- 中文名:中國班迪球聯合會
中國已經正式成功成為2022冬奧主辦方,在中國第一次主辦冬奧的歷史性時刻,中國正式申請加入了國際班迪球聯合會 International Bandy Federation (IBF),支持班迪球成為冬季奧運正式項目。就獲得2022冬奧獎牌來說,冰球(Ice Hockey)的衝撞性較高我國較無法與傳統冠軍國爭冠,但比較技術性的班迪球(Bandy)來說,中國要得冬季奧運團體獎牌的機會更高,尤其是女子組。以哈爾濱體育學院及佳木斯大學冰球隊為主的球員受到國際班迪球聯合會的支持,協助中國籌組中國班迪球聯合會 China Bandy Federation (CBF),並為中國成立了中國歷史上第一支班迪球國家代表隊(男子隊2015成軍,女子隊2016年成軍),同時將於2016-17年參加一系列的國際賽事,為中國開始為得牌進行策略性培訓。
13 December 2014, China Sustainable Society, Nordic Sustainable Organization, Nordic Vikings, Hokay, Harbin Sports University, Chengde City and Beijing International, started the formation of China Bandy Federation (CBF). As Chairman during this process we have choosen Shouting Zhang, Nordic Sustainable Org. The process have started in a dialogue with Chinese Winter Sport.
As a first step the organization accepted the Invitation from Federation of International Bandy (FIB) to come to Chabarowsk and the World Championship, B-Pool 1-6 February. The China team will be represented mainly by players from Harbin Sports University. We are currently investigates potential in cities as Chengde, the Home of the Winter Classic, Harbin, Changchun, Qiqihaer, Jiamusi, Funyuan(close to Chabarowsk) as well as Beijing for the future development.