



  • 作者:[美]南茜·派恩
  • 出版社:新華出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年2月
  • 頁數:212 頁
  • 定價:28.00 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787516609835
  • 原作品:Educating Young Giants: What Kids Learn ( and Don't Learn ) in China and America
中美兩國在對待數學教育的態度和方式上有什麼差異? 教師的角色和任務有何不同? 課堂教育是強調學生對於課本的深入理解還是側重學生本身的獨立思考? 兩國教育對勤奮和天賦的強調有何差異? 學業和考試壓力的不同在哪裡? 兩國語言對學習的潛在影響是什麼? 教學環境與紀律的設定有何不同? 大學入學的競爭差異在哪裡? 作為資深教育專家,作者在二十年的時間裡往來中美之間數十次,走訪旁聽了兩國各地多所學校的課堂教育,與老師、教育者、家長、孩子們進行了廣泛的交流。 在本書中,她忠實記錄了自己在兩國課堂旁聽的所觀所感,充滿了生動的細節描述。難能可貴的是,作者在差異比較中儘量保持了客觀與公正,儘可能全面和深入地分析了中美兩國的教育者、決策人和父母在教育實施中各自的優點和缺點。 Nancy Pine has taught in public elementary and high schools for 14 years, holds a Ph.D. in Education focused on learning in the United States and China, directed the Elementary Education Program at Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, for 10 years, and published over 30 research papers, many related to cross-cultural learning. Her own children attended the Pasadena public sch...(展開全部) Nancy Pine has taught in public elementary and high schools for 14 years, holds a Ph.D. in Education focused on learning in the United States and China, directed the Elementary Education Program at Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, for 10 years, and published over 30 research papers, many related to cross-cultural learning. Her own children attended the Pasadena public schools, she has held central roles in local school board campaigns, and spends hours in the public schools of Los Angeles and China advising teachers and consulting with those committed to improving education. Her recent book, Educating Young Giants: What Kids Learn (And Don't Learn) in China and America, was published in May by Palgrave Macmillan.


