



  • 書名:中國城市群(英文版)
  • 作者:方創琳 
  • ISBN:9787030627049
  • 頁數:267
  • 定價:¥299.00
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:1900年
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 開本:16




Chapter 1 Overview of the fundamental connotation and strategic position of China’s urban agglomerations 1
1.1 Defining urban agglomerations 2
1.1.1 Scientifically defining urban agglomerations 2
1.1.2 Spatially defining urban agglomeration 20
1.2 Urban agglomeration: elevated to national strategic development status 28
1.2.1 A series of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) documents recognizes urban agglomeration as the main body for promoting the China’s New Urbanization strategy 29
1.2.2 Many documents issued by the State Council also propose that urban agglomeration will serve as the main body of promoting the National New Urbanization strategy 32
1.3 Significantly promoted global strategic position of China’s urban agglomerations 41
1.3.1 China’s urban agglomerations are the primary locations for global urban agglomeration development in the 21st century 41
1.3.2 China’s urban agglomerations are important carriers for the third transition of global economic gravity centers 43
1.3.3 China’s urban agglomerations serve as the gateways for the world entering China and China integrating with the global community 48
1.3.4 China’s urban agglomerations are the primary locations supporting the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative 50
1.4 Literature analysis on the progress of urban agglomeration research in the past century 53
1.4.1 Urban agglomeration studies in the world 56
1.4.2 Urban agglomeration studies in China 59 References 63
Chapter 2 The spatial pattern of selecting and developing China’s urban agglomerations 67
2.1 The fundamental principles and basis for urban agglomerations selection and development 67
2.1.1 Selection and development based on the Priority Development Zone Planning 67
2.1.2 The national urban system plan’s “one belt, seven axes, and multiple channels” spatial structure is the foundation of the spatial pattern of China’s urban agglomerations 69
2.1.3 The “15 + 8” spatial pattern proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is foundation for constructing China’s urban agglomerations 74
2.1.4 Other urban agglomeration proposals 76
2.2 Construction of the new “5 + 9 + 6” spatial pattern of China’s urban agglomerations 79
2.2.1 The basic framework of China’s “5 + 9 + 6” urban agglomeration spatial pattern 79
2.2.2 Basic thoughts of the layered construction of the “5 + 9 + 6” spatial pattern of China’s urban agglomerations 97
2.2.3 The “5+9+6” space organization pattern of China’s urban agglomerations will eventually develop to an “axis and agglomeration” pattern 124 References 128
Chapter 3 Dynamic evaluation for the healthy development and potential issues of China’s urban agglomerations 129
3.1 Comprehensive evaluation of China’s urban agglomeration development for the past 5 years 130
3.1.1 The proposed concept and identification standards of urban agglomeration are universally recognized 130
3.1.2 The proposed spatial configuration of China’s urban agglomerations is adopted in major national documents and master plans 136
3.2 Fundamental characteristics of the healthy development of China’s urban agglomerations during the past 35 years 144
3.2.1 Urban agglomerations are strategic core regions for national economic development with sustained “straweffects (gravitational effects)” 145
3.2.2 Urban agglomerations are the primary locations for implementing China’s New Urbanization strategy, and the quality and level of urbanization within continues to improve 149
3.2.3 Urban agglomerations are the least vulnerable regions of all urban regions; their sustainability continues to improve 158
3.2.4 Urban agglomerations are still heavily polluted regions in China 160
3.2.5 China’s urban agglomerations are the largest carbon producer with pressing carbon emission reduction responsibility 164
3.3 Outstanding issues for selecting and developing China’s urban agglomerations 167
3.3.1 Outstanding problems in selecting where to develop urban agglomerations 168
3.3.2 Outstanding issues in the development of China’s urban agglomerations 172 References 187
Chapter 4 The basic characteristics of dynamic evolution and spatial differentiation of urban agglomerations in China 188
4.1 Spatial and temporal differentiation of economic development of urban agglomerations in China in the past 35 years (1980-2014) 188
4.1.1 Spatiotemporal differentiation of urban agglomerations’ economic aggregates and structure 188
4.1.2 The economic status of urban agglomerations and the spatiotemporal differentiation of their contributions to national development 196
4.1.3 Spatiotemporal differentiation analysis of the domestic and foreign investment within urban agglomerations 206
4.1.4 Spatiotemporal differentiation of urban agglomerations’ revenue and financial situation 208
4.2 Social development in China’s urban agglomerations during the past 35 years 2


