



  • 中文名:代宏硯
  • 職稱:副教授


碩士,2004.9-2006.7,清華大學, 自動化系


教授,2018.11- ,中央財經大學,北京
訪問學者,2016.1-2016-2, 南洋理工大學,新加坡
副教授,2013.11 -2018.10, 中央財經大學,北京


《現代物流及供應鏈管理》,《物流管理》,《管理學原理》,《物流管理信息系統》,《本科生/研究生專業指導》, 《博士生文獻閱讀》


O2O 即時物流,眾包管理,共享經濟,物聯網




[1] Weihua Zhou, Yaqi Pu, Dai H.Y, Qingwei Jin. Cooperative interconnection settlement among ISPs through NAP. European Journal of Operational Research(SCI) . 256(3) 2017. 991–1003.
[2] Dai H.Y., J. Li, N.Yan, W. Zhou. Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage. European Journal of Operational Research(SCI),250(2),2016. 457-469.
[3] Dai, H. Y., Ling Ge, Weihua Zhou. A design method for supply chain traceability systems with aligned interests. . International Journal of Production Economics. 2015. 170. 14-24.
[4] Dai, H.Y.,Nan Yang, Nina Yan,A Pricing Strategy to Align Supply Chain Interests for Product Recall,2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (EI),2015.12.6-2015.12.8.
[5] Dai, H. Y., M. M. Tseng, P. H. Zipkin. Design of Traceability Systems for Product Recall. International Journal of Production Research(SCI)2015. 53(2), 511-531.
[6] Chen, Songlin; Wu, Shuli; Zhang, Xiaojin; Dai, H.Y, An Evolutionary Approach for Product Line Adaptation. International Journal of Production Research(SCI). 52(20), 5932-5944, 2014..
[7] Yan, N. N; Dai, H.Y. Sun, B. Optimal bi-level Stackelberg strategies for supply chain financing with both capital-constrained buyers and sellers. Applied Stochastic Models in
Business and Industry(SCI). 2014,30(6): 783-796.
[8] Dai, H. Y., Jing Xu. Collaborative design of RFID systems for multi-purpose supply chain applications. Journal of System Science and System Engineering (SCI), 2013. 22/2, 152-170.
[9] 代宏硯, 陳志康,周偉華. 多級供應鏈中庫存不準確性對牛鞭效應的影響. 管理工程 學報. 2013, 27(2), 195-201.
[10] Dai, H Y., M. M. Tseng. The Impacts of RFID Implementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multi-stage Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Economics (SCI). 2012, 139 (2), 634–641.
[11] Dai, H. Y., M. M. Tseng, M. M. Monsreal. Design Considerations for Supply Chain Tracking Systems. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons , 2010, 1326 – 1335.
[12] Monsreal M. M., H. Y. Dai, M. M. Tseng, D. L. Brock. Tracking Technologies in the Supply Chain. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons , 5512 - 5525. 2010.
[13] Dai, H. Y., M. M. Tseng. Determination of Production Lot Size and DC Location in Manufacturer-DC-Retailer Supply Chains. Intentional Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2011, 8(3), 284 -297.
[14] Dai, H. Y., M. M. Tseng. The RFID Impacts on Lead Time Compression in a Serial Manufacturing System. Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Tokyo, 2008, August 5-8, 1029-1039.
[15] 代宏硯,張然子,張津,趙犁. 信息共享程度對我國服裝供應鏈庫存成本的影響. 運 籌與管理. 23(5), 147-154.2014.
[16] Dai H.Y., W. Zhou, J. Li, Z. Chen. Optimal Control of a Periodical Review Capacitated Production System with Both Backorders and Lost Sales. International Journal of Production Research(SCI), 2015.


1. 眾包模式下的 O2O 即時物流網路規劃研究, 中央財經大學“青年英才”培育支持 計畫, 2016.主持人
2. 基於協同、量化準則的多級分散供應鏈追溯系統的設計研究,國家自然科學基金 青年項目(批准號:71202124), 2013.01-2015.12. 主持人.
3. Knight 不確定環境下戰略性外包的價格協商與契約選擇研究,國家自然科學基 金青年項目(批准號:71201177), 2013.01-2015.12.
4. 不完美資本市場下中小企業供應鏈金融的風險與決策研究:基於 MCDM 的視 角, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(No. 71372191),2014.01-2016.12.
5. An Investigation of Recommendation Approach for Custom Product Specification, supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620609), 2010.01-2012.12.
6. An Investigation of Probability-Based Configuration Design, supported by
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620308), 2009.01-2010.12.
7. Staged Commitment of Order Specifications for Custom Products, supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620507), 2007.07-2009.06. 


1. 代宏硯(1/3),A design method for supply chain traceability systems with aligned interests,中國物流學會,優秀獎,第十四次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,2015。 (代宏硯,葛玲,周偉華)
2. Dai, Hongyan(1/3),Design of Traceability Systems for Product Recall,中國物流 學會,第十三次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,優秀獎,2014。( Dai, Hongyan, Tseng, Mitchell,Zipkin, Paul)
3. Dai, Hongyan(1/2),Collaborative design of RFID systems for multi-purpose supply chain applications,中國物流學會,第十二次中國物流學術年會優秀論文 獎,三等獎,2013。( Dai, Hongyan,Xu, Jing)
4. Dai, Hongyan(1/2),The Impacts of RFID Implementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multi-stage Supply Chain,中國物流學會,第十一次中國物流學 術年會優秀論文獎,二等獎,2012。( Dai, Hongyan,Tseng, Mitchell)


1. 會議:2016 MSOM, Auckland, New Zealand
題目:Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage
2. 受邀講座:新加坡南洋理工大學,新加坡
題目:The opportunities and challenges of Internet of Things in China
3. 會議:2015 IEEM International Conference, Singapore
題目:A Pricing Strategy to Align Supply Chain Interests for Product Recall
4. 會議: 2013 年隨機服務與運作管理學術年會, 天津,中國
題目: 信息共享程度對我國服裝供應鏈庫存成本的影響
5. 會議:Informs International Meeting 2012, Beijing, China
題目:Design of Traceability Systems for Supply Chain Management
6. 會議: Informs Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, USA
題目: Design of Traceability Systems for Product Recall
7. 會議: NSF CMMI Grantees Conference 2009, Hawaii, USA
題目: The Impacts of RFID Implementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multi-stage Supply Chain
8. 會議: POMS Annual Meeting 2008, San Diego, USA
題目: RFID Justification in Multi-Stage Supply Chains Subject to Inventory
Inaccuracy through Reducing Information Distortion Amplification


1. 國家電網公司物力集約化管理框架研究,國家電網公司諮詢項目,2013.4-2014.6
2. 生物質能源供應鏈構建研究,中國工程院諮詢研究項目,2013.1-2013.12
3. 物聯網系統規劃及評估研究,鎮江市科技計畫項目,2012.06-2013.06
4. 套用 RFID 及相關技術為進出口貨物提供全流程質量監管回溯信息服務, 香港 貨品編碼協會&廣東檢驗檢疫局, 2009.4-2011.4.
5. 埃森哲中國供應鏈中心零售業供應鏈認證課程設計, 埃森哲諮詢有限公司, 2008.6-2008.7
6. Esquel 集團全球供應鏈選址戰略, 美國史丹福大學&Esquel 集團, 2007.12-2008.3
7. AI/SM 生產線最佳化配置及成本控制,香港 Astec 有限公司,2007.1-2007.6
8. 基於 google 地圖將網路內容和新聞地點可視化,美國麻省理工大學, 2006.8-2006.11


1. 中央財經大學,2011-2016,講師:物理網技術及套用,供應鏈管理,物流管 理,物流信息技術,管理研究方法,管理學原理,運營管理
2. 香港科技大學,2010-2011,講師:杭州市企業領導素質提升班
3. 香港科技大學, 2007-2010,助教:全球供應鏈管理(與史丹福大學共同開辦課程) ,工業製造過程,產品設計及信息溝通


國際期刊審稿:International Journal of Production and Economics(SCI), Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (SCI), Journal of Manufacturing Systems(SCI) , Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (SSCI).




