


  • 中文名:上海交通大學植物發育生物學研究室
  • 所屬機構:上海交通大學
上海交通大學植物發育生物學研究室(Laboratory of Plant Developmental Biology)於2004年8月15日成立。上海交通大學植物發育生物學研究室主要圍繞以下三個研究領域開展工作:
分離鑑定了多個控制水稻花序和花器官發育以及花粉形成等重要農藝性狀相關的基因,闡明了花序和花分生組織決定、絨氈層細胞程式性死亡、生殖細胞和營養細胞相互作用的機制,建立了多種轉基因生物分子特徵分析方法。在Developmental Cell、PNAS、Nature Communications、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Nuclear Acid Research、Cell Research、Analytical Chemistry等發表90多篇研究論文。獲授權專利14項;制定國家ISO技術標準4項,制定國家標準20餘項。2004年和2012年獲得上海市科技進步一等獎; 2006年獲得明治乳業生命科學獎優秀獎(張大兵)、2012年獲上海市自然科學牡丹獎(張大兵)、上海市科技啟明星(張大兵、楊立桃)。有多名研究生獲得上海市優秀博士論文(李暉,2012年)、國家和上海市優秀博士、碩士研究生獎學金
1.Niu NN, Liang WQ, Yang XJ, Jin WL, Wilson ZA, Hu JP, Zhang DB*. EAT1 promotes tapetal cell death by regulating aspartic proteases during male reproductive development in rice. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2396 (2013).[full text]
2.Zhang H, Xu C, He Y, Zong J, Yang XJ, Si HM, Sun ZX, Hu JP, Liang WQ, Zhang DB*. Mutation in CSA creates a new photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile line applicable for hybrid rice seed production. PNAS. 110(1) (2013), 76-81[full text].
3.Tan HX, Liang WQ, Hu, JP Zhang DB*. MICROSPORE AND TAPETUM REGULATOR 1 encodes a secretory fasciclin glycoprotein required for male reproductive development in rice. Developmental Cell. 22(6) (2012), 1127-1137[full text].
4.Wang CM, Marshall A, Zhang DB, Wilson ZA*, ANAP: an integrated knowledge base for Arabidopsis protein interaction network analysis. Plant Physiology. 158(4) (2012), 1523-1533[full text].
5.Li W, Cui X, Meng ZL, Huang X, Xie Q, Wu H, Jin HL, Zhang DB, Liang WQ*, Transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis MIR168a and ARGONAUTE1 homeostasis in ABA and abiotic stress responses. Plant Physiology. 158(3) (2012), 1279-1292[full text].
6.Chen WW, Yu XH, Zhang K, Shi JX, Schreiber L, Shanklin J, Zhang DB*, Male Sterile 2 encodes a plastid-localized fatty acyl ACP reductase required for pollen exine development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 157(2) (2011), 842-853[full text].
7.Li HF, Liang WQ, Hu Y, Zhu L, Yin CS, Xu J, Dreni L, Kater MM, Zhang DB*, Rice MADS6 interacts with the floral homeotic genes SUPERWOMAN1, MADS3, MADS58, MADS13, and DROOPING LEAF in specifying floral organ identities and meristem fate. The Plant Cell. 23(7) (2011), 2536-2552[full text].
8.Shi J, Tan HX, Yu XH, Liu YY, Liang WQ, Ranathunge K, Franke RB, Schreiber L, Wang YJ, Kai GY, Shanklin J, Ma H, Zhang DB*, Defective Pollen Wall (DPW) is required for anther and microspore development in rice and encodes a fatty acyl ACP reductase. The Plant Cell. 23(6) (2011), 2225-2246[full text].
9.Li H, Yuan Z, Vizcay-Barrena G, Yang CY, Liang WQ, Zong J, Wilson Z, Zhang DB*. PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL 1 (PTC1) encodes a PHD-finger protein that is required for tapetal cell death and pollen development in rice. Plant Physioloy. 156(2) (2011), 615-630[full text].
10.Li HF, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Zhu L, and Zhang DB*. Genetic interaction of OsMADS3, DROOPING LEAF and OsMADS13 in specifying rice floral organs identities and meristem determinacy. Plant Physioloy. 156(1) (2011), 263-247[full text].
11.Wang CM and Zhang DB*. A novel compression tool for efficient storage of genome resequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research. 39(7) (2011), e45[full text].
12.Hu LF, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Cui X, Zong J, Wang X, Hu JP and Zhang DB*. Rice MADS3 regulates ROS homeostasis during late anther development. The Plant Cell. 23(2) (2011), 515-533[full text].
13.Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Tan HX,Wang Y, Li G, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Hu JP, Ren HY, and Zhang DB*. RICE MORPHOLOGY DETERMINANT encodes the type II formin FH5 and regulates rice morphogenesis. The Plant Cell. 23(2) (2011), 681-700[full text].
14.Xu J, Yang CY, Yuan Z, Zhang DS, Gondwe MY, Ding ZW, Liang WQ, Zhang DB*, and Wilson ZA. Regulatory network of ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) required for postmeiotic male reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell. 22(1) (2010), 91-107[full text].
15.Wang CM, Xu J, Zhang DS, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB*. An effective approach for identification of in vivo protein-DNA binding sites from paired-end ChIP-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics. 11 (2010), 81[full text].
16.Li H, Pinot F, Sauveplane V, Werck-Reichhart D, Diehl P, Schreiber L, Franke R, Zhang P, Chen L, Gao YW, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*. CYP704B2 catalyzing the ω-hydroxylation of fatty acids is required for anther cutin biosynthesis and pollen exine formation in rice. The Plant Cell. 22(1) (2010), 173-190[full text].
17.Li HF, Liang WQ, Jia RD, Yin CS, Zong J, Kong HZ, and Zhang DB*. The AGL6-like gene OsMADS6 regulates floral organ and meristem identities in rice. Cell Research. 20(3) (2010), 299-313[full text].
18.Zhang H, Liang WQ, Yang XJ, Luo X, Jiang N, Ma H, and Zhang DB*. Carbon Starved Anther (CSA) encoding a MYB domain protein regulates sugar partitioning required for rice pollen development. The Plant Cell. 22(3) (2010), 672-689[full text].
19.Zhang DS, Liang WQ, Yin C, Zong J, Gu F, and Zhang DB*. OsC6, encoding a lipid transfer protein (LTP), is required for postmeiotic anther development in rice. Plant Physiology. 154(1) (2010), 149-162[full text].
20.Gao XC, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Ji SM, Wang HM, Su X, Guo CC, Kong HZ, Xue HW, Zhang DB*. The SEPALLATA-like geneOsMADS34 is required for rice inflorescence and spikelet. Plant Physiology. 153(2) (2010), 728-740[full text].
21.Liu DE, Shen J, Yang LT, Zhang DB*. Evaluation of the impacts of different nuclear DNA content in the hull, endosperm, and embryo of rice seeds on GM rice quantification. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 58(8) (2010), 4582-4587[full text].
22.Wang C, Jiang LX, Rao J, Liu YN, Yang LT, Zhang DB*. Evaluation of four genes in rice for their suitability as endogenous reference standards in quantitative PCR. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 58(22) (2010), 11543-11547[full text].
23.Yuan Z, Gao S, Xue DW, Luo D, Li LT, Ding SY, Yao X, Wilson ZA, Qian Q, and Zhang DB*. RETARDED PALEA1 (REP1) controls palea development and floral zygomorphy in rice. Plant Physiology. 149(1) (2009), 235-244[full text].
24.Zhang DB*, and Wilson ZA. Stamen specification and anther development in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin. 54(14) (2009), 2342-2353[full text].
25.Wilson ZA*, and Zhang DB. From Arabidopsis to rice, pathways in pollen development. Journal of Experimental Botany. 60(5) (2009), 1479-1492[full text].
26.Jiang LX, Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Marco M, Van den EG, and Zhang DB*. International collaborative study of the endogenous reference gene, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase (SPS), used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified rice. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 57(9) (2009),3525-3532[full text].
27.Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Pan LW, and Zhang DB*. International collaborative study for the endogenous reference gene, LAT52, used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified tomato. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 56(10) (2008), 3438-3443[full text].
28.Dong W, Yang LT, Shen KL, Kim BH, Kleter GA, Marvin HJP, Guo R, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*. GMDD, a database of GMO detection methods. BMC Bioinformatics. 9 (2008), 260[full text].
29.Zhang DS, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Lia N, Shi J, Wang J , Liu YM, Yu WJ, and Zhang DB*. Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is critical for aliphatic metabolism and gene regulation during rice pollen development. Molecular Plant. 1(4) (2008), 599-610[full text].
30.Li N, Zhang DS, Liu HS, Yin CS, Li XX, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu B, Chu HW, Wang J, Wen TQ, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, and Zhang DB*. The rice Tapetum Degeneration Retardation gene is required for tapetum degradation and anther development. The Plant Cell. 18(11) (2006), 2999-3014[full text].
31.Chu HW, Qian Q, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Tan HX, Yao X, Yuan Z, Yang J, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, and Zhang DB*. The FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER4 gene encoding a putative ortholog of Arabidopsis CLAVATA3 regulates apical meristem size in rice. Plant Physiology. 142(3) (2006), 1039-1052[full text].
32.Li XX, Duan XP, Jiang HX, Sun YJ, Tang YP, Yuan Z, Guo JK, Liang WQ, Chen L, Wang J, Ma H, Yin JY, and Zhang DB*. Genome-wide analysis of basic/helix-loop-helix transcription factor family in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 141(4) (2006), 1167-1184[full text].
33.Jiang DH, Yin CS, Yu AP, Zhou XF, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu Y, Yu QB, Wen TQ, and Zhang DB*. Duplication and expression analysis of multicopy miRNA gene family members in Arabidopsis and rice. Cell Research. 16(5) (2006), 507-518[full text].
34.Yang LT, Pan AH, Jia JW, Ding JY, Chen JX, Huang C, Zhang CM, and Zhang DB*. Validation of a tomato specific gene, LAT52, used as an endogenous reference gene in qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenic tomatoes. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 53(2) (2005), 183-190[full text].
35.Ding JY, Jia JW, Yang LT, Wen HB, Zhang CM, Liu WX, and Zhang DB*. Validation of a rice specific gene, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase, used as the endogenous reference gene for qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenes. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry. 52(11) (2004), 3372-3377[full text].
36.Huang YH, Liang WQ, Pan AH, Zhou ZA,Cheng H, Chen JX, and Zhang DB*. Production of FaeG, the major subunit of K88 fimbriae, in transgenic tobacco plants and its immunogenicity in mice. Infection and Immunity. 71(9) (2003), 5436-5439[full text].
37.Zhang YL, Zhang DB*, Li WQ, Chen JQ, Peng YF, and Cao W. A novel real-time quantitative PCR method using attached universal template probe. Nucleic Acids Research. 31(20) (2003), e123[full text].


