



  • 中文名:中國企業國際化論壇
  • 外文名:China Outbound Forum
  • 主辦:中國與全球化智庫
  • 其他名稱:中國企業全球化論壇 
  • 舉辦周期:每年11月
  • 舉辦地點:海南三亞






1. 國內首個由獨立智庫——中國與全球化智庫(CCG)發起並主辦的高端論壇。
2. “中國企業國際化”主題下最專業、最高端、最國際化的論壇。首屆中國企業國際化論壇以其“代表性”、“專業性”、“國際化”成為中國企業走出去交流分享、合作洽談的平台,為中國企業國際化之路提供切實的支持與幫助。
3. 以藍皮書研究成果為智力支持。 主辦方中國與全球化智庫(CCG)研究並發布了《中國企業國際化報告2014》藍皮書,深度剖析了2014年中國企業國際化進程,為本次論壇提供了學術研究基礎。
4. 海外投資目的國政要、國際問題專家及高端商務人士鼎力支持。論壇共吸引海內外近80位演講嘉賓,包括8位大使、商務參贊,以及300多位海內外參會嘉賓,他們有已經“走出去”和即將“走出去”的企業代表、商界領袖,有專注研究“走出去”的專家學者,還有助力“走出去”的政府代表。
5. 參會嘉賓來自行業翹楚的企業。參會嘉賓來自藍皮書評選的中國企業國際化五十強、中國企業國際化新銳五十強、中國企業國際化績效十強、中國企業國際化上市五十強,以及中國工商銀行投資海外客戶。
6. 重量級媒體深度參與。近70人媒體團隊駐會報導,東方衛視、旅遊衛視、貴州衛視、新華網、人民網、鳳凰網、中國網等媒體對論壇進行了專題報導與採訪。媒體刊發量兩天內即超180次,數十家國內外媒體持續刊發、轉載本次論壇相關報導,影響力廣泛。
7. 舉辦大型頒獎晚會。為“中國企業國際化50強”及“中國企業國際化新銳50強”等藍皮書榜單入圍企業進行頒獎。CCG 研究團隊以企業國際化戰略、國際化人才、國際化市場、企業社會責任和國際化績效為評價體系,評選了“中國企業國際化50強”。並根據“走出去”企業的創新性與影響力,推薦了“中國企業國際化新銳50強”。
8. 商務溝通合作平台。為期兩天半的論壇中,商業合作意向在與會者中不斷達成,彰顯論壇作為高端商務溝通交流平台的意義。
9. 國際水準高端論壇。主辦方與曾掌舵“達沃斯世界經濟論壇“15年之久的前總經理深度合作,將國際會議籌辦經驗和理念融入論壇。
10. 支持、贊助單位全力協助。論壇合作夥伴、知識夥伴、協辦單位來自業內權威機構,論壇也得到海南三亞市政府的大力支持,保障其圓滿召開,成果豐碩。
11. 《建言獻策報告》為論壇提供研究性總結。CCG 研究團隊會後結合嘉賓發言精華,研究並撰寫了三份《建言獻策報告》,內容為“以建立海外華僑華人專業人士聯絡服務平台為樞紐,為中國企業全球化保駕護航”、“第二屆哈佛校友中國公共政策論壇上關於中國投資非洲經濟的八點建議”、“提升對美投資風險防範能力的三點建議”。




  • 中國企業國際化——不可逆轉的大趨勢
When going global becomes a “Must”
Going global – expanding beyond China’s boundaries – has become a must for a great number of Chinese companies. However, the clarity of purpose is essential for success in going global: Is it to create additional value for shareholders, to compensate for the slowdown of the domestic market, to acquire the technology and management skills needed for further growth, to secure resources such as energy and raw materials? The answer to this question is crucial for the company to determine whether it has the resources and on what competitive assets it can count on to achieve its objectives.
主持人Claude Smadja, Smadjia& Smadjia 戰略諮詢總裁
  • 中國企業國際化發展:對企業帶來的價值和意義
China’s going global strategy: What does it mean for companies expanding abroad
As an ever increasing number of Chinese companies are expanding beyond the mainland, they are discovering in most cases that this development is not just a new step in their trajectory but that it represents in many ways a quantum leap in terms of the changes that this requires for their modus operandi, their management structure and corporate culture. These companies need, for instance, to learn how to interact with foreign governments and to adjust their financial structure and practices to the international accounting requirements. How do companies manage all these changes and what does this mean for the positioning and the culture of the company?
主持人 王輝耀,中國與全球化智庫主任、商務部中國國際經濟合作學會副會長
  • 全球化發展過程中的人才挑戰
Addressing the talent challenge for going global
China has invested enormous amount of money on R&D, higher education and on training professionals particularly in science, engineering and technology. However, finding and retaining the kind of talent and expertise required for international expansion remains a challenge for many Chinese companies. An additional challenge lies in the fact that the expertise and skills required for operating in an international context have to be complemented by the ability to operate in different cultural environments, to take into account cultural and ethnic sensitivities.
Hypatia E. Kingsley,史賓沙大中華區總經理
主持人 孫玉紅,中國與全球化智庫副主任、中國企業國際化論壇秘書長
  • 如何管理海外投資中的挑戰與風險
Managing the challenges and risks when expanding outbound:
While Chinese corporations are looking at huge opportunities in their international expansion, they are at the same time meeting a number of challenges, from navigating through ever more complex and stringent legal and fiscal compliance requirements to the management of a new array of political uncertainties and risks. In addition to that, handling cultural differences and becoming a welcome corporate citizen in the foreign countries and communities in which they operate require a number of skills that they did not necessarily need to have – or to put to use – when operating solely in the mainland.
Kenneth Jarrett, 上海美商會會長、原美國駐上海總領事
Geoff Raby,Corrs Chambers Westgarth 中國區聯席主席、澳大利亞前駐華大使
Shishir Sharma印度Tatva Legal管理合伙人
張 明,中國社會科學院世界經濟與政治研究所研究員
主持人 Claude Smadja, Smadja& Smadja 戰略諮詢總裁
  • 到價值鏈的高端:收購與整合全球品牌,投資成熟的全球企業
Going after the high end of the value chain: Acquiring and integrating global brands and investing in established global companies
Chinese corporations are increasingly acquiring established global brands and companies in target markets. Lenovo’s purchase of IBM’s PC business in 2005 and recent acquisition of Motorola Mobility from Google this year, helped to leverage Lenovo’s international presence. Similarly Haier has been on the move acquiring companies like Sanyo and Fisher & Paykel to expand and consolidate its global reach. Acquiring Western brands is becoming the fast lane for Chinese corporations to establish themselves on foreign markets while acquiring technological know-how and marketing expertise. China’s total direct outbound investment is expecting to reach US$ 150 billion in 2015.
程 雁,中銀國際控股有限公司董事總經理
John Jullens,博斯公司全球合伙人
Clarence Kwan, 美國德勤中國業務部(原) 主管合伙人
主持人 Clyde Prestowitz, 美國經濟戰略研究所總裁
  • 平行論壇 尋找在非洲的投資機會
Exploring opportunities in Africa for Chinese companies
China is now Africa’s largest trading partner. Chinese companies have been investing heavily in mining and commodities, infrastructure, construction, and finance. During his visit to Africa in May 2014, Premier Li Keqiang pledged an additional USD$12 billion in credit and funding to boost economic development on the continent. Trade between China and Africa is expected to double between now and 2020 and Chinese outward foreign direct investment to the continent should quadruple to $100 billion. However, China’s presence remains mostly limited to some specific sectors of activity.
Anani Demuyakor,加納駐華大使
Tebogo Lefifi品牌南非中國區經理
Greg Munyai, 南非駐華公使(商務)
Jacob Olupona,哈佛大學教授
Witney Schneidman, 科文頓伯靈律師事務所國際公共政策專家
主持人 榮麗亞,北京大學國際法學院教授
  • 尋找在歐洲的投資機會
Exploring opportunities in Europe for Chinese companies
The European Union is China’s largest trading partner and China is the EU’s second largest, with trade flows of well over €1 billion a day between the two economies. Investment flows have also been steadily rising but China still only accounts for only 2-3% of overall European investments overseas and although China’s investment drive in Europe has been making headlines, there is still vast untapped potential on both sides. One obstacle remains: the reluctance in Europe to sell high tech companies to Chinese corporations.
Fredrik Erixon, 歐洲國際政治經濟研究中心主任
Pascal Gondrand,法國政府投資部首席代表
Dominique Jolly, 中歐國際工商學院管理學訪問教授
Sebastian Vos, 科文頓伯靈律師事務所國際公共政策專家
主持人 Yael Smadja, Smadja&Smadja 戰略諮詢副總裁
  • 全球併購的資金支持
Financing international acquisitions

  For the first time ever China’s overseas investment will surpass this year the amount of FDOI in China. Chinese investment is expected to exceed US$ 120 billion in 2014 and to jump to US$ 150 billion in 2015. This accelerating trend highlights the development of financing needs for Chinese companies undertaking M&As abroad. Commercial Chinese banks have been heavily involved in financing international mergers and acquisitions, but many challenges still exist.
Edouard Cukierman, 以色列Catalyst Investment 執行股東
秦 靖,中國工商銀行總行專項融資部副總經理
詹立東,銀杏樹集團(Gingko Group)CEO
主持人 張伯庚, 清華大學蘇世民學院副院長
  • 向成功者學習:卓越企業是如何成功實現海外拓展的?
Learning from success stories: How did some companies manage to make it abroad?
A number of Chinese companies have been expanding in most countries and regions around the world and many of them have achieved considerable success in establishing their brand, capturing significant market shares and becoming important global players in their respective sector. Notwithstanding the differences of sectors or markets, these successful Chinese companies have been able to meet some specific requirements, have created the necessary internal resources and assets and have been able to create the appropriate management processes and structures that helped ensure their success.
相 峰,圓通速遞總裁
主持人 龍永圖,原國家外經貿部副部長、博鰲亞洲論壇原秘書長、中國與全球化智庫主席
  • 企業如何成功上市
Managing IPOs successfully
As Chinese companies expand internationally, the number of IPOs will continue to rise and make international headlines as with the recent successful IPO of Alibaba. A crucial step in the evolution of a company, an IPO, requires a very careful preparation process involving the overhaul of management resources, the development of appropriate investor relations processes, corporate governance and financial management practices meeting international criteria.
Edouard Cukierman, 以色列Catalyst Investment 執行股東
主持人 葛明,中國與全球化智庫副主任、安永華明會計師事務所前董事長
  • 中國企業在美國的投資機會
What opportunities in the US for Chinese companies?
Since 2000, Chinese Foreign direct investment in the US has totaled more than US$ 40 billion – the latest headline grabbing investment being the acquisition of the iconic Waldorf Astoria by the Anbang Insurance group. Raising expectations of even higher Chinese investment in the US is the possibility of the conclusion of the Bilateral Investment Treaty, which – according to some estimates - could lead to Chinese investments in the US exceeding US$100 billion by 2020. Despite some misgivings related to geopolitical and national security concerns, in some circles in the US Chinese investments are increasingly seen as a source of additional economic growth and jobs creation. However, Chinese companies still face challenges when trying to establish themselves in the US market.
Steven Hendryx,亨瑞集團副總裁、美國前駐華商務參贊
Donald Lewis,美國史丹福大學法學院資深研究員
Dan Slane, Slane公司董事長、前美中經濟與安全評估委員會主席
Tim Stratford,美國政府原駐中國貿易代表、美國科文頓柏靈律師事務所合伙人
主持人楊燕青 ,《第一財經日報》副總編輯
  • 尋找在拉丁美洲的投資機會
Exploring opportunities in Latin America for Chinese companies
Chinese investments have been growing steadily in many parts of Latin America and cover a wide array of sectors such as energy, agriculture infrastructure and construction, commodities, mining and manufacturing. China is positioned to surpass Europe as Latin America’s second largest trading partner and President Xi Jinping’s 10 days visit in Latin America last summer illustrates the importance Beijing attaches to its relationship with the region. The total of Chinese investment in the region is now estimated at about US$ 100 billion.
Andreas Pierotic, 智利駐華使館代表
Gustavo Martino, 阿根廷駐華大使
主持人 David Zweig,中國與全球化智庫副主任、香港科技大學人文社會科學學院副院長
  • 企業文化及品牌國際化
Creating the culture and brand for going global
Only a relatively small number of Chinese companies have so far managed to become truly global brands, despite the fact that China has now the second largest number of companies (95) in the Fortune 500 list against 128 US companies, and despite the fact that China manufactures most of the products that we use. Most Chinese companies have been underestimating the strategic dimension of marketing and have been lagging behind in putting together the building blocks needed to create strong, internationally recognized, brands. The crucial factor of developing a strong corporate culture also needs to be emphasized before a company can consider creating a brand able to compete at the international level with other well established ones.
陸興東, 國龍投資有限公司董事長
主持人 劉科,環球資源公司(UGR)合伙人,國家特聘千人計畫專家
  • 前瞻:迎接2015,中國企業應做好哪些準備?
Looking ahead: What Chinese companies need to prepare for in 2015
What are the most probable developments at the international economic, geopolitical and business levels in 2015 that Chinese companies need to take into account for their likely impact on their international expansion strategy? Based on the evolution of the business and economic context in some countries and regions, how to prepare for the changes that are likely to occur next year and, what are the business and political risks to consider?
Clyde Prestowitz, 美國經濟戰略研究所總裁
Dan Slane, Slane公司董事長,前美中經濟與安全評估委員會主席
主持人 荊慕瑤,《論道》主持人


