


  • 中文名:人工智慧英語讀寫教程 
  • 作者: 何芳 
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社 
  • ISBN:9787302578079  


本教材共八個單元,立足人工智慧技術的前沿動態,從專業角度對人工智慧的發展概況、 融合與套用以及未來前景等內容進行介紹。本教材以真實性為原則,選用專業性強、時效性高 的閱讀素材,助力學生的專業學習;單元結構層次清晰,主要由閱讀文章、寫作技巧、翻譯技 巧和課外拓展四個板塊構成,旨在拓寬學生的知識面並提高他們的科技英語套用能力;課後練 習形式多樣,針對基礎的語言技能展開訓練,針對性和實用性強。 本教材既可作為高校計算機、機器人等相關專業學生的專業英語教材,也可供廣大科技人 員和科技英語愛好者閱讀參考。


Unit 1
An Overview of Artificial Intelligence. 1
Text A: An Overview of Artificial Intelligence. 3
Text B: History of Artificial Intelligence. 11
Text C: Current State of Artificial Intelligence. 19
Writing Skills: 下定義. 23
Translating Skills: 被動語態. 25
Workshop . 31
Unit 2
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning . 33
Text A: An Introduction to Machine Learning. 35
Text B: Applications and Limitations of Machine Learning . 44
Text C: Basics of Machine Learning. 50
Writing Skills: 同位語. 54
Translating Skills: 詞性轉換. 55
Workshop . 61
Unit 3
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. 63
Text A: An Introduction to Big Data. 65
Text B: Merging Big Data with Artificial Intelligence Is the Next Step . 72
Text C: Analysis Techniques of Big Data . 78
Writing Skills: 段落寫作. 81
Translating Skills: 語序調整. 83
Workshop . 88
Unit 4
Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing . 89
Text A: An Overview of Cloud Computing. 91
Text B: How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Cloud Computing. 101
Text C: Technologies Critical in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic. 107
Writing Skills: 定語從句. 110
Translating Skills: 定語從句的翻譯. 112
Workshop . 119
Unit 5
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things . 121
Text A: Realizing the Future and Full Potential of Connected IoT Devices with AI. 123
Text B: Applications of Internet of Things in Real Life . 131
Text C: Major IoT Risks in Business Today. 137
Writing Skills: 排比. 140
Translating Skills: 增譯與減譯. 142
Workshop . 148
Unit 6
The Applications of Artificial Intelligence (I). 151
Text A: Top Ten Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 153
Text B: The Washington Post Has Published 850 Articles in the Past Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Text C: Five Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education . 166
Writing Skills: 例證法. 170
Translating Skills: 無主句的翻譯. 171
Workshop . 177
Unit 7
The Applications of Artificial Intelligence (II). 181
Text A: Top Ten Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. 183
Text B: The Eye of Aritificial Intelligence in China . 191
Text C: Aritificial Intelligence Brings High Returns on Drug Discovery and Development. 197
Writing Skills: 非謂語動詞. 203
Translating Skills: 拆句法與合併法. 205
Workshop . 210
Unit 8
The Future of Artificial Intelligence . 211
Text A: Artificial Intelligence: Our Final Invention?. 213
Text B: The Future of Artificial Intelligence Depends on Trust. 221
Text C: China Makes Big Strides in Artificial Intelligence. 226
Writing Skills: 闡述原因. 230
Translating Skills: 非謂語形式. 231
Workshop . 236


