



  • 中文名:中國政府白皮書(2000-2004)
  • 作者:中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年1月
  • 頁數:664 頁
  • 定價:128 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787119079752


The One-China Principle has been evolved in the course of the Chinese people's just struggle to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and its basis, both de facto and de jure,is unshakable.
Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. All the facts and laws about Taiwan prove that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. In April 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing gov-ernment to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Tai-wan. In July 1937, Japan launched an all-out war of aggression against China. In December 1941, the Chinese government issued the Proclamation of China's Declaration of War Against Japan, announcing to the world that all treaties,agreements and contracts concerning Sino-Japanese relations, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated, and that China would recover Tai-wan. In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration was issued by the Chinese, U.S. and British governments, stipulating that Japan should return to China all the territories it had stolen from the Chinese, including Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago. The Potsdam Proclamation sjgned by China, the United States and Britain in 1945 (later adhered to by the Soviet Union) stipu-lated that ""The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."" In August of that year, Japan declared surrender and promised in its instrument of surren-der that it would faithfully fulfil the obligations laid down in the Potsdam Proc-lamation. On October 25, 1945, the Chinese government recovered Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.


Fifty Years of Progress in China's Human Rights (February 2000)
The Development of Tibetan Culture (June 2000)
Narcotics Controlin China (June 2000)
China's National Defense in 2000 (October 2000)
China's Space Activities (November 2000)
China's Population and Development in the 21st Century (December 2000)
Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2000 ( April 2001)
The Development-oriented Poverty Reduction
Program for Rural China (October 2001)
Tibet's March Toward Modernization (November 2001)
Labor and Social Security in China (April 2002)
China's National Defense in 2002 (December 2002)
Ecological. Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet (March 2003)
History and Development of Xinjiang (May 2003)
China's Non-Proliferation Policy and Measures (December 2003)
China's Policy on Mineral Resources (December 2003)
Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2003 (March 2004)
China's Employment Situation and Policies (April 2004)
Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet (May 2004)
China's Social Security and Its Policy (September 2004)
China's National Defense in 2004 (December 2004)


