- 中文名:上海大學智庫產業研究中心
- 機構地點:上海
- 機構類別:研究中心
- 簡稱:智庫產業中心

Think Tank and Think Tank Industry Research Center of Shanghai University is a university research center which is being constructed. Professor Xuxu (President Assistant and Minister of Organization Department of the Party Committee of Shanghai University) and Professor Yujin (Executive President of the CRDRI, Chief Editor of the National Think Tank and China Think Tank) hold the post of directors jointly.
Think Tank and Think Tank Industry Research Center of Shanghai University takes building the think tank system with Chinese characteristics of distinct features, functional complementation, entire optimization and joining the forces ”as its development target, gathers experts, scholars and managers of the government in the field of economics, management, politics, international relations Basing on the national strategy, the center gives full play to the experts’ wisdom, consolidates the theory basis of the think tank industry, and ensures that the local experts and scholars give full play in some hot issues and focus issues like the global problem, international relationship problem and national development strategy, etc, forms think tank ideas with the meaning of policy-making consulting and policy guiding, contributes to the formulation of the national strategy and the formulation and adjustment of the policy.