- 公司名稱:上海聚儒投資管理有限公司
- 總部地點:上海
- 經營範圍:財政統計,代理記帳
- 公司性質:民營
- 服務人群:為世界500強企業提供企業註冊
各類公司註冊(Company Registration agency)
To provide rapid and effcient agency services for the setting-up;changing;annual inspection and cancelling of group company ;logistic company;advertising company;sino-foreign cooperation company;representative office of foreign company and other business entities.
代理記賬 (Accounting agency)
會計記賬(製作憑證、登賬、編制報表、編制年度財務分析報告)擬定公司財務會計製作及流程。 稅務申報、稅務籌劃
Book-keeping(accounting certificates perparation;book reporting;making statements and annual financial statements analysis reports)To draw up financial and accounting rules and flows Taxation reporting Taxation arrangements
稅務財政政策諮詢財務代理 (Tax consulting and accounting services)
We have full understanding about Chinese laws and regulations, tax and financial policies. Based upon these, we can provide overall evaluation of the legal, financial and tax risk exposures with respect to client’s specific operational activities, as well as provide professional analysis and solutions with an aim to safeguard client’s long-term reputation and economic benefits. We are experienced in handling sophisticated taxation matters for our clients. In connection with the inspection and audit by the tax authorities, we work closely with Government agencies to quickly implement and expedite solutions and provide professional analysis and settlement solutions as to relevant items with underlying tax exposures.
Before the investment and operation has become effective, we will, based on client’s requirements, acquire a full understanding of the investment structure, operation process and mode, management objectives, taxation structure, assist clients in pursuing cautious operational strategies and adjustments in connection with the alteration of Chinese laws and regulations. We regularly assist our clients in their tax planning, file tax returns, and represent clients in dealing with or appealing to tax authorities to resolve dispute matters.
(Filing tax returns for the permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises)
(Filing tax returns for the permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises)
(Answering questions concerning regular tax and financial policies and providing accounting consulting services)
(Answering questions concerning regular tax and financial policies and providing accounting consulting services)
(Annual Corporate Income Tax settlement.)
(Annual Corporate Income Tax settlement.)
(Evaluation analysis about tax cost and tax agent for other tax items)
(Evaluation analysis about tax cost and tax agent for other tax items)
(VAT General Payer application/direction and improvement)
(VAT General Payer application/direction and improvement)
(Tax refund for Reinvestment/Tax refund for purchase of home equipment/ Export tax refund application)
(Tax refund for Reinvestment/Tax refund for purchase of home equipment/ Export tax refund application)
(Application of other legal tax exemption and deduction)
(Application of other legal tax exemption and deduction)
各項財產損失企業壞賬 歇業 清算的審核諮詢
(Consulting about bad debts, liquidation, discontinuation of business)
企業改制、改組 合併 分立 兼併 收購的稅收籌劃
(Tax planning about enterprise restructuring/merging/division/acquisition)
(Tax planning about enterprise restructuring/merging/division/acquisition)
為世界500強企業提供企業註冊和顧問服務部分客戶名單有美國Honey Well、 UPS 、DUPONT、HERSHEY、INTEL、ING、西班牙Indite、跨國公司地區總部主要有日本“株式會社 三國”MIKUNI、日本"同和企業管理(上海)有限公司地區總部"、美國“貝迪集團” BRADY CORPORATION 、聯強國際(SYNNEX)、研發中心主要有杜邦研發中心、泰國上市企業外資的股權投資管理企業、日本FAST RETAILING、美國噴塗技術企業SKINIT生產德國勞氏企業Germanischer Lloyd、美國WPP,國際貿易、諮詢、金融、國際物流、科技技術、軟體、等各種外資類型企業提供相關的註冊和諮詢服務;主要服務內容涉及商務委、工商局、稅務局、等各個政府相關部門的申請登記。自開業以來為國內外幾千家企業的投資者提供了優質專業的投資諮詢、顧問服務。財務顧問、人事工資和代理記帳服務部分客戶:豪科、掌諾、 寰富、三國、 實力、德愷瑪 霍普萊斯、 等財務顧問、人事工資和代理記帳總計幾百家客戶。
黃浦分部: 上海市人民路885號淮海中華大廈1014室