付學吾 ,男,中國科學院地球化學研究所副研究員。研究大氣汞遷移和輸送,界面汞循環和汞同位素示蹤。
- 中文名:付學吾
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 主要成就:2008年7月獲理學博士學位
- 地址:貴陽市觀水路46號
- 職稱:副研究員
2003年9月-2008年7月:中國科學院地球化學研究所,環境地球化學專業,碩博連讀; 2008年7月獲理學博士學位
[1].Fu XW, Feng X B, Sommar J, Wang S F, 2011, A review of studies on atmospheric mercury in China. Science of the Total Environment, in press, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.089
[2].Fu X W, Feng X B, Qiu G L, Shang L H, Zhang H, 2011, Speciated atmospheric mercury and its potential source in Guiyang, China. Atmospheric Environment, 45:4205-4212.
[3].Fu X W, Feng X B, Wan Q, Meng B, Yan H Y, Guo Y N, 2010. Probing Hg evasion from surface waters of two Chinese hyper/meso-eutrophic reservoirs. Science of the Total Environment, 408: 5887-5896.
[4].Fu X W, Feng X, Dong Z Q, Yin R S, Wang J X, Yang Z R, Zhang H, 2010, Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) concentrations and wet and dry deposition of mercury at a high-altitude mountain peak in south China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10: 2425-2437, [5].Fu X W, Feng X B, Zhu W Z, Rothenberg S, Yao H, Zhang H, 2010, Elevated atmospheric deposition and dynamics of mercury in a remote upland forest of Southwestern China. Environmental Pollution, 158: 2324-2333.
[6].Fu, X., X. Feng, G. Zhang, W. Xu, X. Li, H. Yao, P. Liang, J. Li, J. Sommar, R. Yin, and N. Liu (2010), Mercury in the marine boundary layer and seawater of the South China Sea: concentrations, sea/air flux, and implication for land outflow, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D06303, doi:10.1029/2009JD012958.
[7].Fu X W, Feng X B, Wang S F, Rothenberg S, Shang L H, Li Z G, Qiu G L, 2009, Temporal and spatial distributions of total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air in a mountainous area in southwestern China: Implications for industrial and domestic mercury emissions in remote areas in China. Science of the Total Environment, 407: 2306-2314.
[8].Fu X W, Feng X B, Zhu W Z, Wang S F, Julia, Lu, 2008, Total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air in the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga, South-Eastern fringe of the Tibetan plateau, China. Atmospheric Environment, 42: 970-979.
[9].Fu X W, Feng X B, Zhu W Z, Zheng W, Wang S F, Julia, Lu, 2008, Total particulate and reactive gaseous mercury in ambient air on the eastern slope of the Mt. Gongga area, China. Applied Geochemistry, 23: 408-418.
[10].Fu X W, Feng X B, Wang S F (2008), Exchange fluxes of Hg between surfaces and atmosphere in the eastern flank of Mount Gongga, Sichuan province, southwestern China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D20306, doi:10.1029/2008JD009814.
[11].Qiu G L, Feng X B, Wang S F, Fu X W, Shang L H, 2009. Mercury distribution and speciation in water and fish from abandoned Hg mines in Wanshan, Guizhou province, China, Science of the Total Environment, 407: 5162-5168.
[12].Wang S F, Feng X B, Qiu G L, Fu X W, Wei Z Q, 2007, Characteristics of mercury exchange flux between soil and air in the heavily air-polluted area, eastern Guizhou, China. Atmospheric Environment, 41: 5584-5594.
[13].付學吾,馮新斌,張輝,Lumex RA-915AM和Tekran 2537A 對貴陽市大氣氣態總汞的對比觀測.生態學雜誌,2011,30(5):939-943.
[14].付學吾, 馮新斌, 王少鋒, 仇廣樂, 李平, 貴陽市2種不同類型草地的汞釋放通量. 環境科學研究, 2007,20:33-37.
[15].付學吾, 馮新斌, 王少鋒, 李仲根, 李平, 植物中汞的研究進展. 礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2005,24:232-238.