《法律與秩序:特殊受害者》Law & Order: Special Victims Unit......Steven Harris(2012)
亞當·鮑德溫《都市俠盜》Leverage.....Michael Vance (2012)
Little Fish, Strange Pond …… Tommy (2009)
《超市特工》Chuck …… John Casey (2007-2012.1.29)
《犯罪現場調查紐約篇》CSI:NY - Season 4, Episode 21 Hostage …… DHS Agent Brett Dunbar (2008)《大兵保鏢》Drillbit Taylor …… Disgruntled Bodyguard (2008)
福音小鎮》Gospel Hill …… Carl Herrod (2008)
《超人之死》Superman: Doomsday 配音 …… Clark Kent/Superman (2007)
《迷沙》Sands of Oblivion …… Jesse Carter (2007)
《破日/度日如年》Day Break …… Chad Shelten (2006-2007)
1.The Thirst AS …… Lenny (2006)
John Casey on &amp2.Bones Two Bodies in the Lab AS(
識骨尋蹤第一季15集) …… Agent Jamie Kenton (2006)
3.《寧靜》Serenity AS …… Jayne (2005)
4.The Inside AS …… Special Agent Danny Love (2005)
5.Justice League The Once and Future Thing: Weird Western Tales: Part 1 AS …… Jonah Hex (voice) (2005)
6.《海神號遇險記》The Poseidon Adventure AS …… Mike Rogo (2005)
7.Evil Eyes AS …… Jeff Stenn (2004)
8.The Freediver AS …… Dr. Viades (2004)
9. Betrayal AS …… Stan Winston (2003)
10. Gacy AS …… John Gacy, Sr. (2003)
殺人頻道》Control Factor AS …… Lance Bishop (2003)
12.Jackie Chan Adventures Half a Mask of Kung-Fu AS …… Finn (voice) (2003)
13.Monster Makers AS …… Jay Forrest (2003)
14.《X檔案終結篇》The X-Files: The Truth AS …… Knowle Rohrer (2002)
15.The Keyman AS …… Chris Myers/Keyman (2002)
16.Firefly Bushwhacked AS …… Jayne Cobb (2002)
17.Jackie Chan Adventures Tough Luck AS …… Finn (voice) (2002)
18.Firefly Shindig AS …… Jayne Cobb (2002)
19.Firefly AS …… Jayne Cobb (2002)
20.《追求幸福》Pursuit of Happiness AS …… Chad Harmon (2001)
21.《雙重警力》Double Bang AS …… Vinnie Krailes (2001)
22.《復仇狂花》Farewell, My Love AS …… Jimmy, the Bartender (2001)
23.《背心而馳》Jackpot AS …… Mel James (2001)
24.Above & Beyond AS …… Peter Clerkin (2001)
25.《成龍動畫歷險記》Jackie Chan Adventures AS …… Finn (voice) (2000)
26.《烈火誘惑》The Right Temptation AS …… Captain Wagner (2000)
27.Jackie Chan Adventures The Rock AS …… Finn (voice) (2000)
28.Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde AS …… Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (1999)
29.《從地球到月球》"From the Earth to the Moon" AS …… Astronaut Fred Haise (1998)
30.Gargantua AS …… Jack Ellway (1998)
31.Indiscreet AS …… Jeremy Butler (1998)
32.Starquest II AS …… Lee (1997)
33."Men in Black: The Series" AS …… Agent X (2005) (1997)
獨立日》Independence Day AS …… Maj. Mitchell (1996)
35.《愛人你屬誰》Lover's Knot AS …… John Reed (1996)
36."The Cape" AS …… Col. Jack Riles (1996)
37.《戀愛編織夢》How to Make an American Quilt AS …… Finn's Father (1995)
38.《雷霆終結者》Digital Man AS …… Captain West (1995)
39.《義海傾情》Wyatt Earp AS …… Tom McLaury (1994)
40.《絕命大剋星》Blind Justice AS …… Sgt. Hastings (1994)
41.《致命殺機》Treacherous AS …… Tommy Wright (1994)
42.Eight Hundred Leagues Down the Amazon AS …… Koja (1993)
43.《愛人強盜》Bitter Harvest AS …… Bobby (1993)
44.The Last Shot AS …… Mark Tullis Jr. (1993)
45.Cold Sweat AS …… Mitch (1993)
46.《海闊天空》Radio Flyer AS …… The King (1992)
47.Cruel Doubt AS …… Det. John Taylor (1992)
48.Where the Day Takes You AS …… Officer Black (1992)
49.《嫌疑犯》Guilty by Suspicion AS …… FBI Agent #1 (1991)
50.Murder in High Places (1991)
51.《終極戰士第二集》Predator 2 AS …… Garber (1990)
52.《血海翻天》Next of Kin AS …… Joey Rosselini (1989)
53.《沸點六百里》Cohen and Tate AS …… Tate (1989)
54.《朱古力戰爭》The Chocolate War AS …… Bill Carter (1988)
全金屬外殼》Full Metal Jacket AS …… Animal Mother (1987)
56.Welcome Home, Bobby AS …… Cleary (1986)
57.《還我公道》3:15 AS …… Jeff Hannah (1986) 58.Bad Guys AS …… Skip Jackson (1986)
Adam Baldwin59.Out of Time AS …… Otto Frommer (1985)
60.Poison Ivy AS …… Ike Dimick (1985)
61.Pigs vs. Freaks AS …… Mickey South (1984)
62.Hadley's Rebellion AS …… Bobo McKenzie (1984)
63.Reckless AS …… Randy Daniels (1984)
64.《計程汽車》D.C. Cab AS …… Albert Hockenberry (1983)
65.《我的保鏢》My Bodyguard AS …… Ricky Linderman (1982)
普通人》Ordinary People AS …… Stillman (1980)
67.Kill.switch (2003) AS …… Archer (voice)
68.Molly & Roni's Dance Party (2005) AS …… School principal
69.The X Files: The Making of 'The Truth' (2004) AS …… Himself
70.Day Break Pilot AS …… Chad Shelton
71.Hyper Sonic (2002) AS …… Christopher Bannon
72.Trade Off AS …… Thomas Hughes
73.The Cape AS …… Col. Jack Riles
74.The Poseidon Adventure AS …… Mike Rogo
75.Deadbolt AS …… Alec Danz
76.Smoke Jumpers AS …… Don Mackey
77.Sci Fi Inside: 'Serenity' AS …… Himself/Host
78.Sawbones AS …… Burt Miller79.Shadow-Ops AS …… Dalt
因為他天生長了一張cop face(條子臉,《超市特工》里台詞),所以經常客串於各大軍事、刑偵、法政乃至科幻題材影視作品中。科幻劇他的冬粉眾多,因扮演《螢火蟲》的Jayne Cobb出名;現在Adam主演NBC的諜戰喜劇《超市特工》的NSA上校John Casey。