOF方法的弧形防浪牆水動力數值模擬. 水道港口, 2011, 32(4): 270-275.
- 郭保臣, 任冰, 劉明. 波浪衝擊作用下海洋結構物的動力回響. 水道港口, 2011, 32(3): 168-172.
- Gao Rui, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. SPH Model of Solitary Waves Shoaling on a Mild Sloping Beach, Proceedings of the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, June 20 25, 2010. 590-595. (EI收錄)
- 高睿, 任冰, 王國玉, 王永學. 孤立波淺化過程的SPH數值模擬. 水動力學研究與進展, A輯, 2010, 25(5): 620-629.
- Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Han Peng, Wang Yongxue. Numerical non-reflecting irregular wave flume based on VOF method. The ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.OMAE2009, May 31 - June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,OMAE2009-79206.(EI收錄)
- Li Xuelin, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Numerical study of the irregular wave impact. The 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 510-517, Osaka,Japan, June 21-26, 2009.(EI收錄)
- Ding Zhaoqiang, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Spectral analysis of unidirectional wave slamming on the three-dimensional structures in the splash zone. The 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1024-1030, Osaka, Japan, June 21-26, 2009.(EI收錄)
- 高睿, 任冰. 波浪沿斜坡傳播的SPH數值模擬. 第十四屆中國海洋(岸)工程學術討論會論文集, 482-487, 呼和浩特, 2009.8.
- 韓朋, 任冰, 李雪臨, 王永學. 基於VOF方法的不規則波數值浪水槽的阻尼消波研究. 水道港口, 2009, 30(1): 9-13.
- 丁兆強, 任冰, 王永學, 任效忠, 隨機波浪對浪濺區三維結構物衝擊作用, 大連理工大學學報, 2008.11, 48(6):904-911. (EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Wang Yongxue. An irregular wave maker of active absorption with VOF method. China Ocean Engineering, 2008.12, 22, 4, 1-12. (SCI、EI收錄)
- Ding Zhaoqiang, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue, Ren Xiaozhong. Experimental study of unidirectional irregular wave slamming on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2008, 35(16): 1637-1646. (SCI、EI收錄)
- 丁兆強, 任冰, 王永學, 任效忠. 單向波對浪濺區三維結構物衝擊作用的研究. 第十三屆中國海洋工程學術討論會論文集, 2007, 176-184.
- 李雪臨, 任冰, 王永學. VOF方法中主動吸收式無反射數值造波研究. 第二十屆全國水動力學研討會文集, 2007, 265-272.
- Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Wang Yongxue. Experimental investigation of the instantaneous properties of wave slamming on the plate. China Ocean Engineering, 2007, 21(3): 533-540.(SCI、EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Ding Zhaoqiang, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of regular wave impact on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone. The 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2007, 3623-3629.(EI收錄)
- 任冰, 李雪臨, 王永學. 波浪衝擊過程流場變化特性實驗研究. 海洋工程, 2006, 24(4): 68-74.
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory study of random wave slamming on a piled wharf with different shore connecting structures. Coastal Engineering, 2005, 52(5): 463-471.(SCI、EI收錄)
- 黃小華, 王永學, 任冰. 波浪變態模型試驗變率影響的計算機仿真研究, 中國造船, 2005, 46(增刊): 153-161.
- 張紅玉, 王永學, 任冰. 人工神經網路在計算波浪衝擊力中的套用, 中國造船, 2004, 45(增刊): 110-116.
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of random wave slamming on the structure in the splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2004, 31(5-6): 547-560.(SCI、EI收錄),《科學引文索引》他人引用9次
- Zhang Hongyu, Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing. Application of neural network on wave impact force prediction. International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISSN 2004), 2004.08, Advances in Neural Networks, PT 2: 854-859.(SCI、ISTP收錄)
- 任冰, 王永學. 隨機波浪對不同接岸型式碼頭上部結構的衝擊作用研究. 第十八屆全國水動力學研討會文集, 新疆烏魯木齊, 2004 .08, 481-492.
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Impact pressure of incident regular waves and irregular waves on the surface of open-piled structures. China Ocean Engineering, 2004, 18(1): 35-46.(SCI、EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of irregular wave impact on the structures in splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2003, 30(18): 2363-2377.(SCI、EI收錄)
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of irregular wave impact on piled wharf with permeable slope shore connecting. APAC2003,Japan, 2004, 177-178.
- 任冰, 王永學. 不規則波對透空式建築物上部結構衝擊作用時域分析. 大連理工大學學報, 2003, 43(6): 818-824.《中國引文資料庫》他人引用1次
- 任冰, 王永學. 不規則波對浪濺區結構物衝擊作用的試驗研究¾頻域分析. 海洋工程, 2003, 21(4): 53-60.
- 任冰, 王永學. 隨機波浪對透空式建築物上部結構衝擊作用的數值模擬. 第十一屆中國海岸工程學術討論會暨2003年海峽兩岸港口及海岸開發研討會論文集, 海南三亞, 2003, 195-204.
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Spectral analysis of irregular wave impact on the structure in splash zone. OMAE, Oslo, Norway, 2002, OMAE2002-28091.(EI收錄)
- Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing. Experimental study of Irregular Wave slamming. ISOPE , Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002, 492-495.(EI、ISTP收錄)
- Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue, Kassels Seth. Experimental investigation of wave impact on piled wharves with different shore connecting structure. APAC, Dalian, China, 2001, 751-757.(EI、ISTP收錄)
- 任冰, 王永學. 波浪對不同接岸型式樁基碼頭衝擊作用的實驗研究. 第五屆全國水動力學學術會暨第十五屆全國水動力學研討會論文集, 武漢, 2001, 150-157.
- 任冰, 王永學. 非線性波浪對結構物的衝擊作用. 大連理工大學學報, 1999, 39(4): 562-566.《中國引文資料庫》他人引用3次
- 王永學, 任冰. 波浪衝擊過程的湍流數值模擬. 水動力學研究與進展, A輯, 1999, 14(4): 409-417.《科學引文索引》他人引用2次, 《中國引文資料庫》他人引用9次
- Wang Yongxue, Liu Mengzhe, Ren Bing. Experimental study of wave slamming. OMAE’98, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998, OMAE98-0403.(EI收錄)