



  • 書名:中國外交新局面與國際形勢新變化(英文版)
  • 作者:曲星
  • 出版社:世界知識出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年6月
  • 頁數:389 頁
  • 定價:69.8 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787501246779




Part Ⅰ Overview
Opening a New Page in China's Foreign Relations Under Complicated Changing International Circumstances
Characteristics of the International Situation and Innovations in China's Diplomacy in 2013
Winning the Next Decade: China's Multi-pivot Diplomacy
New Period: A Magnificent Opening for the Chinese Diplomacy
Part Ⅱ World Economy and Regional Integration
We Should Not Be Scared by the TPP
The RCEP and China's Strategy from the Perspective of Participatory Rule-Making
The TTIP's Threefold Impact on China
International Financial Integration and Systemically Important Financial Institutions
Predicament of and Challenges to Emerging Economies
The Moderate Recovery of the US Economy
Part Ⅲ International Security
An Overall Assessment of the International Security Situation in 2013
US Rebalancing to Asia and the Role of the US-ROK Alliance
Strategy of Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific in Obama's New Term and US Ideological Export
Island Disputes in Northeast Asia:Research on the Changing International Order
Part Ⅳ New Changes in Regional Situation
The Development of American Power and Prospects for Sino-US Relations
Egypt's Chaos: No End in Sight
A Rocky Road for Arab Nations and the US' Weakening Capacity to Dominate Middle East Affairs
Trends and Developments in the Strategic Situation of South Asia
Some Views on Current Situation in Latin America
Part Ⅴ Chinese Diplomacy
President Xi Jinping's Visit to Africa and New Developments in Sino-African Relations
The Past, Present, and Future of Sino-French Relations
Advantages of Balanced Development of China-India and China-Pakistan Relations for South Asia
""Silk Road Economic Belt"": A Dynamic New Concept for Geopolitics in Central Asia
List of Authors


