


  • 中文名:丁舉鵬
  • 畢業院校:北京郵電大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:無線光通信及組網、可見光通信及定位、自由空間光通信
  • 任職院校:新疆大學信息科學與工程學院
  • 職稱:副教授


2010/09 – 2013/07,北京郵電大學,信息光子學與光通信國家重點實驗室,通信與信息系統,博士
2008/09 – 2010/07,北京郵電大學,信息光子學與光通信國家重點實驗室,通信與信息系統,碩士(碩博連讀)
2004/09 – 2008/07,山東科技大學,通信工程,學士
2019/08 至今,新疆大學,信息科學與工程學院,副教授,碩士研究生導師
2017/06 – 2019/07,新疆大學,信息科學與工程學院,講師(第一層次博士人才引進)
2016/11 – 2017/05,中國交通建設集團,項目主管
2013/09 – 2016/10,中國科學技術大學,特任副研究員
獲邀擔任多種國際期刊(SCI)審稿人,審稿工作所涉期刊(SCI)主要包括:IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Letters,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Elsevier Optics Communications,OSA Optics Letters,OSA Optics Express,OSA Applied Optics,IEEE Access,China Communications,IET Communications,IEEE Photonics Journal,IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking


無線光通信及組網(信道建模,光波束表征,多徑傳播特性 等)
可見光通信及定位(LiFi,動力線通信,智慧型交通,智慧城市,智慧醫療 等)
自由空間光通信(FSO,高速鐵路通信,無人機通信,礦井通信,水下通信,機器人通信 等)
第五代及5G後移動通信(5G&B5G 等)


已發表論文24篇(第一作者19 篇,第二作者4篇,第三作者1篇),其中主要包括國際期刊論文6篇(第一作者6篇,同時SCI,EI檢索),國際會議論文及書籍章節15篇(EI檢索)。此外,完成第一發明人完成並提交專利10項(授權3項,在審7項)。
國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,面向非空室內場景的分散式可見光通信信道表征研究,2015/01 - 2017/12,結題,主持
自治區自然科學基金面上項目,可見光通信及定位技術在智慧城市建設中的套用研究,起訖時間:2019/05 - 2022/04,在研,主持
自治區全職引進高層次創新人才項目,陸水低空場景下無線光通信可靠鏈路關鍵技術研究,2018/12 - 2022/12,在研,主持
自治區天池博士計畫項目,室內外多場景無線光通信系統及組網基礎研究,2018/09 - 2020/09,在研,主持
新疆大學博士啟動基金項目,陸水多場景無線光混合傳輸接入及收發端設計研究,2018/09 - 2020/09,在研,主持
國家大學生創新訓練計畫項目,針對新疆水體礦井資源開發光無線通信技術基礎研究,2018/01 - 2019/12, 在研,指導教師
自治區高校科研計畫自然科學重點項目,面向5G的MIMO-SCMA系統構建及多用戶檢測研究,2020/01 - 2021/12,在研,參與
自治區自然科學基金面上項目,5G移動通信非正交稀疏碼多址接入技術研究,2018/07 - 2021/06,在研,參與
自治區高校本科教育教學研究和改革項目,新工科背景下信息類專業校企聯合培養模式改革的研究與實踐,2019/01 - 2021/01,在研,參與
國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫),寬光譜信號無線傳輸理論與方法研究,2013/09 - 2016/09,結題,參與
丁舉鵬, 易芝玲, 王勁濤, 陳習鋒, 面向智慧型電力的無線光技術研究與進展[J], 雷射與光電子學進展
丁舉鵬, 易芝玲, 馬洪兵, 李亞平, 張志軍, 解鵬, 郭學讓, 陳習峰, 室內非朗伯型可見光多徑無線信道特性研究[J], 新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 2020. (已錄用)
Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, and Zhengyuan Xu, “Indoor Optical Wireless Channel Characteristics with Distinct Source Radiation Patterns,” IEEE Photonics Journal(SCI, EI)
Jupeng Ding, Zhengyuan Xu, and Lajos Hanzo, “Accuracy of the Point-Source Model of a Multi-LED Array in High-Speed Visible Light Communication Channel Characterization,” IEEE Photonics Journal(SCI, EI)
Jupeng Ding, Yuefeng Ji, “Evolutionary Algorithm-based Optimization of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Indoor Visible-light Communication utilizing White Light-Emitting Diode,” IET Optoelectronics (SCI, EI)
Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, and Yuefeng Ji, “Evolutionary Algorithm Based Uniform Received Power & Illumination Rendering for Indoor Visible Light Communication,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A(SCI, EI)
Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, and Yuefeng Ji, “Evolutionary Algorithm Based Power Coverage Optimization for Visible Light Communications,” IEEE Communications Letters (SCI, EI)
Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, and Yuefeng Ji, “Independent Reflecting Element Interaction Characterization for Indoor Visible Light Communication Based on New Generation Lighting,” Chinese Optics Letters(SCI, EI)
丁舉鵬, “非朗伯光源可見光通信特性研究,”清華大學電子工程系第二十四屆青年教師學術論壇文集, 北京, 2019.
Xifeng Chen; Jupeng Ding; Baoshan Yu; Hongbing Ma; Huicheng Lai, “A Survey on wireless optical ITS for smart city,” 2019 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Chengdu, China, 2019. (已錄用,EI)
Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, Hui Zhang, Xifeng Chen, Baoshan Yu and Huicheng Lai, “Cells Planning of VLC Networks using Non-Circular Symmetric Optical Beam,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, 2019 (EI)
Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, Xifeng Chen, and Huicheng Lai, “Asymmetrical Emission Beams based Visible Light Communication Access Points Design,” 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Beijing, China, 2019(EI)
Xifeng Chen, Jupeng Ding and Huicheng Lai, “5G Oriented Optical Communications in High-speed Trains: A Review,” 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Beijing, China, 2019 (EI)
Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, Chi Zhang, Baoshan Yu, and Huicheng Lai, “Evaluation of Outdoor Visible Light Communications Links Using Actual LED Street Luminaries,” Proc. of 13th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR 2018), Urumqi, China, August 2018. (EI)
Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, Ruiyue Xie, Huicheng Lai, and Chi Zhang, “Actual Radiation Patterns-Oriented Non-deterministic Optical Wireless Channel Characterization,” Proc. of 13th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR 2018), Urumqi, China, August 2018. (EI)
Shangbin Li, Boyang Huang Jupeng Ding, and Zhengyuan Xu, “Integrating Sphere Channel Model for Indoor Non-Line-of-Sight Visible Light Communications,” Proc. of 2016 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, China, October 2016. (EI)
Jupeng Ding, Zhengyuan Xu, “Performance of indoor VLC and illumination under multiple reflections,” Proc. of IEEE Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, October 2014.
Jupeng Ding, Kun Wang, and Zhengyuan Xu, “Impact of different LED-spacing in arrayed LED transmitter on VLC channel modeling,” Proc. of IEEE Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, October 2014.
Jupeng Ding, Kun Wang, and Zhengyuan Xu, “Accuracy analysis of different modeling schemes in indoor visible light communications with distributed array sources,” Proc. of IEEE 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Manchester, UK, June 2014.
Jupeng Ding, Kun Wang, and Zhengyuan Xu, “Impact of LED array simplification on indoor visible light communication channel modeling,” Proc. of IEEE 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Manchester, UK, June 2014.
Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, and Yuefeng Ji, “Indoor white light wireless data transmission based on new generation environment-friendly solid state lighting,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS), Beijing, China, Sep. 2010.
Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, and Yuefeng Ji, “Rigorous modeling for visible light wireless access based on environment friendly illuminance,” Proc. of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network and Multimedia Technology (IC-BNMT2010), Beijing, China, Sep. 2010.
Zhitong Huang, Jupeng Ding, and Yuefeng Ji, “Chapter 8 Evolutionary Algorithm Based Power Distribution Optimization for Visible Light Communication,” in Green Communications and Networks Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Science Business Media B.V. 2012.
Zhitong Huang, Jupeng Ding, and Yuefeng Ji, “Chapter 175 Ubiquitous Hierarchical Generalized-Sensor Network: Architecture and Application,” in Green Communications and Networks Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Science Business Media B.V. 2012.


