



  • 書名:中國殘疾人事業統計年鑑(2018)
  • 作者:中國殘疾人聯合會
  • 出版社:中國統計出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年8月
  • 頁數:229 頁
  • 定價:180 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787503785634




000第一部分 主要數據圖
Part I Charts
圖-1 2017年殘疾人接受精準康復服務情況
Chart 1 Rehabilitation Services Received by Persons with Disabilities in 2017
圖-2 2013-2017年高等院校錄取殘疾考生情況
Chart 2 Admission ofDisabled Students by Higher Educational Institution during 2013-2017
圖-3 2017年城鄉持證殘疾人就業狀況
Chart 3 Employment of Persons with Disabilities holding certiticates in Urban and Rural Areas in 20 1 7
圖-4 2013-2017年農村貧困殘疾人危房改造情況
Chart 4 House Renovation for Poor Persons with Disabilities in Rural Areas during 2013-2017
圖-5 2013-2017年農村貧困殘疾人扶持情況
Chart 5 Supported by Poverty Alleviation Projects for Poor Persons with Disabilities in Rural Areas
during 2013-2017
圖-6 2013-2017年殘疾人接受託養服務情況
Chart 6 Persons with Disabilities Receiving Fostering Service during 2013-2017
圖-7 2013-2017年省、市級電視手語欄目播出情況
Chart 7 TV Programs Displayed Sign Language at Provincial and City Levels during 2013-2017
圖-8 2013-2017年省、市級殘疾人社會體育指導員培養情況
Chart 8 Development of Sports and Fitness Coaches for Persons with Disabilities at Provincial and
City Levels during 2013-2017
圖-9 2013-2017年省、市級殘疾人體育健身示範點建設情況
Chart 9 Development of Demonstration Sports Sites at Provincial and City Levels during 20 1 3-20 1 7
圖-10 2013-2017年系統開展無障礙環境建設地市、縣
Chart 10 National Systematic Construction ofAccessible Environment during 2013-2017
圖-11 2013-2017年殘疾人機動輪椅車燃油補貼發放情況
Chart 11 Subsidy for Petrol Used by Motorized Wheelchairs of Persons with Disabilities during 20 1 3-20 1 7
圖-12 2013-2017年殘疾人專職委員選聘情況
Chart 12 Full·-time Workers on Disability at Grass-·roots during 2013·-2017
圖-13 2017年殘疾人服務設施建設情況
Chart l 3 The Construction of Service Facilities for Persons with Disabilities in 20 1 7
圖-14 2013=2017殘疾人人口基礎庫數據情況
Chart 14 Development ofpopulation——based database ofPWDs during 2013——2017
第二部分 統計公報
Part II Communique
Communiqu6 on the Development of the Work on Persons with Disabilities in 20 17
第三部分 綜合統計資料
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Statistical Data
3-1 中國殘疾人事業主要業務進展情況(2013-2017)
Brief Summary on the Development of the Work for Persons with Disabilities(20 1 3-20 1 7)
Brief Data of the N~ional Basic Information Database of Persons with Disabilities
第四部分 分省統計資料
第五部分 分省統計報告
第六部分 附錄


