Found Shanghai------One of the most valuable primary schools with campus culture
學校的魅力在於傳承,儘管跨越了不同的時代,經歷了更名、地址的變遷,百年來世校的開放意識和自信心,卻是薪火相傳,一脈相承。歷史的傳承,底蘊的薰陶,環境的浸潤,孕育了無數棟樑之材,造就了高雅的校園文化,養就了教師特有的氣質。現今,充滿活力的世校不斷吸收來之各方的文化,求新求變,推動著學校教育教學事業的蓬勃發展。在平等和博愛的思想引導下我們以特有的方式,表達著對教書育人事業的無限熱愛!The school is famous for its preservation despite different times, going through a name change and the site shift. Our teachers’ special temperament descend from 100 years of opening up of the school. They are fair and soft. The dynamic World School continues to absorb all the culture of innovative ideas to promote the school’s teaching career to flourish. Equality and fraternity of thinking guides our way to express on the cause of the infinite love of teaching!快樂的學生
“Really learning, seriously working, happy life” is our school motto.We are aiming at “Orderly and activate innovation” as the school’s governance strategy, and “people-oriented, the quality of the soul, the harmonious development of” as our educational philosophy.Build a refinement, international and cultural characteristics of quality education in school.
Subject to the unique local old styled house culture, development of student character-building courses are conducted in an orderly manner. In the koto’s melodious music, children are practicing writing Chinese characters with charm; they are accepting the norms of etiquette training system; in French activity class, they learn to imitate and feel the charm of a foreign culture. All the up-to-date educational philosophy, optimized teaching methods are a highlight of the new development point with the creative awareness full in our harmonious learning park.校徽