美國科羅拉多大學創建於1876年,是美國中北部著名的公立大學,現有在校生54,000餘人和4000餘名教職工,約有300個學科專業。該學校位於美國科羅拉多州,共包括3個校區:博得科羅拉多大學校區(Boulder);斯普林斯科羅拉多大學校區(Colorado Spring)和科羅拉多大學丹佛校區及醫療中心(Denver and Health Science Center)。該大學以教學質量高和優秀科研成果著稱。該校教師中四分之三擁有博士學位。強大的學術實力在全美也是眾所周知,它在商務研究、數學、藝術、人文科學、工程學等領域都處於學術的前沿,畢業生有很高的就業率。該校在過去的一百多年的歷史中,培養了大批科學和政治精英,其中包括4位諾貝爾獎獲得者。該學校科研項目跨度極大,對時下具有影響力的社會問題都有涉獵。
The International College at Beijing (ICB) is an integral part of China Agricultural University (CAU). ICB was founded on April 20th, 1995, as the result of a joint venture educational program between itself and the University of Colorado at Denver (UCD). The agreement reached between UCD and Chinese educational authorities, which led to the creation of the International College of Beijing, is now recognized as being among the first bilateral educational programs authorized by the Chinese government. In April, 1988, ICB started the cooperation with the University of Luton, UK, and was formally accepted as one of the first joint venture educational schools by the Beijing Institute of Education. Recently a new joint venture educational program has been planning and preparing, which would help ICB develop better in the future. ICB currently has more than 1400 students enrolled on its campus. This figure includes a number of international students. In the past few years ICB has successfully created and set up the language Research and Training Center, the Media Library, the Multimedia Computer Lab, and the Media Research Center. These facilities have greatly increased the efficiency and quality of the academic program offered by the International College at Beijing and its UK Luton Partner. After over 10 years of hard work and rapid development, the results have been greatly rewarding. ICB has become a highly respected international educational institution, which has at its disposal a competent faculty, advanced teaching facilities and a high standard of education.