(1) 2019-4至2019-8, 伊利諾州立大學, 套用科學學院, 訪問學者
(4)2012-9至2017-6, 西安建築科技大學, 工程經濟與管理, 博士, 導師:
(5) 2019-12至2023-4, 西安建築科技大學, 管理學院, 副教授
(6) 2023-04至今,西安建築科技大學,管理學院,教授。
(1)Fu Hanliang, Manogaran Gunasekaran, Wu Kuang, Cao Ming, Jiang Song, Yang Aimin. Intelligent Decision-making of Online Shopping Behavior Based on Internet of Things, International Journal of Information Management 2020, 50, 515-525.
(2)Fu Hanliang, Wang Mengmeng, Li Peng, Jiang Song, Hu Wei, Guo Xiaotong, Cao Ming. Tracing Knowledge Development Trajectories of the Internet of Things Domain: A main path analysis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2019, 15, 6531-6540.
(3)Fu Hanliang, Zhu Hong, Xue Pengdong, Hu Xi, Guo Xiaotong, Liu Bingsheng(
劉炳勝). Eye-tracking study of public acceptance of 5G base stations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022, doi: 10.1108/ECAM-10-2021-0946.
劉曉君. 再生水回用公眾心理感染現象的驗證及影響策略[J].
(5)付漢良,牛佳晨,劉浪. 城市居民再生水回用行為引導政策作用效果實證研究[J].
(6)丁超,付漢良(通訊作者),何玉麒,王振華,吳思美,王萌萌. 再生水回用行為引導政策作用效果仿真[J].
(7)Hou Caixia, Wen Yan, He Yuqi, Liu Xiaojun, Wang Mengmeng, Zhang Zhiyin, Fu Hanliang(通訊作者). Public stereotypes of recycled water end uses with different human contact: Evidence from event-related potential (ERP), Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 168, 105464.
(8)Hou Caixia, Fu Hanliang(通訊作者), Liu Xiaojun, Wen Yan. The effect of recycled water information disclosure on public acceptance of recycled water-Evidence from residents of Xi'an, China. Sustainable Cities and Society 2020, 61, 102351.
(9)Fu Hanliang, Niu Jiachen, Wu Zhifang, Xue Pengdong, Sun Meng, Zhu Hong, Cheng Baoquan. Influencing factors of stereotypes on wastewater treatment plants-Case study of 9 wastewater treatment plants in Xi'an, China, Environmental Management, 2022, doi: 10.1007/s00267-022-01663-2.
劉曉君,付漢良(通訊作者). 西北乾旱缺水城市污水再生利用系統決策最佳化[J].
(11)Fu hanliang, Niu JIachen, Wu Zhifang, Cheng Baoquan, Guo Xiaotong, Zuo Jian(
左劍). Exploration of public stereotypes of supply-and-demand characteristics of recycled water infrastructure - Evidence from an event-related potential experiment in Xi'an, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 322, 116103.
(12)Baoquan Cheng, Chaojie Fan, Hanliang Fu, Jianling Huang(
黃建陵), Huihua Chen(
陳輝華), Xiaowei Luo. (2022) Measuring and Computing Cognitive Statuses of Construction Workers Based on Electroencephalogram: A Critical Review. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3158585
(13)Yizhe Ding, Xiaojun Liu(
劉曉君), Hanliang Fu, The effect of recycled water information providing on public acceptance of recycled water: An Eye-Tracking Experiment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022, 182, 106464.
(14)侯彩霞,張夢夢,趙雪雁,張夢傑,郭曉彤,付漢良. 性別差異視角下中國家庭食物浪費行為的神經機制研究[J]. 自然資源學報, 2022,37(10):2531-2543.
(15)侯彩霞,張夢傑,趙雪雁,付漢良. 消費者視角下用戶評論對公眾再生水消費意願的影響機制——來自眼動實驗的證據[J]. 生態學報,2023(14):(排版定稿)網路首發時間:2023-03-23.
(16)付漢良,譚玉冰,夏中境,郭曉彤. 專家危險識別軌跡對建築工人安全教育的影響——來自眼動實驗的證據[J]. 清華大學學報(自然科學版),(排版定稿)網路首發時間:2023-04-03.
(17)Hanliang Fu, Pengdong Xue. Cognitive Restoration in Following Exposure to Green Infrastructure: An Eye-tracking Study[J]. Journal of Green Building, 2023, 18(2): 65–88.
[1] Tracing Knowledge Development Trajectories of the Internet of Things Domain: A main path analysis,陝西省第十五次哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,省部級二等獎,本人排名第一(2021.10);
[2] 物聯網領域的知識發展路徑研究:基於主路徑分析,2021年度陝西高等學校人文社會科學研究優秀成果獎,廳局級一等獎,本人排名第一(2021.10);
[3] 再生水回用行為引導政策作用效果仿真,第十六屆內蒙古自治區自然科學學術年會優秀論文,廳局級一等獎,本人排名第二(2021.7);
[4] 陝西省保障性租賃住房研究,2021年度陝西高等學校人文社會科學研究優秀成果獎,廳局級一等獎,本人排名第四(2021.10);
[5] 中國北方缺水城市污水再生利用管理對策研究,陝西省第十三次哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,省部級二等獎,本人排名第四,(2018.6);
[6] 中國北方缺水城市污水再生利用管理對策研究,2017年度陝西高等學校人文社會科學研究優秀成果獎,廳局級一等獎,本人排名第四(2017.8);
[7] 水資源承載力視角下北方缺水城市污水再生利用管理對策研究,中國建築學會科技進步獎一等獎,省部級一等獎,本人排名第六(2017.5);
[8] 陝西省保障性租賃住房供需匹配機制,陝西省科學技術獎勵二等獎,省部級二等獎,本人排名第四(2023.5);
1.A&HCI索引期刊《Journal of Green Building》編委
4. 《Journal of Environmental and Public Health》(SSCI/SCI雙檢索)期刊“Environmental-friendly Buildings and Infrastructures Towards the SDGs 2030”特刊客座主編
5.《Water》期刊“Factors Influencing Public Acceptance of Recycled Water”特刊客座主編
6.《Frontiers in Neuroscience》及《Frontiers in Psychology》雜誌“Human Decision-Making Behaviors in Engineering and Management: A Neuropsychological Perspective”特刊客座副主編
7.《Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience》雜誌“Human Behavior Modelling in Engineering Management under Industry 4.0”特刊客座副主編
8.《Buildings》雜誌“Buildings, Infrastructure and SDGs 2030”特刊客座副主編
9. 《Frontiers in Public Health》及《Frontiers in Psychiatry》雜誌“Emerging Technologies for Employee Mental Health and Work Performance under Industry 4.0/5.0”特刊客座副主編
10. 《Sustainable Horizons》期刊青年編委。
11. 《Builidngs》(SCI檢索)、《Architecture》、《Infrastructures》、《Land》(SSCI檢索)、《Smart Cities》、《Healthcare》(SSCI/SCI雙檢索)、《Systems》(SSCI檢索)及《Behavioral Sciences》(SSCI檢索)共8本期刊聯合專欄“SDGs 2030 in Buildings and Infrastructure”客座副主編。
12. 《Sensors 》(SCI, 中科院二區, IF=3.9)期刊“Neural Sensors for Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry(神經探測器在建築及土木工程建造領域的套用)”專刊客座編輯。
13.《Journal of Intelligent Construction》清華大學出版社創辦英文期刊“Neuromanagement in Construction Engineering and Management(工程建造及管理中的神經工程管理)”專刊客座編輯。 人物評價
擔任A&HCI檢索期刊《Journal of Green Building》編委,中文期刊《技術與創新管理》及《青島理工大學學報》編委。
並為包括《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》、《中國環境管理》等在內的60餘本國內外雜誌的審稿人,累計審稿318篇次。並於2019年受邀赴加州大學伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)出席第三屆智慧城市及智慧型電網國際會議(ICSGSC 2019)暨第二屆能源、電氣及電力工程國際會議(CEEPE 2019),並擔任“Energy System”主題分會場主席。