



  • 書名:中等職業教育建築類規劃教材:建築英語
  • 原版名稱:English for Constructing
  • ISBN:7303134360, 9787303134366
  • 頁數:201頁
  • 出版社:北京師範大學出版集團,北京師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年10月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 What's Your Name?
Section A Alphabet 字母表
Section B Dialogues
Section C Group work: name game
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 2 Name Card
Section A What's your number?
Section B Name card
Section C Writing
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 3 What's Your Major?
Section A What time is it?
Section B What subjects do you have today?
Section C What's your major?
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 4 Shopping
Section A Dialogues
Section B Group work: organize a used things sale
Section C Reading
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 5 The Weather at a Job Site
Section A What's the weather like today?
Section B Talk about the weather of your hometown
Section C Dialogue
Section D Reading
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 6 Making a Telephone
Section A This is Ben
Section B Reading
Section C Writing: message
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 7 Asking the Way
Section A Give directions
Section B Asking the way
Section C Group work
Section D Writing
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 8 Make an Appointment
Section A Can I see your manager?
SectionB Let me check...
Section C Expressions for making an appointment
Section D Reading
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 9 Resume
SectionA I can...
Section B A mock interview
Section C Application for employment
Section D Writing
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 10 Interview
Section A Get a part-time job
Section B What skills have you got?
Section C Role-play
Section D Reading
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 11 At a Worksite
Section A What is your nationality?
Section B Dialogues
Section C Role-play
Section D Patterns for constructions
Section E Writing
Section F Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 12 Engineering Drawing
Section A How do you draw?
Section B You've got the wrong drawing
Section C Reading
Section D Read the drawing
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 13 Construction Enterprise
Section A Who is your manager?
Section B What about the composed structure?
Section C Dialogue
Section D Spoken English
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 14 Building
Section A Build your dreams
Section B Talk about buildings
Section C How to cure the concrete perfectly?
Section D Reading
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 15 Invitation
Section A What's the date today?
Section B Dialogues
Section C Letters of invitations and replies
Section D Writing
Section E Language knowledge
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 16 Buying a Flat
Section A I'd like a flat with three bedrooms
Section B Visiting a show flat
Section C Dialogue
Section D Reading
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 17 Inquiry of the Building Materials
Section A Inquire the price of some building materials
Section B Pair work: How much is cement?
Section C Reading
Section D Writing
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Unit 18 Tender Invitation
Section A New words
Section B Tender invitation
Section C Dialogue
Section D Language knowledge
Section E Merry learning
Think and Act
Words and Phrases
Reading 1 招聘預算工程師
Words and Phrases
Reading 2 建築契約
Words and Phrases
Reading 3
Words and Phrases
Reading 4 Health and safety in the construction industry
Words and Phrases
附錄一 部分參考譯文及答案
附錄二 英語語音知識
附錄三 Some Expressions for Building


