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  • 中文名:二次開放:全球化十字路口的中國選擇
  • 作者:遲福林
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • ISBN:9787508537580
  • 類別:經濟類圖書
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂


本書由緒論和5個章節組成,基於經濟全球化新挑戰的分析,對中國經濟轉型與結構性改革提出相關判斷和建議,在分析經濟全球化客觀趨勢與全球化新十字路口的基礎上,提出走向“二次開放”的中國選擇。本書主體部分提出“二次開放”的“三大戰略”,即自由貿易大戰略、“一帶一路”大戰略和服務貿易大戰略。“二次開放”中要完成深化經濟轉型與結構性改革的“三大任務”,即以經濟轉型為目標的結構性改革、服務業市場開放的重大行動和監管變革中的政府擔當。This book consists of an introduction and five chapters: based on the analysis of the new challenges of economic globalization, Introduction puts forward some relevant judgments and suggestions on China’s economic transformation and structural reform. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 try to put forward China’s choice to “the Second Round of Opening-up” based on analyzing the objective trend of economic globalization and the new crossroads of globalization; Chapter 3-5 respectively put forward the “three major strategies” of “the Secondary Round of the Opening-up”, namely, the big strategy of free trade, the big strategy of “the Belt and the Road” and the big strategy of service trade. “Three major tasks” of deepening the economic transformation and the structural reform should be completed in “the Secondary Round of the Opening-up”, namely, the structural reform aimed at economic transformation, the major action of opening the service market and the government’s role in the regulatory and supervision reform.


遲福林,男,轉軌經濟理論與政策研究權威;享受國務院特殊津貼專家,海南省首批有突出貢獻專家;中國(海南)改革發展研究院院長,中國經濟體制改革研究會副會長,海南省社會科學界聯合會主席。Chi Fulin, research fellow, supervisor of Ph.D., is the president of China Institute for Reform and Development.He also works as vice president of China Society of Economic Reform, and vice president of China Society of Administrative Reform. Chi has been engaged in research of theories on economic transformation and related practices for manyyears. He has made in-depth research of government transformation and equalization of basic public services centering on a number of major economic and social issues encountered in the process of the reform and opening-up of China.

