- 中文名:代祺
- 外文名:Dai Qi
- 國籍:中國
- 主要成就:主持或參與國家級、省部級項目6項,發表國內外學術論文30餘篇。
1、 國家自然科學基金青年項目:基於個體和情境差異的雙面信息廣告說服效應研究(批准號:70902028)
2、 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目:我國消費者非倫理消費行為的實證研究(批准號:09YJC630216)
3、 中國科學院預測研究中心項目:中國私人轎車消費量與消費結構預測研究。
5、 國家自然科學基金項目:集團互動控制系統:行為自適應性與動態演化機制。(批准號:71272064)
6、 國家社會科學基金項目:公務員對廉政教育政治態度的實證研究。(批准號:12BZZ022)
代祺,劉阿龍,曹忠鵬. 我國消費者道德信念量表的開發與跨文化比較——以大學生為例.中國青年研究,2015,5: 94-98.
Shen T, Dai Q, Wang R, et al. The Impact of Online Additional Reviews on Consumer's Purchase Process[J]. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change , 2015, 6(1): 24-40.
代祺,曹忠鵬,沈國謙. B2C模式下的消費者道德決策:自我監控的調節效應. 技術經濟, 2015, 34(1):117-124.
代祺,李璟,曹忠鵬. 面子意識在大學生非倫理消費決策中的調節效應分析. 中國青年研究, 2014, 9: 106-110.
Xiaoyan Zhou, Qi Dai. Signing before the inspection or after the inspection? The empirical study of factors affecting consumers’ online shopping goods receiving way. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Science,2014, 5(5):441-448.
Tingrui Chou, E.C. Chang, Qi Dai, and V. Wong. Replacement between conformity and counter-conformity in consumption decisions. Psychological Reports: Human Resources & Marketing, 2013, 112 (1): 1-26.
Wu Jianlin, Dai Qi. The impact of product-harm crisis on purchase intention: moderating effects of consumer echnocentrism, The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, 2012,5.
Dai Qi, Cao Zhongpeng, Li Jin. Chinese consumer ethical beliefs: a scalce development and comparison, International Conference on Management and Service Sicence, 2011,9.
代祺,梁梁,曹忠鵬,古繼寶. 涉入度對雙面信息廣告說服效果的調節機理研究,預測,2010,29(5):16-23.
曹忠鵬,趙曉煜,代祺. 顧客繼續使用自助服務技術影響因素研究,南開管理評論,2010,13(3):90-100.
Dai Qi, Liang Liang,Cao Zhongpeng, Wu Jianlin. The Impact of Message Sidedness on Online Ads Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement, Proceedings of the International Conference on E-business and E-government(ICEE2010), 7-9 May2010 inGuangzhou,China: 3164-3167.
Chou Ting-Jui, Veronica Wong, Dai Qi, Chang En-Chung. To Change or to Stand: The Replacement Mechanism between Conformity and Counter-Conformity Behaviors. 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, 13-16 August2010 inBoston, American.
Wu Jianlin, Dai Qi. Moderating Effect of Personal Innovativeness in the Model for E-store Loyalty. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE2010), 7-9 May 2010, Guangzhou, China:2065-2068.
代祺等. 當代中國青年人口與健康發展狀況研究報告. 北京:中國青年出版社,2008年6月,174-234.
Dai Qi, Liang Liang,Cao Zhongpeng, Wu Jianlin. Responses to Two-sided Advertising: The Moderating Effects of Need for Cognition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), 25-27 March 2010, Chengdu, China: 2456-2459.
Wu Jianlin, Zhu Ning, Dai Qi. Consumer ethnocentrism, product attitudes and purchase intentions of Domestic Products inChina. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), 25-27 March 2010, Chengdu, China: 2262-2265.
Gu Jibao, Huang Bin, Dai Qi. Forecasting of Chinese Private Car Consumption Structure Based on Conjoint Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), 25-27 March 2010, Chengdu, China: 2309-2312.
代祺,周庭銳. 青少年從眾、不從眾與反從眾消費行為的實證研究——基於享樂型和功能型產品的比較. 2009年JMS中國行銷科學學術年會論文集(上),296-308.
代祺,周庭銳,胡培. 我國城市青少年從眾、不從眾與反從眾消費行為的實證研究,預測,2007,26(4):42-48.
代祺,周庭銳,胡培. 消費者基本社會需要的衝突與權衡,行銷科學學報(JMS),2007,3(2):43-55.
代祺,周庭銳,胡培. 情境視角下從眾與反從眾消費行為的實證研究,管理科學,2007,4(4):38-47.
代祺,胡培,周庭銳. 參照群體壓力下的不從眾與反從眾消費行為的實證研究,消費經濟,2007,6:82-87.
代祺,胡培,周庭銳. 青少年從眾、不從眾與反從眾消費行為的實證研究,中國青年研究,2007,4:37-41.
代祺,方奕. 1990~2007年中國青少年消費研究發展評述,當代青年研究,2007,11:22-25.