

2009.10 - 2014.12,大連理工大學汽車工程學院,副教授
大連理工大學汽車工程學院 副院長
遼寧省節能與新能源汽車動力控制與整車技術重點實驗室 常務副主任
美國汽車工程師學會 (SAE International) 會員/審稿人
美國機械工程師學會 (ASME) 會員
美國航空航天學會(AIAA) 會員
26. Qi Chang, Yang Shu, Yang Lijun, Han Shouhong, Lu Zhenhua. Dynamic response and optimal design of curved metallic sandwich panels under blast loading. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 853681, Vol. 2014, 14 pages. SCI.
25. Qi C, Yang S*. Crashworthiness and lightweight optimisation of thin-walled conical tubes subjected to an oblique impact. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 19 (4):334-351,2014 (SCI/EI).
24. Qi C, Yang S*, Yang LJ, Wei ZY, Lu ZH. Blast resistance and multi-objective optimization of aluminum foam-cored sandwich panels. Composite Structures, 105 (11):45-57, 2013. (SCI/EI)
23.Qi C, Yang S*, et al. Ballistic resistance of honeycomb sandwich panels under in-plane high-velocity impact. Scientific World Journal, Article ID 892781, Vol. 2013, 20 pages. (SCI)
22.Qi C, Yang S*, Dong F. Crushing analysis and multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of tapered square tubes under oblique impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 59 (10): 103–119, 2012.(SCI/EI)
21.Qi C, Yang S*, Gao RJ. Numerical simulation of force enhancement by cellular material under blast load. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Article ID 328651, Vol. 2013, 10 pages.(SCI)
20.Yang S, Qi C*. Multiobjective optimization for empty and foam-filled square columns under oblique impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 54 (4):177-191, 2013. (SCI/EI)
19.Yang S, Qi C*, Gao RJ. Blast-resistant improvement of sandwich armor structure with aluminum foam composite. Advances in materials science and engineering, Article ID, 947571, Vol. 2013, 8 pages. (SCI/EI)
18.Yang S, Qi C*, Wang D, Gao R, Hu H, and Shu J. A Comparative Study of Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Panels with Aluminum Foam and Auxetic Honeycomb Cores. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Article ID 589216, Vol. 2013, 15 pages. (SCI)
17.亓昌,董方亮,楊姝,王棟.錐形多胞薄壁方管斜向衝擊性能仿真研究,振動與衝擊, 第31卷,第24期,102-107頁,2012.(EI)
16.亓昌,楊麗君,楊姝.梯度鋁泡沫夾層結構抗爆性能仿真與最佳化,振動與衝擊,2013,13,70-75. (EI)
14. Hu SB, Ma ZD, Qi C. Front rail crashworthiness design for front oblique impact using a magic cube approach. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 2013-01-0651.(EI)
13. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N and Raju, B, Blast Protection Design of a Military Vehicle System Using a Magic Cube Approach, presented at SAE 2008 World Congress & Exhibition, April, 2008, Detroit, MI, and selected in the Book of Special Publications of Military Vehicles, SAE 2008-01-0773.
12. Jiang, D Y, Qi, C, et al., Innovative Composite Structure Design for Blast Protection, presented at SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, April, 2007, and selected in SAE 2007 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, SAE 2007-01-0483.
11. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N and Pierre, C, A Magic Cube (MQ) Approach for Crashworthy and Blast-Protective Structure Design Problems, presented at 13th Annul ARC Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May15-16, 2007.

10. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N, Pierre, C, Wang, H and Raju, B, A Magic Cube (MQ) Approach for Crashworthiness Design, presented at SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, April, 2006, and selected in Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, SAE 2006-01-0671.
9. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, and Yang, R J, A Target Cascading Approach for Quick Subsystem Replacement in Crashworthiness Design, presented at 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California, July 16-22, 2006.
8. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N and Pierre, C A Magic Cube Approach for Blast Protection Design, presented at 12th Annul ARC Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 23-24, 2006.
7. Ma, Z-D and Qi, C, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Elastomeric Mounting Systems in Automotive Vehicles, International Journal of Product Development, Vol 1, Nos 3/4, p 365-382, 2005.
6. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N, Pierre, C, Wang, H and Raju, B , Fundamental Studies on Crashworthiness Design with Uncertainties in the System, presented at SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, April 10-14, 2005, and selected in Special Publication of Occupant Safety, Safety-Critical Systems, and Crashworthiness, SAE 2005-01-0613.
5. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N and Pierre, C, A System Decomposition Approach for Crashworthiness Design with Uncertainties in the system, presented at 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 31-June 2, 2005.
4. Qi, C, Ma, Z-D, Kikuchi, N and Pierre, C, A Magic Cube Approach for Crashworthiness Design, presented at 11th Annul ARC Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 24-25, 2005.
3. Ma, Z-D and Qi, C, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Elastomeric Mounting Systems in Automotive Vehicles, AIAA 2004-4396, Collection of Technical Papers - 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004, p 1078-1097.
2. Qi, C and Ma, Z-D, Preliminary Studies on Buckling and Crashworthiness Design with Multidisciplinary Objectives and Uncertainties in the System, presented at 5th Annual Engineering Graduate Student Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Oct 23, 2004.
1. 呂振華,亓昌,蹄-鼓式制動器熱彈性耦合有限元分析,機械強度,2003年,25卷,第4期,401-407.


