

《什麼是社交網路分析?》是2020年上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是John Scott。


  • 中文名:什麼是社交網路分析?
  • 作者:John Scott
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544664202


"什麼是"研究方法系列是我社從Bloomsbury引進的一套普及性叢書,內容涉獵廣泛,包括諸如網路分析、線上研究、話語分析、日記法、定性研究、定量縱向數據分析等等,均以"什麼是……"(What is…)命名,請學界相關領域的權威學者以簡潔的語言深入淺出介紹某一研究方法,並在每一章節後均附有推薦書目,適合入門級讀者快速了解該研究方法的相關信息並進行延伸閱讀,與我社策劃出版的"外語學術普及系列"風格比較接近。《什麼是社交網路分析?》簡明扼要介紹了社會網路分析的核心概念、所指範圍及其在過去40年的演變和發展,思路清晰,語言平實,適合感興趣的讀者閱讀。
The 'What is?' Research Methods series provides authoritative introductions to a range of research methods which are at the forefront of developments in the social sciences.
Each volume sets out the key elements of the particular method and features examples of its application, drawing on a consistent structure across the whole series. Written in an accessible style by leading experts in the field, this series is an innovative pedagogical and research resource.
This book introduces the non-specialist reader to the principal ideas, nature and purpose of social network analysis. Social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals achieve their goals. Social network theory maps these relationships between individual actors. Though relatively new on the scene it has become hugely influential across the social sciences.
Assuming no prior knowledge of quantitative sociology, this book presents the key ideas in context through examples and illustrations. Using a structured approach to understanding work in this area, John Scott signposts further reading and online sources so readers can develop their knowledge and skills to become practitioners of this research method. A series of Frequently Asked Questions takes the reader through the main objections raised against social network analysis and answers the various queries that will come up once the reader has worked his/ her way through the book.


List of Figures
Series foreword
1 Introduction
2 History of social network analysis
3 Key concepts and measures
4 Applications of network analysis
5 Criticisms and frequently asked questions
6 Software for social network analysis


