



  • 中文名:亞太地區發展與合作:中外聯合研究報告(No.4)(英文版)
  • 作者:王靈桂、趙江林
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社 
  • ISBN:9787520138444
  • 定價:78 
  • 字數:261千字




•Chinese and Foreign Joint Research Theme Report•
The Ten De.cits Facing the Asia-Pacific Region and Our Re.ections【Wang Linggui】/1
•Special Report One: Motivations and Prospects for Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region•
Promoting Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region【Peter Goodfellow】/15
Toward An Asia Pacific Community: A Long Way To Go【Dr. Kin Phea】/20
Economic Competition, Middle Power Politics and Summit Diplomacy:
  New Dynamics in Asia-Pacific Development【Xiaoming Huang】/26
Asia-Pacific Connectivity and the Challenge of Inclusive Development【Amitendu Palit】/34
Opportunities for the South Pacific Region in Participation of APEC-led Asia-Pacific Economic
  Cooperation in the “Post-Bogor” Era【Liu Chenyang】/45
Strategic Trust in an Evolving Indo-Asia-Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges【Pham Duy Thuc】/53
Analysis of the “Third-party Factor” in Sino-US Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation Based
  on Japan’s Participation in Asia-Pacific Security Affairs【Li Yongqiang】/61
•Special Report Two: New Challenges and Opportunities in China-Oceania Relations•
Pacific Island Countries’ Diplomatic Preference from the Perspective of UN’s Voting【Liang Jiarui】/69
Participation of Pacific Island Countries in Global Climate Governance: Status quo, Proposals and
  Effect【Song Xiuju Yu Jiao】/79
Value Factors and Australia’s Choice of China Policy【Cui Yue】/88
The Relationship between China and Pacific Island Countries in the New Era【Xu Xiujun】/97
The Geo-strategic Value of the South Pacific Region and China’s South Pacific Geo-Strategy
  【Lin Limin】/108
•Special Report Three: The Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region and The Belt and Road Initiative•
Western Views of China, Especially The Belt and Road Initiative【Colin Mackerras】/116
Modernising Indirect Expropriation Regulation Along the One Belt One Road:
  The Applicability of Australia’s Foreign Investment Agreements as a Model for Investment
  Security Warwick Gullett【Yucong Wang】/126
The Belt and Road Initiative and RMB Internationalisation: Stars Aligned?【Feng Hui】/138
Asia-Pacific Cooperation, Belt and Road Initiative and Pacific Island Countries【Neelesh Gounder】/146
Beyond “Competitive Aid”: New Thinking on the Construction of “21st Century Maritime Silk
  Road” and the Economic Development of Pacific Island Countries【Qin Sheng】/153
Economic and Trade Cooperation between Fujian Province and Oceania: Current Status and
  Future Development Potential【Quan Yi Zheng Meiqing】/163


