


大型曲藝專業系列方誌.,並被列入國家“七五”跨“八五”藝術科學重點科研項目.全書以省、自治區、直轄市為單位立卷編纂.除台灣省外,各地方卷均成立有專門機構,在設立於北京的總編輯部指導下進行工作.全書每卷在體例上分“綜述”、“圖表”、“志略”和“傳記”四個部類;其中“志略”部類又詳列“曲種、文學、音樂、表演、舞美、場所、機構、班社、報刊專著,軼聞傳說,文物古蹟、行話諺語”等分類項目.是迄今詳細而又全面記述中國曲藝藝術及其文化傳統的具有資料文獻性和可靠權威性的大型工具性系列叢書.總主編羅揚,副主編王波雲、周良.其中《湖南卷》已於192年10月由新華出版社出版,全書為16開精裝,彩色插圖16面,共82萬餘字.其它各卷將陸續編成問世.工藝美術&&&&總類 Large-scale opera Pro Series Chronicles .1986 by The People's Republic ofChinaMinistry of Culture, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and China曲藝家協會joint compilation, and was included in the national "75" cross "85"Artsand Sciences, focused research projects. Book in order to save , autonomous regions and municipalities as the unit dossier compiled. except Taiwan Province, local volumes have been set up with the specialized agencies, in setting up in Beijing under the guidance of the general editorial work. BritannicaEachvolume on the sub-style "round up", "Chart , ""Chislightly "and" biography "four categories of; The" Zhi Lue "also set out categories of" types of music, literature, music, performance, choreography, place, institution, class society, the press monographs, anecdotal legend , heritage, jargon proverbs "and other classified projects. is by far the detailed and comprehensive account ofChinesefolk art and cultural traditions that have information on reliable and authoritative literature and large-scale instrumental series. general editor of Luo Yang, co-editor Wang Boyun , Zhou. which "Hunan Volume" was 192 in October by the Xinhua PublishingHouse, hardcover book is 16 to open, color illustrations 16 side, a total of 82 thousand words. other volumes will be compiled one after another come out. Arts and Crafts & & & & general category


