



  • 書名:主題英語快速閱讀
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:157頁
  • 開本:16
  • 作者:許先文 馬廣惠
  • 出版日期:2007年4月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787560065342




Unit 1Values
Passage 1 Privacy
Passage 2Common Essential Learning—Personal and Social Values and Skills
Passage 3Where Have Our Values Gone?
Passage 4Our Endangered Values
Unit 2Language
Passage 1Shakespeare's Language
Passage 2Graphical Systems of Language
Passage 3The Spread of English
Passage 4Language at Work
Unit 3Creativity
Passage 1Process and Product Creativity
Passage 2What Is Creativity
Passage 3Ways to Improve Your Creativity
Passage 4The Creative Process
Unit 4Man and Nature
Passage 1Man and Nature
Passage 2The Galapagos Islands
Passage 3At Home on Earth
Passage 4Wetland Project
Unit 5Chinese Civilization
Passage 1Chinese Ancient Civilization
Passage 2The Han Philosophy
Passage 3The Spring Festival
Passage 4The Ancient Chinese Literature
Unit 6War and Peace
Passage 1 The Effects of a Nuclear Explosion
Passage 2Peace and War
Passage 3The Future of War and Peace
Passage 4Future Battlefield
Unit 7 Racial Issues
Passage 1 The Emancipation Proclamation
Passage 2International Combat Against Racism
Passage 3Black Churches on Fire
Passage 4Bigots in the Ivory Tower
Unit 8Literature
Passage 1Twentieth—Century British Literature
Passage 2Reconstructing Shakespeare
Passage 3 Symmetry in Cat in the Rain
Passage 4Overview: Shootingan Elephant
Unit9 History
Passagel Byzantium
Passage 2Why Study History of Science and Technology?
Passage 3Why Study History?
Passage 4Approaches to History
Unit 10Globalization
Passage 1French Economic Patriotism
Passage 2What Is Globalization?
Passage 3 Globalization VS.Economic Sovereignty
Passage 4Problems and Challenges Accompanying Globalization


