



  • 書名:世界蟲草論壇2011~2017
  • 作者:李增智、孫長勝
  • ISBN:9787030582782
  • 頁數:225
  • 定價:128.00元
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年08月01日
  • 裝幀:圓脊精裝
  • 開本:16




第一章 專家學術報告
蟲草的分類:從林奈的分類系統到一種真菌一個名稱 003
Classification of Cordyceps: from Linnaeus to 1F1N
金龜子綠僵菌的種系演變以及物種界限和重組 005
Phylogeny, species limits and recombination in Metarhizium anisopliae s.l.
冬蟲夏草——氣候變化導致生境喪失的瀕危物種 006
Ophiocordyceps sinensis an endanger species with habitat loss resulted from climate change
蟬花研究與套用現狀 008
Current status of research and application of cicada flower, Isaria cicadae
澳大利亞熱帶雨林中昆蟲和蜘蛛真菌的生物多樣性 010
Biodiversity of fungi on insects and spiders in tropical Australian rainforest
蟲草:從基因組到產業升級的思考 012
Cordyceps: the ways from the genomes to industrial upgrading
野生和人工培養蟬花及蟬棒束孢菌絲代謝組比較研究 014
Metabolomic comparison between wild and cultured Chanhua and mycelia of Isaria cicadae
冬蟲夏草成熟過程中化學成分和基因組成分的動態變化 018
Dynamic alterations of chemical constituents and genomic components in natural Cordyceps sinensis during maturation
泰國肉座菌目無脊椎動物病原真菌分類學最新進展 021
Recent additions to the taxonomy of hypocrealean invertebratepathogens from Thailand
蟬花葯理作用研究及臨床套用展望 029
Pharmacological activity of cicada flower and its clinical application prospect
建立國際蟲草類真菌協會的建議 032
A proposal for the establishment of an international association of cordycipoid fungi
從廣義輪枝孢屬拆分出的屬的分類現狀 033
Current taxonomic state of genera segregated from Verticillium s.l.
蟲草交配生物學研究進展 036
Recent progress in mating biology of Cordyceps
蟻線蟲草屬真菌的多樣性、生態學和進化 038
Diversity, ecology and evolution of myrmecophilous Ophiocordyceps
基因組測序揭示白僵菌中白僵菌素和夫西地酸的生物合成途徑 041
Genome sequencing reveals a biosynthetic pathway of beauvericin and fusidic acid in Beauveria
蟲生真菌的進化生物學研究 046
Evolutionary biology of Cordyceps
蝙蝠蛾擬青黴菌絲體純化多糖抗糖尿病腎病活性探討 049
Studies on the anti-diabetic nephropathy activities of purified polysaccharides from Paecilomyces hepiali
蛹蟲草提取物降高尿酸血症作用及其活性成分 053
Hypouricemic effects of Cordyceps militaris and its significant constituents
隱花色素CRY-DASH 調控蛹蟲草生長發育及蟲草素和類胡蘿蔔素的合成 054
DASH-type cryptochromes regulate fruiting body development and secondary metabolism differently than CmWC-1 in Cordyceps militaris
培育蟬花的色譜指紋圖譜的初步建立及其在質量控制中的套用 057
The initial establishment of chromatographic fingerprint of cicada flower and its application in quality control
不同乾燥方式對人工蟬花蟲草品質的影響 058
Effects of different drying methods on the quality of artificial cicada flower
40 種蟲草的人工培養 060
Artificial culture of forty Cordyceps spp.
硒對蟬花孢梗束的功能和營養成分影響的研究 062
Effects of selenium on the function and nutrient composition of cicada flower SMRT
測序揭示冬蟲夏草線粒體基因組的DNA 修飾模式 064
SMRT sequencing revealed the DNA modification pattern of the mitochondrial genome of Ophiocordyceps sinensis
基於UPLC-Q/TOF-MS 技術的4 種蟲草屬真菌化學物質組的比較 067
Comparison of four kinds of cordyceps fungi chemical substance based on UPLC-Q / TOF-MS
基於比較基因組學方法的冬蟲夏草水平基因轉移識別及驗證 068
Identifying and analyzing the horizontal gene transfer in Ophiocordyceps sinensis based on the approach of comparative genomics
HEA 通過腺苷受體展示針對小菜蛾的殺蟲活性研究 069
N6-(2-hydroxyethyl)-adenosine exhibits insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella via adenosine receptors
高雄山蟲草的成分分析及其抗氧化活性研究 070
Component analysis and antioxidant activities of Cordyceps takaomontana
冬蟲夏草子實體發育啟動前後轉錄組中差異表達的關鍵基因研究 071
Research on the key genes having different expression in transcriptome before and after fruiting body emerging in Cordyceps sinensis
基於全基因組序列的廣東蟲草轉錄因子分析 072
Genome-wide analysis of transcription factors in Cordyceps guangdongensis
世界蟲草論壇2016(2016.8.12~14,浙江平湖) 回到未來:後基因組時代的蟲草菌 073
Back to the future: Cordycipitoid fungi in a post-genomic world
金蟬花在腎臟病中的研究 074
Study on cicada flower in kidney disease
不丹蟲生真菌的調查研究 077
A survey of the insect fungi of Bhutan
韓國的蟲草及其利用 079
Korean Cordyceps and their uses
冬蟲夏草——從真菌學到中藥學 081
Ophiocordyceps sinensis : from mycology to traditional Chinese medicine
腸道微生物及蟬花的可能作用 083
Gut microbe and the possible function of cicada fungus
新熱帶區的蟲草種類及潛在物種生物技術聚焦 085
Neotropical species of Cordyceps and focus in the biotecnology of potential species
無脊椎動物病原真菌的活性次生代謝產物 088
Bioactive secondary metabolites of invertebrate pathogenic fungi
有關冬蟲夏草和蟬花的分類學問題 091
Taxonomic problems on Ophiocordyceps sinensis & Isaria cicadae
小林義雄博士描述的蟲草模式標本 094
Type specimens of Cordyceps spp.described by Dr.Kobayashi
當前廣義蟲草命名變化及它的多學科影響 096
Current nomenclatural changes in Cordyceps sensu lato and its multidisciplinary impacts
蟬花基因組特徵及其進化 098
Genome features and evolution of Cordyceps cicadae
蟬花複方對慢性腎臟病(2~5 期)腎功能及ALB、PA 影響的臨床觀察 101
Clinical observation of vegetable cicada compound on renal function and ALB and PA in chronic kidney disease (2-5)
中國蟲草資源簡介 104
A brief introduction to Cordyceps resources in China
從極草雙層片談蟲草新製劑的研究開發 107
Research and development of new preparation of Cordyceps from Jicao double layer
蟬花中HEA 的功能開發 109
The functions of HEA from Cordyceps cicadae
利用基因組挖掘技術發現微生物天然產物 112
The use of genome mining technology to discover microbial natural products
蛹蟲草質量標準之探討 114
Discussion on quality standard of Cordyceps militaris
中國廣義蟲草屬已知種與分布 117
Known species and distribution of Cordyceps s.l.from China
蟬花菌種退化對其代謝的影響 120
Effects of strain degeneration on metabolism of vegetable cicada, Isaria cicadae
冬蟲夏草人工栽培技術研發 123
Research and development of Ophiocordyceps sinensis
青海冬蟲夏草和寄主昆蟲資源變化及對策探討 124
Study on the changes of Ophiocordyceps sinensis and host insect resources in Qinghai and its countermeasures
蛹蟲草研究進展及產業現狀 126
Research progress and industrial status quo of Cordyceps militaris
蟬花及其相關真菌 129
Vegetable cicada (Chanhua) and its allies
世界蟲草論壇2015(2015.3.26~27,浙江平湖) 蟲草菌——藥品和食品開發的寶貴生物資源 131
Cordyceps sensu lato an important biological treasure for medicine and food
基因組研究協助蟲草在食品和藥品方面的開發 132
Genomics-aided development of Cordyceps for food and medicines
韓國蟲草用於食品和藥品的研究開發現況 135
Research and application of Codyceps for food and medicine in Korea
蟲草及相關真菌的新分類系統 136
New classification of Cordyceps and related fungi
冬蟲夏草研發的現狀及存在的問題 138
Current status and problems of Ophiocordyceps sinensis research and application
冬蟲夏草如何邁向可持續經營 141
Steps towards sustainable management of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis )
中藥蟬花對大鼠腎小管上皮細胞 (NRK) Sirt1 信號通路及其凋亡機制的研究 144
Effect of cicada flower on sirt1 signaling pathway in NRK cells
蟬花及其複方對免疫功能的作用 146
The effect of cicada flower and its compound on immune function
蟬花穩定性研究及思考 148
Study on the stability of cicada flower
蟬花降肌酐有效部位初步篩選研究 149
Preliminary screening of creatinine effective part of cicada flower
廣東蟲草新資源食品的開發 151
Studies on a new resource food Cordyceps guangdongensis
冬蟲夏草資源利用與保護 153
Utilization and protection of Ophiocordyceps sinensis resources
我國蟲草研發中的突出問題 155
Some key problems in Chinese research and development of Cordyceps fungi
蟬花的營養成分及開發利用前景 157
Nutrition and development prospects of Isaria cicadae Miquel
金蟬花葯用歷史、研發現狀及展望 160
History, present situation and prospect of R & D of cicada flower in the medicinal field
形形色色的蟲生真菌 163
All kinds of insects fungi
蟲生真菌基因組與人類健康 166
Parasitic fungi genome and human health
國際生物醫學與生物技術論壇(2011.3.17~19,香港) 個體化醫學的國際現狀及展望 171
International status and prospect of individualized medicine
金蟬花的化學成分分析和套用研究 173
The chemical and biological assessment of Cordyceps cicadae
金蟬花全基因組測序及功能基因研究的展望 177
Prospect of complete genome sequencing and functional gene research of vegetable cicada
金蟬花孢子粉及野生金蟬花粗多糖抗腫瘤作用初步報告 179
Applied report of conidia powder of Cordyceps cicadae and polysaccharide of wild Cordyceps cicadae on anti-tumors
蟬花的抗癌及免疫調節作用 181
The anti-cancer and immunomodulatory effect of chanhua Isaria cicadae
國際食藥用蟲生真菌研究及產業發展現狀及展望 185
Current status and perspective of study and industrial development of entomogenous fungi for food medicinal use
金蟬花治療慢性腎衰的中醫臨床套用及實驗研究 188
Clinical application and experimental study of cicada flower in treating chronic renal failure
韓國藥用蟲生真菌的研發趨勢 190
Trends in the research and development of medicinal entomopathogenic fungi in Korea
第二章 研究蟲草的學者
A.Bassi(1773~1856) 195
M.J.Berkeley(1803~1889) 195
L.Quélet(1832~1899) 195
P.C.Hennings(1841~1908) 196
P.A.Saccardo(1845~1920) 196
G.E.Massee(1845~1917) 196
F.X.R.von H hnel(1852~1920) 197
C.L.Spegazzini(1858~1926) 197
T.Petch(1870~1948) 197
E.B.Mains(1890~1968) 198
鄧叔群(S.C.Teng)(1902~1970) 198
小林義雄(Y.Kobayashi)(1907~1993) 199
劉錫.(Xijin Liu)(1911~2008) 199
清水大典(D.Shimizu)(1915~1998) 200
J.M.Dingley(1916~2008) 200
臧穆(Mu Zang)(1930~2011) 200
D.W.Roberts 201
沈南英(Nanying Shen) 201
W.Gams 202
梁宗琦(Zongqi Liang) 202
劉愛英(Aiying Liu) 203
陳祝安(Zhu’an Chen) 203
陳以平(Yiping Chen) 204
R.A.Samson 204
矢秋信夫(Nobuo Yahagi) 204
樊美珍(Meizhen Fan) 205
成載模(J.M.Sung) 205
曾顯雄(S.S.Tzean) 206
郭英蘭(Yinglan Guo) 206
徐慶豐(Qingfeng Xu) 206
李增智(Zengzhi Li) 207
葉祖光(Zuguang Ye) 208
R.A.Humber 208
島津光明(M.Shimazu) 208
M.S.Goettel 209
A.E.Hajek 209
姚一建(Yijian Yao) 210
馮明光(Mingguang Feng) 210
H.C.Evans 211
N.L.Hywel-Jones 211
J.Holliday 211
劉玉寧(Yuning Liu) 212
劉作易(Zuoyi Liu) 212
李泰輝(Taihui Li) 213
朱佳石(Jiashi Zhu) 213
R.J.St.Leger 213
陳士林(Shilin Chen) 214
劉杏忠(Xingzhong Liu) 214
虞泓(Hong Yu) 215
徐泰浩(Taihao Xu) 215
夏玉先(Yuxian Xia) 216
伊坂雅彥(M.Isaka) 216
J.W.Spatafora 216
胡豐林(Fenglin Hu) 217
佐藤大樹(H.Sato) 217
柴一秋(Yiqiu Chai) 218
K.T.Hodge 218
南聖姬(S.H.Nam) 219
宣利江(Lijiang Xuan) 219
S.A.Rehner 219
G.H.Sung 220
Tatiana Sanjuan 220
B.Shrestha 220
王成樹(Chengshu Wang) 221
張勁松(Jinsong Zhang) 221
李玉玲(Yuling Li) 222
王玉芹(Yuqin Wang) 222
董彩虹(Caihong Dong) 223
李春如(Chunru Li) 223
黃勃(Bo Huang) 223
朱戎(Rong Zhu) 224
譚悠久(Youjiu Tan) 224
K.Zeeshan 225
J.J.Luangsa-Ard 225

