- 書名:2011年中國政府白皮書彙編
- 出版社:外文出版社
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16
作 者:中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室發布 編
版 次:1頁 數:401字 數:
印刷時間:2012-1-1開 本:16開紙 張:膠版紙
印 次:1I S B N:9787119074351包 裝:平裝
中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室編著的《2011年中國政府白皮書彙編》簡介:China has now stood at anew historical point,and its future and destiny has never been moreclosely connected with those of the international community.In theface of shared opportunities and com mort challenges,Chinamaintains its commitment to the new security concepts of mutualtrust,mutual benefit,equality and coordination. By connecting thefundamental interests of the Chinese people with the commoninterests of other peoples around the globe,connecting China’Sdevelopment with that of the world.and connecting China’S securitywith world peace,China strives to build,through its peacefuldevelopment,a harmonious world of lasting peace and commonprosperity.
·China’S National Defense in 2010(March 2011)
·China’S Foreign Aid(April 2011)
·Sixty Years Since Peaceful Liberation of Tibet(July 2011)
·China’S Peaceful Development(September 2011)
·The Socialist System of Laws with Chinese
Characteristics(October 2011)
·New Progress in Development—oriented Poverty
Reduction Program for Rural China(November 2011)
·China’S Policies and Actions for Addressing
Climate Change(201 1)(November 2011)
·China’S Foreign Trade(December 2011)
·China’S Space Activities in 2011(December 2011)