



  • 書名:中國貧困山區生態補償體制研究
  • 作者:呂星,何俊 主編
  • ISBN:9787811125580
  • 定價:¥50.00
  • 出版社:雲南大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-1-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:大32開


This book is a product of collaboration among researchers from the Regional Development Research Center of Yunnan University and other organizations. The WoAd Agro-Forestry Research Center Kunming Office provides valuable financial support as well as technical support. The book consists of three sections. The first section includes two papers that review the policy of payment for environment services and synthesize case studies, The second section includes all case studies selected. The third section selects one watershed and studies various issues related to payment for environment services.


The thanks must be given to all authors in this book for their collaboration and contribution, especially to Dr. Horst Weyerhaeuser, former representative of The World Agro-Forestry Research Center Kunming Office for his support and assistance. We also own it to the staff of Yunnan University Press(雲南大學出版社).


A Policy Review on Compensation for the Forest Eco-services in China
Rewarding the Upland Poor for Environmental Services in the People’S Republic of China
Study on Compensation for Ecological Benefits by Enterprises
Study on Compensation for Ecological Benefits of Public Forests in Anhui Province
Study on Ecological Benefits of Upland Conversion
Ways to Protect and Compensate for Biodiversity in C,aohai Lake
Recognization of Traditional Foi’est Management——A Case Study on the Baima Community.Sichuan Province
Environmental Protection:Who Benefits and Who Loses
Study on Ecological Compensation of the Supa River Watershed
Reflections on the Environmental Conservation in the Supa River Watershed
Study of the Status of Forest Management in the Supa RiverWatershed
Evaluation and Study of Environmental Fragility in the Supa River Watershed
Analysis of Land Utilization and Soil Erosion in the Supa River Watershed
Economic Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in the Supa River Watershed


