


  • 中文名:中華人民共和國涉外海洋科學研究管理規定
  • 外文名:Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-related Marine Scientific Researches
  • 頒布時間:1996年6月18日
  • 實施時間:1996年10月1日
  • 發布單位:中華人民共和國國務院


第一條 為了加強對在中華人民共和國管轄海域內進行涉外海洋科學研究活動的管理,促進海洋科學研究的國際交流與合作,維護國家安全和海洋權益,制定本規定。
第二條 本規定適用於國際組織、外國的組織和個人(以下簡稱外方)為和平目的,單獨或者與中華人民共和國的組織(以下簡稱中方)合作,使用船舶或者其他運載工具、設施,在中華人民共和國內海、領海以及中華人民共和國管轄的其他海域內進行的對海洋環境和海洋資源等的調查研究活動。但是,海洋礦產資源(包括海洋石油資源)勘查、海洋漁業資源調查和國家重點保護的海洋野生動物考察等活動,適用中華人民共和國有關法律、行政法規的規定。
第三條 中華人民共和國國家海洋行政主管部門(以下簡稱國家海洋行政主管部門)及其派出機構或者其委託的機構,對在中華人民共和國管轄海域內進行的涉外海洋科學研究活動,依照本規定實施管理。
第四條 在中華人民共和國內海、領海內,外方進行海洋科學研究活動,應當採用與中方合作的方式。在中華人民共和國管轄的其他海域內,外方可以單獨或者與中方合作進行海洋科學研究活動。
第五條 外方與中方合作進行海洋科學研究活動的,中方應當在海洋科學研究計畫預定開始日期6個月前,向國家海洋行政主管部門提出書面申請,並按照規定提交海洋科學研究計畫和其他有關說明材料。
第六條 經批准進行涉外海洋科學研究活動的,申請人應當在各航次開始之日2個月前,將海上船隻活動計畫報國家海洋行政主管部門審批。國家海洋行政主管部門應當自收到海上船隻活動計畫之日起1個月內作出批准或者不批准的決定,並書面通知申請人,同時通報國務院有關部門。
第七條 有關中外雙方或者外方應當按照經批准的海洋科學研究計畫和海上船隻活動計畫進行海洋科學研究活動;海洋科學研究計畫或者海上船隻活動計畫在執行過程中需要作重大修改的,應當徵得國家海洋行政主管部門同意。
第八條 進行涉外海洋科學研究活動的,不得將有害物質引入海洋環境,不得擅自鑽探或者作用炸藥作業。
第九條 中外合作使用外國籍調查船在中華人民共和國內海、領海內進行海洋科學研究活動的,作業船舶應當于格林威治時間每天00時和08時,向國家海洋行政主管部門報告船位及船舶活動情況。外方單獨或者中外合作使用外國籍調查船在中華人民共和國管轄的其他海域內進行海洋行政主管部門報告船位及船舶活動情況。
第十條 中外合作在中華人民共和國內海、領海內進行海洋科學研究活動所獲得的原始資料和樣品,歸中華人民共和國所有,參加合作研究的外方可以依照契約約定無償使用。
第十一條 中外合作進行的海洋科學研究活動結束後,所使用的外國籍調查船應當接受國家海洋行政主管部門或者其派出機構、其委託的機構檢查。
第十二條 中外合作進行的海洋科學研究活動結束後,中方應當將研究成果和資料目錄抄報國家海洋行政主管部門和國務院有關部門,並及時提供有關階段性研究成果以及最後研究成果和結論。
第十三條 違反本規定進行涉外海洋科學研究活動的,由國家海洋行政主管部門或者其派出機構、其委託的機構責令停止該項活動,可以沒收違法活動器具、沒收違法獲得的資料和樣品,可以單處或者並處5萬元人民幣以下的罰款。
第十四條 中華人民共和國締結或者參加的國際條約與本規定有不同規定的,適用該國際條約的規定;但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。
第十五條 本規定自1996年10月1日起施行。


Article 1 These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of strengthening the administration of foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, promoting the exchanges and cooperation in maritime scientific research with foreign countries and safeguarding the national security and maritime rights and interests.
Article 2 These Provisions apply to the investigation and research on the marine environment and resources, which are conducted for peace purpose and by use of vessels or other conveyances and installations by international organizations, foreign organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as foreign party) independently or in collaboration with the organizations from the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Chinese party) in the internal seas and territorial seas as well as in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, but not to the exploration of marine mineral resources (including marine petroleum resources), the investigation of marine fishery resources and the survey of marine wildlife under special state protection, to which the relevant provisions of laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China apply.
Article 3 The state administrative department of marine affairs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the state administrative department of marine affairs) together with agencies established or authorized by it shall, according to these Provisions, administer foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Other competent departments under the State Council shall, within their respective scope of authorities specified by the State Council and in consultation with the state administrative department of marine affairs, administer foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Article 4 A foreign party intending to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas or territorial seas of the People's Republic of China should undertake it in collaboration with a Chinese party. In other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, a foreign party may conduct maritime scientific research independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party.
A maritime scientific research conducted by a foreign party independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party shall be subject to the approval of the state administrative department of marine affairs, or be reported by the state administrative department of marine affairs to the State Council for the approval, and shall be in conformity to laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
Article 5 For a maritime scientific research to be conducted by a foreign party in collaboration with a Chinese party, the Chinese party should, six months before the scheduled implementation of the maritime scientific research plan, apply to the state administrative department of marine affairs in writing and submit the maritime scientific research plan and other relevant explanatory materials as required.
A foreign party intending to conduct maritime scientific research independently should, six months before the scheduled implementation of the maritime scientific research plan, apply to the state administrative department of marine affairs in writing through diplomatic channels and submit the maritime scientific research plan and other relevant explanatory materials as required.
After receiving the application for maritime scientific research, the state administrative department of marine affairs shall examine it in consultation with the Foreign Ministry, the competent military department and other competent departments under the State Council and, within four months, decide whether or not to grant approval or submit an examination report to the State Council for the decision.
Article 6 An applicant having been approved to conduct foreign-related maritime scientific research shall, two months before each voyages, submit his plan for offshore operations by vessel to the state administrative department of marine affairs for the examination and approval. The state administrative department of marine affairs shall, within one month as from the date of receiving the aforesaid plan, decide whether or not to grant approval, notify the applicant in writing and report to relevant departments under the State Council at the same time.
Article 7 The Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall conduct maritime scientific research according to the approved plan for maritime scientific research and the approved plan for offshore operations by vessel. If a major modification of the plan for maritime scientific research or the plan for offshore operations by vessel is required in the course of its implementation, prior approval shall be obtained from the state administrative department of marine affairs.
If force majeure makes it impossible to implement the approved plan for maritime scientific research or the approved plan for offshore operations by vessel, the Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall promptly report the case to the state administrative department of marine affairs. The party concerned may resume the implementation, or modify, or suspend the implementation of the plan when force majeure has disappeared.
Article 8 The introduction into the marine environment of harmful substances, and the exploration or operations by use of explosives without authorization shall be prohibited in conducting foreign-related maritime scientific research.
Article 9 Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China by use of an investigation vessel of foreign nationality, the vessel operating at sea shall, at 00:00 and 08:00 hundred hours Greenwich mean time every day, report to the state administrative department of marine affairs on its position and activity. Where a foreign party, independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party, conducts maritime scientific research in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China by use of an investigation vessel of foreign nationality, the vessel operating at sea shall, at 02:00 hundred hours Greenwich mean time every day, report to the state administrative department of marine affairs on its position and activity.
The state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it may exercise surveillance at sea over the investigation vessel of foreign nationality mentioned in the preceding paragraph or embark on the vessel to perform inspection.
Article 10 Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China, original data and samples they have acquired shall belong to the People's Republic of China. The foreign cooperator may use original data and samples free of charge as agreed upon in the contract.
Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, original data and samples they have acquired shall be shared Between them according to an agreement, and may be used free of charge by any of them.
Where a foreign party conducts maritime scientific research independently, original data and samples he has acquired may be used free of charge by the relevant organizations of the People's Republic of China. The foreign party shall provide free of charge copies of materials and separable samples so acquired for the state administrative department of marine affairs.
Without the approval of the state administrative department of marine affairs and other competent departments under the State Council, the Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall not publish or transfer original data and samples they have or he has acquired by conducting maritime scientific research in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Article 11 When a foreign party has independently completed or Chinese and foreign parties have jointly completed maritime scientific research, the investigation vessel of foreign nationality used for the research shall pass the inspection of the state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it.
Article 12 When Chinese and foreign parties have jointly completed maritime scientific research, the Chinese party shall send copies of the research achievement report and the data list to the state administrative department of marine affairs and other competent departments under the State Council.
A foreign party having independently completed maritime scientific research shall provide data and samples acquired in the research or their copies and separable samples for the state administrative department of marine affairs, and shall promptly provide the research achievements at each stage and the final research achievement and the conclusion.
Article 13 If anyone, in violation of these Provisions, conducts foreign-related maritime scientific research, the state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it shall order him to stop the research, may confiscate his implements used in the illegal activities and data and samples acquired illegally, and may exclusively or concurrently impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan.
If any violation of these Provisions gives rise to heavy losses or serious consequences and thereby a crime has been constituted, the offender shall be investigated for criminal liability.
Article 14 If an international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions that differ from these Provisions, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, except those on which China has made reservations.
Article 15 These Provisions come into force on October 1, 1996.





  • 《海洋揭秘50年——海洋科學基礎研究進展》


