《世界貿易組織概論(雙語版)》是2015年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是苑 濤。
- 書名:世界貿易組織概論(雙語版)
- 作者:苑 濤
- ISBN:9787566310422
- 定價:36.00
- 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版
- 出版時間:2014年8月
目 錄
1.1 The Formation and Development of Multilateral Trading System1
1.1.1 The GATT and its trade rounds1
1.1.2 Trade rounds under the WTO5
1.1.3 The differences between the WTO and GATT12
1.2 The Law of the WTO16
1.2.1 The WTO Agreement16
1.2.2 Annexes to the WTO Agreement18
1.2.3 Ministerial decision and declarations31
Chapter 2 The Objectives, Functions and Principles of the WTO33
2.1 The Objectives and Functions of the WTO33
2.1.1 Objectives33
2.1.2 Functions34
2.2 The Principles of the WTO37
2.2.1 Trade without discrimination37
2.2.2 Freer trade40
2.2.3 Predictability40
2.2.4 Promoting fair competition41
2.2.5 Encouraging development and economic reform42
Chapter 3 The Structure and Decision-making of the WTO47
3.1 The WTO Structure47
3.1.1 Ministerial Conference and General Council47
3.1.2 Other bodies of the WTO50
3.1.3 Director-General and Secretariat53
3.2 Decision-making55
3.2.1 Decision-making by consensus55
3.2.2 Decision-making by reverse consensus56
3.2.3 Decision-making by voting58
Chapter 4 Tariff Concession63
4.1 The Contents of Tariff Concession63
4.1.1 Definition of tariff concession63
4.1.2 Tariff concession in the GATT 199467
4.2 Tariff Concession Negotiation69
4.2.1 The cause of tariff concession70
4.2.2 Basic principles and rules governing tariff concession71
4.2.3 Organization of tariff negotiation73
4.3 The Schedules of Tariff Concessions77
4.3.1 The principle of the schedules of tariff concessions78
4.3.2 The modification or withdrawal of schedules79
4.3.3 The renegotiations under the GATT article XXVIII81
Chapter 5 The General Agreement on Trade in Services87
5.1 The Achievement of the GATS and Its Framework87
5.1.1 The GATS and trade negotiations in services87
5.1.2 Basic purpose and framework of the GATS89
5.1.3 Scope and application of the GATS90
5.1.4 Definition of trade in services and modes of supply91
5.1.5 Basic structure of the GATS93
5.1.6 The schedules of specific commitments99
5.2 The Basic Obligations under the GATS99
5.2.1 Most-favored-nation Treatment99
5.2.2 General transparency obligations102
5.3 The Specific Commitments106
5.3.1 Conditional granting of market access107
5.3.2 Conditional granting of National Treatment110
5.4 The Exceptions under the GATS112
5.4.1 General exceptions and security exceptions112
5.4.2 Emergency safeguard measures115
5.4.3 Safeguarding the balance of payments115
5.4.4 The government procurement116
5.4.5 Economic integration agreements116
5.5 Service Trade Dispute Settlement117
5.5.1 Consultation117
5.5.2 DSB settlement117
5.5.3 The dispute settlement procedure118
5.5.4 Settlement of disputes on the modification of schedules119
Chapter 6 The Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights123
6.1 The Intellectual Property Rights and the Founding Process of the TRIPS123
6.1.1 Copyright and rights related to copyright125
6.1.2 Industrial property125
6.1.3 The founding process of the TRIPS126
6.2 The Contents of the TRIPS128
6.2.1 Introduction and basic principles128
6.2.2 Standards concerning the availability, scope and use of intellectual property rights132
6.2.3 Other contents of the Agreement139
Appendix 1 Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization143
Appendix 2 Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the
??General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994155
Appendix 3 Important Words and Expressions181