1. Jing Pan,Qun Ding*,Lei Ning,Yanbin Zheng.Different random distributions research on Logistic-based sample assumption.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,Vol.2014,No.1,Page:1-9.(SCI)
2. Zheng Yanbin,Pan Jing,Song Yu,Cheng Hai,Ding Qun*.Research on the quantifications of chaotic random number generator. International Journal of Sensor Networks,2014,Vol.15,No.1,Page:139-143.(SCI)
3. Hongjun Wang,Bingbing Song,Jing Pan,Qun Ding*.FPGA Design and Applicable Analysis of Discrete Chaotic Maps.International Journal of Bufication and Chaos,2014,Vol.24,No.4,Page:1450054-1~15.(SCI)
4. Jing Pan,Qun Ding*,Yanbin Zheng,Hongjun Wang,Lei Ning.Random Process Representations and some researches of Chaos. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2013, Vol.14, No.4, Page: 241-250.(SCI)
5. Du Baoxiang,Geng Xiaoli,Chen Fangyue,Pan Jin,Ding Qun*.Generation and Realization of Digital Chaotic Key Sequence Based on Double K-L Transform. Chinese Journal of Electronics,2013,Vol. 22,No.1,Page:131-134.(SCI)
6. Zhang Zhong*,Ding Qun.A New Super Resolution Algorithm in Ship-borne Radar,Journal of Internet Technology,2013,Vol.14,No.1,Page:153-159.(SCI)
9. Jing Pan,Qun Ding*,Baoxiang Du.A New Improved Scheme of Chaotic Masking Secure Communication Based on Lorenz System.International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2012,22(5)(SCI)
10. Qun Ding*,Jianan Wang.Design of frequency-modulated correlation delay shift keying chaotic communication system.IET Communications.2011,5(7):901-905(SCI)
11. Qun Ding*,Jing Pang,Jingqing Fang,Xiyun Peng.Designing of Chaotic System Output Sequence Circuit Based on FPGA and its Possible Applications in Network encryption card. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC).2007,(3)2:449-456.(SCI)