第一章代謝總論 (Chapter 1. Metabolism Overview)
1.5 代謝組及代謝組學 (Metabolome and metabolomics)
1.3 代謝途徑的分室化 (Compartmentalization of metabolic pathways)
1.1 代謝 (Metabolism)
1.4 代謝研究的方法 (Methods for studying the metabolism)
1.2 代謝途經 (Metabolic pathways)
第二章 生物能學(Chapter 2. Bioenergetics)
2.2 生化反應的標準條件 (Standard conditions in biochemical reactions)
2.1 生物能學與吉布斯方程 ( Bioenergetics and Gibbs equations )
2.3 生命系統內的偶聯反應 (Coupling reactions in life systems)
2.4 高能生物分子 (High-energy biomolecules)
第三章 生物氧化 (Chapter 3. Biological oxidation)
3.8 氧化磷酸化抑制劑 (Inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation)
3.4 氧化磷酸化 (Oxidative phosporylation)
3.7 結合變構學說 (Binding change theory)
3.5 化學滲透學說 (Chemiosmotic theory)
3.3 複合體 (Complexes)
3.1 生物氧化 (Biological oxidation)
3.6 Q循環(Q cycle)
3.2 呼吸鏈 (Respiratory chain)
第4章 糖酵解(Chapter 4. Glycolysis)
4.5 六碳糖的腰斬 (Splitting of six-carbon sugar)
4.2 葡萄糖的磷酸化 (Phosphorylation of glucose)
4.11 第二步底物水平的磷酸化 (Another substrate-level phosphorylation)
4.6 磷酸丙糖的異構化 (Isomerization of phosphotriose)
4.9 磷酸甘油酸的變位 (Mutatation of phosphoglycerate)
4.1 糖酵解概述 (Glycolysis overview)
4.7 3-磷酸甘油醛的脫氫 (Dehydrogenation of glyceraldehyde-3-pphosphate)
4.8 第一步底物水平的磷酸化 (First substrate-level phosphorylation)
4.3 磷酸葡糖的異構化 (Isomerization of phosphoglucose)
4.4 磷酸果糖的再次磷酸化 (Further phosphorylation of phosphofructose)
4.10 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸的形成 (Formation of PEP)
4.12 其他底物進入糖酵解 (Other substrates for glycolysis)
第五章 三羧酸循環 (Chapter 5. Tricarboxylic acid cycle)
5.1 三羧酸循環概述 (Overview of TCA cycle)
5.2 三羧酸循環底物的形成 (Formation of substrates for TCA cycle)
5.11 乙醛酸循環 (The glyoxylate cycle)
5.3 檸檬酸的形成 (Formation of citrate)
5.5 異檸檬酸的氧化脫羧 (Oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate)
5.8 草醯乙酸的再生 (Regeneration of OAA)
5.6 α-酮戊二酸的氧化脫羧 (Oxidative decarboxylation of α-ketoglutarate)
5.10 三羧酸循環的回補反應 (Anaplerotic reactions of TCA cycle)
5.4 異檸檬酸的形成 (Formation of isocitrate)
5.7 唯一的一步底物水平磷酸化 (Unique substrate-level phosphorylation)
5.9 三羧酸循環的調控 (Regulation of TCA cycle)
第六章 磷酸戊糖途徑(Chapter 6. Pentose phosphate pathway)
6.3 磷酸戊糖的異構化(Isomerization of pentose phosphate)
6.4 碳單位的轉移(The transfer of carbon units)
6.6 NADPH的功能(The biological functions of NADPH)
6.5 PPP的多種工作模式(Multiple operating modes of PPP)
6.1 酸戊糖途經概述(The overview of the pentose phosphate pathway)
6.2 六碳糖的斬首(Decapitation of six-carbon sugar)
第七章 糖異生(Chapter 7. Gluconeogenesis)
7.1 糖異生概述(Overview of gluconeogenesis)
7.2 丙酮酸到PEP的轉變(Conversion of pyruvate to PEP)
7.3 1,6-二磷酸果糖到葡萄糖的轉變(Conversion of F-1,6-BP to glucose)
7.4 Cori循環(Cori cycle)
第八章 糖原代謝(Chapter 8. Glycogen metabolism)
8.1 糖原分解(Glycogen breakdown)
8.3 糖原代謝的調控(Regulation of glycogen metabolism)
8.2 糖原的合成(Glycogen synthesis)
第九章 脂肪和磷脂的代謝 (Chapter 9. Metabolism of fat and phospholipids)
9.3 磷脂的分解 (Decomposition of phospholipids)
9.2 脂肪的合成 (Synthesis of fat)
9.4 甘油磷脂的合成 (Synthesis of glycerophospholipids)
9.1 脂肪的分解 (Hydrolysis of fat)
第十章 脂肪酸代謝(Chapter 10. FFA metabolism)
10.10 脂肪酸代謝的調控(Regulation of FFA metabolism)
10.5 異常脂肪酸的β氧化(β-oxidation of unusual FFA)
10.2 脂肪酸的β氧化(β-oxidation of FFA)
10.3 脂肪酸的活化 (Activation of FFA)
10.7 脂肪酸合成的概況(Overview of FFA synthesis)
10.1 脂肪酸分解的概況(Overview of FFA breakdown)
10.8 乙醯輔酶A的活化(Activation of acetyl-CoA)
10.6 酮體的形成和利用(Formation and utilization of ketone bodies)
10.4 脂醯-CoA跨線粒體內膜的轉運(Transmembrane transport of acyl-CoA)
10.9 脂肪酸合成的七步反應(Seven reactions of FFA synthesis)
第十一章 膽固醇代謝(Chapter 11 Cholesterol metabolism)
11.4 膽固醇生物合成的調控(Regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis)
11.2 膽固醇的分解及其代謝轉變(Degradation and conversion of cholesterol)
11.3 膽固醇的轉運(Cholesterol trafficking and delivery)
11.1 膽固醇的生物合成(Biosynthesis of cholesterol)
第十二章 胺基酸代謝 (Chapter 12 Metabolism of Amion Acids)
12.7 胺基酸的生物合成 (Biosynthesis of amino acids)
12.5 谷氨醯胺合成酶 (Glutamine synthetase)
12.6 尿素循環(The urea cycle)
12.4 氨的代謝轉變 (Metabolic shift of ammonia)
12.1 胺基酸的分解 (Breakdown of amino acids)
12.2 胺基酸氧化酶和谷氨酸脫氫酶 (Amino acid oxidase and Lutamate dehydrogenase)
12.3 轉氨酶 (Transaminase)
第十三章 核苷酸代謝(Chapter 13. Nucleotide metabolism)
13.2 嘧啶核苷酸的從頭合成(De novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides)
13.3 核苷酸的補救合成(Salvage synthesis of nucleotides)
13.5 dTMP的合成(Synthesis of dTMP)
13.8 嘧啶核苷酸的降解(Degradation of pyrimidine nucleotides)
13.7 嘌呤核苷酸的降解(Degradation of purine nucleotides)
13.4 脫氧核苷酸的合成(Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides)
13.1 嘌呤核苷酸的從頭合成(De novo synthesis of purine nucleotides)
13.6 核苷酸還原酶(Ribonucleotide reductase)
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7. Laurence A. Moran, Robert A. Horton, Gray Scrimgeour and Marc Perry. Principles of Biochemistry. 6th ed. Pearson Education, Inc., 2016
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9. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, and Martin Raff, Essential Cell Biology. 5th ed. Garland Science, 2019
10. Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet and Charlotte W. Pratt. Biochemistry. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014