



  • 書名:中國電子政務採納:後信息化時代的多視角研究
  • 作者:張楠、郭迅華
  • ISBN:9787302376095
  • 定價:108元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014-9-25
  • 裝幀:平裝


本書在對國際學術領域電子政務研究文獻進行廣泛掃描、總結和提煉的基礎上,運用定性、定量相結合的規範性實證研究方法,從個人視角、組織視角、文化影響、政策環境等多個角度圍繞電子政務採納這一核心問題展開研究,試圖更全面地刻畫中國基層政府部門電子政務採納的現狀與問題,並探究其背後的原因與解決路徑。 本書適合高等院校公共管理相關專業的教師和研究生、政府部門的官員以及電子政務領域的相關研究人員閱讀參考。



As science and technology keep developing rapidly, electronic government (e-government) has received far-ranging attention and standing investment from most countries all over the world during the past two decades. On the other hand, the research topics of IT adoption and utilization have created an important stream in the academic fields of management information systems. Since the new century, IT/IS application in China has been even accelerating, especially when e-government systems are concerned. The IT/IS development gap between Chinese governmental organizations and those in the developed countries has been narrowed considerably. When informationization strengthens the infrastructure of e-government, the weaknesses in IT/IS adoption and utilization are also exposed. Since research that probes into e-government adoption in China is still scarce, exploring the e-government adoption and strategies in the context of the post-informationization age is important to both academia and practitioner.
Base on a broad investigation and a critical review on the abundant literature of e-government research, using both qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods, this book discusses e-government adoption issues from individual, organizational, cultural and institutional perspectives for interpreting the statuses of e-government adoption in Chinese local government more comprehensively, and understanding the key determinants more in-depth.
From the individual perspective, for exploring the determinants of e-government adoption in the Chinese cultural context, our study provides an IT adoption model based on Hofstede’s cultural consequences theory and conducts an empirical test about an mobile government application in the municipal administration department of Beijing. From the organizational perspective, based on the technology- organization-environment (TOE) framework, our study describes the status and problems of open source software adoption in governmental organizations of Beijing from the perspectives on motivation, process and performance. In the subsequent chapter, we synthesize those two perspectives for explaining the bottleneck of e-government adoption. Centering on the administrative sanction service reform and its relevant e-government system, the chapter conveys the thoughts based on both the technology adoption framework and the structuration theory. Finally, focusing on the interactive relation between e-government adoption and ICT independent innovation, the book also provides a discussion on policy environment analysis and institution construction.
The findings of the book may help both scholars and government officers understand e-government application and management more comprehensively and deeply, as well as to better grasp the e-government adoption patterns, so as to design more effective strategies and plans for e-government development.
The authors would like to thank Professor Guoqing Chen, Professor Qingguo Meng, Professor Youqiang Wang from Tsinghua University, Professor Patrick. Y. K. Chau from University of Hong Kong, Professor Wayne. W. Huang from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Professor Ping Zhang from Syracuse University, and all the other brilliant people that we have met in our academic career. Special thanks will go to Dr. Yan Huang from University of Michigan, for her excellent work when she participated in our research projects. We also thank Miss Gaojie Wei for her excellent proofreading work. In addition, this work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China , and the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program .
Nan Zhang & Xunhua Guo


1 E-government Development and E-government Adoption in China 1
1.1 E-government Development Practice in China 1
1.2 E-goverment Development Stage and Characteristics of
Post-Informationization Era 4
1.3 Introduction of IT Adoption 9
1.4 Framework of the Book 11
References 13
2 Ten Years of E-government Research: The Literature Perspective 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Methodology of Literature Analysis 18
2.2.1 Sample Selection 18
2.2.2 Research Perspectives 19
2.2.3 Research Processes 22
2.2.4 Sample Description 22
2.3 Research Subjects Distribution 24
2.3.1 Development Phases 24
2.3.2 Target Areas Classification 25
2.4 Research Methods Distribution 27
2.4.1 Time Variation of Research Methods 27
2.4.2 Regional Differences of Research Methods 28
2.5 Research Focus 29
2.5.1 E-government Adoption and Acceptance 30
2.5.2 E-government Evaluation 30
2.5.3 E-democracy 31
2.5.4 E-governance 32
2.5.5 Digital Divide/Accessibility 33
2.5.6 Collaboration?/?Interoperability 33
2.5.7 E-government Strategy and Evolution 34
2.6 Concluding Remarks 35
References 37
3 Impacts of Cultural Factors on E-government Adoption: The Individual
Perspective 41
3.1 Background 41
3.2 Theoretical Foundation 44
3.2.1 Cultural Issues in IT?/?IS Adoption Research 44
3.2.2 Hofstede’s Cultural Consequences 46
3.2.3 IT/IS Adoption Research Based on the Hofstede’s Theory 48
3.2.4 Mandatory and Voluntary Information Systems Adoption 50
3.3 Research Model 51
3.3.1 Thoughts of Modeling 51
3.3.2 Hypotheses Related Power Distance and Uncertainty
Avoidance 52
3.3.3 Hexie and Perceived Fit 54
3.4 Empirical Study 57
3.4.1 Measurement Items 58
3.4.2 Data Collection 59
3.4.3 Reliability and Validity 60
3.4.4 Common Method Bias Analysis 61
3.5 Result and Discussion 62
3.6 Concluding Remarks 64
References 65
4 Open Source Software Adoption in Public Sectors: The Organizational
Perspective 71
4.1 Background 71
4.2 Open Source Related Literature 73
4.2.1 Definition of Open Source 73
4.2.2 Open Source Software Adoption 74
4.2.3 OSS in Government Agencies 76
4.3 Research Model 76
4.3.1 Adoption 78
4.3.2 Environmental Factors 78
4.3.3 Organizational Factors 79
4.3.4 Technological Factors 80
4.4 Research Method 81
4.4.1 Positivistic Case Study Method 81
4.4.2 Research Design 82
4.4.3 Reliability and Validity 85
4.5 Results and Discussion 88
4.6 Concluding Remarks 92
References 93
5 From Deterministic Theory to Structuration Theory: The Synthetical
Perspective 99
5.1 Background 99
5.2 Individual Perspective Analysis Based on the Adoption Theory 100
5.2.1 Research Motivation 100
5.2.2 IT/IS Adoption and Evaluation 101
5.2.3 Hypotheses 102
5.2.4 Empirical Test 105
5.2.5 Analysis Results 108
5.2.6 Discussion 111
5.3 Organizational Perspective Analysis Based on the
Strucration Theory 114
5.3.1 Research Motivation 114
5.3.2 Brief Review on the Structuraion Theory 115
5.3.3 The Structure-Pattern Model for E-Government
Adoption 116
5.3.4 Research Method 118
5.3.5 Case Analysis 120
5.4 Concluding Remarks 122
References 123
6 E-government and Independent ICT Innovation: The Institutional
Perspective 129
6.1 Background 129
6.2 Policy Environment Analysis 130
6.2.1 Related Literature Review 131
6.2.2 Boundary of Analysis 132
6.2.3 Interview Design 132
6.2.4 Validity Analysis 134
6.2.5 Policy Institution Evaluation 134
6.2.6 Synthetical Analysis 137
6.3 Exploration of Institutional Mechanism 139
6.3.1 Cooperation Oriented Mechanism 140
6.3.2 Application Oriented Mechanism 141
6.3.3 Experimentation Oriented Mechanism 142
6.3.4 Standardization Oriented Mechanism 142
6.4 Concluding Remarks 143
References 144
7 Conclusion 147
7.1 Summary of Findings 147
7.2 Implications 149
7.2.1 Theoretical Implications 149
7.2.2 Practical Implications 150
7.3 Limitations and Future Goals 150
7.3.1 Limitations 150
7.3.2 Future Goals 151
Index 153


