


  • 中文名:丁勝洪
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1954年9月
  • 出生地:山東省煙臺市
  • 職稱:社會科學院政法研究所副研究員




Ding Shenghong, male and from the Han nationality, born in September 1954, is a native of Yantai , Shandong Province. In July 1982, he graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and obtained the bachelor's degree of Philosophy.
Ding Shenghong is an associate researcher at the Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences. He is a member of Hubei Association of Political Science Research. He used to be an editor of journal “Wuhan Publicity” and deputy chief of Wuhan municipal Party Committee Publicity Department.
His academic expertise is innovation cultural, new rural construction and rural democracy election. Some of his projects are supported by the Wuhan Social Science Fund. Many papers were published in core journals such as Red Flag, Learning and Practice, Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University and so on.
Major Academic Works:
New Rural Construction in a Resource Conservation and Environment Friendly Society, project supported by Wuhan Social Science Fund, 2010
Innovation Cultural of Wuhan Optics Valley, project supported by Wuhan Social Science Fund, 2005
Investigations on Rural Democracy Election, project supported by Wuhan Social Science Fund, 2006
Investigations on Rural Democracy Election, praised by Miao Wei,the Secretary of Wuhan Municipal Committee of CPC
The construction of the Primary Organization of the Party, praised by Chen Youcai, the deputy secretary of Wuhan discipline inspection committee of CPC
Study on the Primary Organization of the Party in Rural Area, Learning and Practice,2006, reprinted by core journal, awarded by the government for excellent research results in 2009
Construction of a Resource Conservation and Environment Friendly Rural Village, Red Flag,2009, awarded by the government for excellent research results in 2011
Study on agricultural cooperative, Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University ,2011
Practice on New Rural Construction, Learning and Practice,2011


