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  • 中文名:于洋
  • 畢業院校廣州中醫藥大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:博士研究生導師 


2007年7月畢業於廣州中醫藥大學中藥學專業,獲醫學博士學位。同年留校任教,從事方劑教學、臨床及科研工 作。






(1) Sisi Lai, Yanyan Wei, Quanwu Wu, Kang Zhou, Tuo Liu,Yingfeng Zhang, Ning Jiang, Wen Xiao, Junjie Chen, Qiuhong Liu, Yang Yu*. Liposomes for Effective Drug Delivery to the Ocular Posterior Chamber[J]. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. Accepted.(IF:5.294)
(2) Hanmei Wei, Tuo Liu, Ning Jiang, Kang Zhou, Kangqiang Yang, Weimin Ning*, Yang Yu*. A Novel Delivery System of Cyclovirobuxine D for Brain-Targeting: Angiopep-conjugated Polysorbate80 Coated Liposomes via Intranasal Administration[J]. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2018,14:1252-1262.. (IF: 5.068)
(3) Hanmei Wei, Sisi Lai, Jiabao Wei, Lei Yang, Ning Jiang, Qing Wang∗, Yang Yu∗. A Novel Delivery Method of Cyclovirobuxine D for Brain-Targeting: Chitosan Coated Nanoparticles Loading Cyclovirobuxine D by Intranasal Administration[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 8:5274–5282.(IF: 1.483)
(4) Qiao Lai, Zhengzhong Luo, Chunying Wu, Sisi Lai, Hanmei Wei, Tongming Li, Qing Wang, Yang Yu*. Attenuation of cyclosporine A induced nephrotoxicity by schisandrin B through suppression of oxidative stress, apoptosis and autophagy.[J]. International Immunopharmacology, 2017, 52:15.(IF:2.9560)
(5) Zhang C, Li Q, Lai S, Yang L, Shi G, Wang Q, Luo Z, Zhao R*, Yu Y*. Attenuation of diabetic nephropathy by Sanziguben Granule inhibiting EMT through Nrf2-mediated anti-oxidative effects in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats[J]. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2017, 205:207–216.
(6) Jin-Lian He, Zhi-Wei Zhou, Juan-Juan Yin,Chang-QiangHe,Shu-Feng Zhou*, Yang Yu*. Schisandra chinensis regulates drugmetabolizing enzymes and drug transporters via activation of Nrf2-mediated signaling pathway. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2014 Dec 17;9:127-46. (DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S68501. eCollection 2015).(IF:3.028)
(7) Jia-bao Wei, Qiao Lai, Stepan P. Shumyak, Lan-fang Xu, Chen-xueZhang,Jia-jun Ling , Yu Yang*. An LC/MS quantitative and microdialysis method for cyclovirobuxine D pharmacokinetics in rat plasma and brain: the pharmacokinetic comparison of three different drug delivery routes. J CHROMATOGR B, 2015, 1002c: 185-193.(DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2015.08.022).(IF: 2.729)
(8) Qiao Lai, Jiabao Wei, Mohammed Mahmoodurrahman, Chenxue Zhang, Shijian Quan, Tongming Li, Yang Yu*. Pharmacokinetic and Nephroprotective benefits of using Schisandra chinensis extracts in a Cyclosporine A (CsA) based immune-suppressive regime [J]. Drug Design, Development and Therapy.2015 Aug 28, 9: 4997-5018.(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT. S89876).(IF:3.028)
(9) Zhang C, Lian R, Mahmoodurrahman M, Lai S, Zhao Z, Yu Y*. Serumpharmacochemistry for tracking bioactive components by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MScombined chromatographic fingerprint for quality assessment of SanzigubenGranule. Journal of chromatography. B,Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences. Sep 12016;1029-1030:128-136.
(10) 于洋*, 勞文俊, 陳嘉儀. 三仁湯與濕溫病證治芻議.中醫雜誌,2014,55(3):262-264.


(1) 三子固本方活性多糖經Nrf2信號通路對TGF-β1/Smad介導的糖尿病腎病EMT的作用機制研究(81774192),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2018.1-2021.12,55萬元,在研。
(2) 三子固本方多糖部位經Nrf2 信號通路對TGF-β1/Smad介導的糖尿病腎病EMT 的作用機制研究,廣州中醫藥大學“高水平大學建設”,2017.3-2018.9,20萬元,在研。
(3) Angiopep-2修飾的環維黃楊星D鼻腔給藥腦靶向納米遞釋系統的研究,廣東省科技計畫,2016.5-2018.5,30萬元,在研。
(4) “五味子經ERK/P38-Nrf2通路調節內源性抗氧化基因與轉運體及配伍環孢素A的減毒機制研究” (81473582),國家自然科學基金,2015.1-2018.12,66萬元,在研。
(5) “以五味子散為例基於ABC膜轉運蛋白的方劑佐使配伍機制研究” (81102548),國家自然科學基金,2012.1-2014.12,22萬元。(已結題)
(6) “基於腦局部PK-PD模型的芎黃鼻用原位凝膠的製備及腦靶向性的評價研究”(2013KJCX0047)廣東省教育廳學科與專業建設專項資金,2014.1-2015.12,6萬元。(在研)
(7) “環維黃楊星D鼻腔納米粒的製備與評價” (QNYC20140105),廣州中醫藥大學“青年英才培養工程”,2015.1-2018.12,20萬元(在研)
(8) “系統藥理學與化學信息學開發三子固本顆粒治療糖尿病腎病的策略與評價”,廣州中醫藥大學“薪火計畫”2015.6-2017.6,經費10萬元(在研)
(9) “基於方劑整體生物有效性理論對四逆湯配伍的研究(09CX017)”,廣州中醫藥大學科研創新基金項目,2009-2011,1萬元。(已結題)
(10) “精品課程視角下《方劑學》實驗課程的建設及實效性評價”,廣州中醫藥大學教育課題,2011-2013,0.6萬元。(已結題)
(11) “基於學院層面的信息化系統在研究生管理中的實踐研究(XWYJ0919)”,廣州中醫藥大學學位與研究生教育課題,2009-2011,0.2萬元。(已結題)


