



  • 書名:人文名篇選讀
  • 作者:李志強、劉晉
  • ISBN: 9787547801215
  • 定價:22.00元
  • 出版社:上海科學技術出版社 
  • 出版時間:2010年9月1日
  • 開本: 16開


《人文名篇選讀》內容簡介:Throughout the long history of human development, it has been deemed that the unexamined life is not worth living and therefore should be redeemed at the expense of elapsed time. This redemption is deemed for some in solemn contemplation of a better life, notwithstanding for others often an outlet for nostalgic reminiscence of the fast past and an awkward excuse to shove off the furious future.


Part I Ancient Greek and Roman Period
1. Plato / From Republic 2
2. Herodotus / From The History of Herodotus
3. Aristotle / From Poetics 13
4. Epicurus / From Letter to Menoeceus 19
5. Plotinus / From On the Intellectual Beauty 25
6. Dionysius Longinus / From On the sublime 30
7. Quintus Hoaratius Flaccus / FromArt of Poetry 34
8. Saint Augustine / From The City of God 38
Part II Renaissance Period 43
9. Petrarch/From To Marcus Tullius Cicero 44
10. Leonardo Brtmi / From Panegyric to the City of Florence 48
11. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola / From Oration on the Dignity of Man 53
12. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus / From The Praise of Folly 58
13. Niccol6 Machiavelli / From The Prince 64
14. Sir Philip Sidney / From The Poet: Compared and Contrasted With Historian and Philosopher 68
15. Rene Descartes / From Principia Philosophiae 72
16. Frances Bacon / From Novum Organum 77
17. Thomas Hobbes / From Leviathan 81
Part III Modem Period 85
18. John Locke /From An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 86
19. Baruch Spinoza / From Ethics 90
20. Gottfried Leibrfrz / From ,4 Philosopher 's Creed 94
21. Giambattista Vico / From The New Science 98
22. George Berkeley / From Principals of Human Knowledge 102
23. Baron de Montesquieu / From The Spirit of Law 107
24. David Hume / From .4 Treatise of Human Nature 112
25. Jean Jacques Rousseau / From The Social Contract (Book I) 118
26. Adam Smith / From An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Book1) 123
27. Immanuel Kant / From Critique of Pure Reason 129
28. Edmund Burke / From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful 133
29. Thomas Paine / From The Rights of Man 139
30. Thomas Jefferson / From Declaration oflndependence 143
31. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / From The Sorrows of Young Werther 146
32. Friedrich Schiller / From On the Aesthetic Education of Man: In a Series of Letters 150
33. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / From The Science of Logic 154
34. Ralph Waldo Emerson/From History 158
35. John Stuart Mill / From On Liberty 164
36. Lewis Henry Morgan /FromAnoient Society 169
37. Karl Heinrich Marx / From Capital 173
38. Herbert Spencer / From The Principles of Sociology 176
39. Matthew Arnold / From The Function of Criticism at the Present Time 180
40. Leo Tolstoy / From What Is Art? 184
41. William James / From Pragmatism 189
42. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche /From Thus Spake Zarathustra 194
43. John Bates Clark / From The Distribution of Wealth 198
44. Sir James George Frazer ! From The Golden Bough 202
45. Sigmund Freud / From Civilization and its Discontents 206
46. Ferdinand de Saussure / From Writings in General Linguistics 212
47. Franz Boas / From The Mind of Primitive Man 217
48. Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl / From Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology 221
Part IV Contemporary Period 225
49. John Dewey / From On Democracy 226
50. George Santayana / From The Sense of Beauty: Being an Outline of Aesthetic Theory 229
51. Hermann Ebbinghaus / From Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology 233
52. Bertrand Russell / From A Free Man's Worship 237
53. Albert Einstein / From Why Socialism? 242
54. Elton Mayo / From The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization 245
55. John Maynard Keynes / From The Economic Consequences of the Peace 249
56. Bronistaw Kasper Malinowski / From Magic, Science, and Religion 253
57. Georg Lukacs / From History and Class Consciousness 257
58. Martin Heidegger / From Being and 77me 261
59. Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein / From Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 265
60. Robin George Collingwood / From The ldea of History 268
61. Hans-George Gadamer / From Truth and Method 272
62. Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre / From Being and Nothingness 276
63. Claude Levi-Strauss / From The Savage Mind 280
64. JohnRawls/FromA Theo tice 284
65. Abraham Harold Maslow / FromA Theory of Human Motivation 288
66. Michel Foucault / FromArchaeology of Knowledge 292
67. Jean Piaget / From The Child's Conception of the World 297
68. Avram Noam Chomsky / From Language and Mind 300
69. George P. Lakoff & Mark L. Johnson / From Philosophy in the Flesh 304
Part V Ancient Chinese Period 309
70. Confucius / From The Analects 310
71. Laozi / From Dao De Jing 314
72. Mozi / From Mozi 317
73. Mencius / From Mencius 321


