



Science and Technology (hereafter referred to as “S&T”) indicators represent quantitativemeans through which people can observe or measure S&T activities. S&T indicators canaccurately reflect the status of S&T development and its roles and impacts on social andeconomic development. S&T indicators act as the basic evidences in decision-makingprocess and the important instruments in evaluating the effects of S&T policies. Almostall nations and international organizations have been paying more and more attention toS&T indicators and using them as the basic tools of scientific decision making and policyanalysis.
Since the 1990s, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China has, together with othergovernmental departments under the State Councils and relevant institutions, compiled andpublished series of reports as a government publication on China’s S&T indicators in theform of S&T Yellow Book. China Science and Technology Indicators 2014, or No.12 YellowBook on Science and Technology, is the 12th volume in the series.
This issue has made full use of the scientific statistics data and relevant economic andsocial statistics data until the end of 2013, mainly reflecting the basic S&T developmentstatus since the release of the National Plan for Long and Medium-Term Scientific andTechnological Development (2006—2020) and the National Scientific and TechnologicalDevelopment Plan (2011—2015). It unveils major characteristics of China’s S&T activitiesin the course of supporting the economic and social transformation and reflects historicalprocess of strengthening China’s capacity of indigenous innovation and developing aninnovative country.
As one of the serial reports, this volume is consistent with the structures and indicatorssystem applied in the previous volumes. The report has presented a systematic analysisand evaluation on China’s S&T human resources, R&D expenditures, S&T activity output,S&T activities carried out by major entities (enterprises, higher education institutions andgovernment research institutes), high-technology industries, overall scale and structuraldistribution of regional S&T development in the recent decade, especially during the 12thFive-Year Plan period. At the same time, this volume has made some updates. First, itunderscored the analysis of the trend of S&T indicators and the comparison with historicdata. Through the analysis and comparison, it reviewed China’s S&T development historyand the process of developing an innovative country in recent years, and tried to analyzethe trend and rule of S&T development from a longer-term perspective. Second, this reportcontinued to emphasize on international comparison. Some representative and comparativeS&T indicators have been used in the report to compare China with some importantdeveloped countries, emerging industrialized countries and developing countries so as toreflect the national characteristics of China’s S&T and China’s position in the world. Third,this report has made some necessary adjustments of the structure. Due to the lack of data onChinese citizens’ scientific awareness, the report does not include the chapter of “Citizen’sUnderstanding and Attitude to S&T”. To facilitate readers’ understanding of the report,some columns of background information and relevant knowledge were inserted whennecessary. Because of the limitation in statistic data collection and application, the report,unless otherwise noted, does not contain the data on Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan regions. The Editorial Board of China Scienceand Technology Indicators 2014 acknowledges its gratitude to the guidance and assistanceprovided by authorities, experts and scholars of many government agencies and institutionsincluding Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Association for Science andTechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation, StateAdministration of Foreign Exchange, Ministry of Education, National Bureau of Statistics,State Intellectual Property Office, the National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Commission of Science Technology andIndustry for National Defense. The Board also appreciates comments or suggestions, if any,from readers.


Executive Summary
Chapter 1 Human Resources in Science and Technology
Section 1 Overview of Human Resources in Science and Technology
Section 2 Research and Development Personnel
Section 3 Cultivation of Human Resources in Science and Technology
Chapter 2 Research and Development Expenditure
Section 1 Research and Development Expenditure
Section 2 Structure of Research and Development Expenditure
Section 3 Origin and Destination of R&D Expenditure
Section 4 Government Spending on Science and Technology
Chapter 3 Output of Science and Technology Activities
Section 1 Science and Technology Papers
Section 2 Invention Patents
Chapter 4 Research and Development Activities and Innovations of Enterprises
Section 1 Research and Development Activities of Enterprises
Section 2 Research and Development Activities in Industrial Enterprises
Section 3 Patents and Development of New Product in Industrial Enterprises
Section 4 Cooperation among Industrial Enterprises, Universities, and Research Institutes and Technology Acquisition
Chapter 5 Science and Technology Activities in Higher Education Institutions
Section 1 Overview of Higher Education Institutions
Section 2 R&D Institutions and Personnel in Higher Education Institutions
Section 3 R&D Expenditure of Higher Education Institutions
Section 4 Output and Achievement of Commercialization of S&T Activities at Higher Education Institutions
Chapter 6 Science and Technology Activities in Government Research Institutes
Section 1 Overview of Research Institutes
Section 2 Research and Development Personnel at Research Institutes
Section 3 Research and Development Expenditure at Research Institutes
Section 4 Output and Achievement Transfer of Science and Technology Activities
Chapter 7 Development of High-Technology Industry
Section 1 High-Technology Industry
Section 2 High-Technology Products
Section 3 National High-Technology Industrial Development Zones
Section 4 Venture Capital Investment
Chapter 8 Regional Science and Technology Indicators
Section 1 Regional Distribution of Major S&T Indicators
Section 2 Distribution Features of Regional S&T Tables
Table 1-1 Overview of human resources in S&T (2004—2013)
Table 1-2 Technical personnel in S&T in state-owned enterprises and institutions (2000—2013)
Table 1-3 R&D personnel in selected countries/regions
Table 1-4 R&D personnel in selected countries/regions, by performance sectors
Table 1-5 Undergraduates and postgraduates in regular higher education institutions (2001—2013)
Table 1-6 Overseas Chinese students and returnes (1990—2013)
Table 2-1 Input of R&D expenditure (2000—2013)
Table 2-2 R&D expenditure, by activities and performence sectors (2000—2013)
Table 2-3 Structure of R&D expenditure within performance sectors (2013)
Table 2-4 Fiscal expenditure on science and technology of central and local total governments and their shares in central and local fiscal expenditure (2000—2013)
Table 2-5 R&D expenditure in certain countries/regions (2004—2013)
Table 2-6 GDP of certain countries (2004—2013)
Table 2-7 Ratio of R&D expenditure (regional) to GDP (regional) in certain countries/regions (2004—2013)
Table 2-8 R&D funds of certain countries, by sources and performence sectors (2013)
Table 2-9 Distribution of R&D expenditure, by types of activities in certain countries
Table 2-10 Distribution of R&D expenditure, by purposes of spending in certain countries
Table 3-1 China’s S&T papers included in SCI (2002—2013)
Table 3-2 Distribution of China’s S&T papers included in SCI, by discipline and type of organizations (2004—2013)
Table 3-3 Efficiency of SCI papers to R&D funds in China (2000—2011)
Table 3-4 Three kinds of patent applications and grants (2004—2013)
Table 3-5 Applications of foreign invention patents by country (2004—2013)
Table 3-6 Grants of foreign invention patents by country (2004—2013)
Table 3-7 Domestic grants for inventions patents by service and non-service (2004—2013)
Table 3-8 PCT applications in major countries (2004—2013)
Table 3-9 Triadic patent families in major countries (2003—2012)
Table 4-1 Personnel engaged in R&D activities in above-scale industrial enterprises (2013)
Table 4-2 R&D expenditure, input intensity of R&D expenditure, and labor productivity of industrial enterprises among industries (2013)
Table 4-3 Structure of source of funds of industrial enterprises among industries (2013)
Table 4-4 Basic information on S&T activities in above-scale industrial enterprises (2000, 2004, 2009, and 2011—2013)
Table 4-5 Basic information on S&T activities in medium and large-sized industrial enterprises (2000, 2005—2013)
Table 4-6 Basic information on S&T activities in above-scale industrial enterprises, by registration type (2013)
Table 4-7 Patent information in above-scale industrial enterprises (2013)
Table 4-8 R&D projects with annual revenues above designated amount in above-scale industrial enterprises, by cooperation form (2013)
Table 4-9 Introduction, assimilation and absorption of technologies, and purchase of domestic technologies in above-scale industrial enterprises (2000, 2004, 2009, and 2011—2013)
Table 5-1 Overview of S&T activities in higher education institutions (2003—2013)
Table 5-2 R&D expenditure of higher education institutions in certain countries (2013)


