



  • 軟體名稱:一體戰
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:6.88MB
  • 支持版本:iOS2.2.1及以上
這是一個2D動畫戰鬥遊戲 遊戲說明如下: 後攻上戰鬥遊戲圖示的主視窗將顯示三個按鈕。要開始遊戲,你必須點擊PLAY按鈕。四字元會顯示在視窗中,點擊任意一個字元開始遊戲,iPhone將隨機選擇一個字元,剩下的三個。在頂級的遊戲畫面,你會發現每個球員的紅色和黃色的酒吧。條分別表示生命值和能量。你需要能量來攻擊對手。如果你的生活吧(紅色條)變為零,那么你的對手會獲勝。 在遊戲畫面,你會看到一個“開始”按鈕,開始下一個動作,你需要點擊就可以了。利用啟動後,選擇視窗會顯示出來。在該視窗中,你會看到一個小地圖,顯示位置的球員。你有一次選擇3卡,一張卡可以選擇一組三個指令。您可以通過點擊向前或向後的箭頭更改卡。當你看到所需的卡在盒子裡,再點一下,選擇你的選擇之一。要更改選定的卡,點擊它刪除。選擇3張牌後,繼續按鈕將被激活,當你點選繼續,對手會隨機挑選3張卡,然後將運動的玩家開始根據選定的卡。完成所有動作後,下一輪按鈕將準備另外3卡選擇。此過程將繼續下去,直到取完播放器或播放2。 無論你贏了還是輸在了第一輪,你會得到上場的機會,再次點擊重放按鈕。下載完整版點擊得到充分的版本按鈕和享受! It is a 2D animated battle game Game Instructions are as follows: After tapping on the battle game icon main window will be displayed three buttons. To start the game you have to click on the PLAY button. Four characters will be displayed in the window, tap any one character to start the game, iPhone will randomly select a character from rest of the three. On top of the game screen you will find a red and a yellow bar for each player. The bars respectively indicate life and energy. You require energy to attack opponent. If your life bar (red bar) becomes zero then your opponent will win. In the game screen you will see a START button, to start next movement you need to tap on it. After tapping on start, the selection window will show up. On that window you will see a mini map which indicates position of the players. You have to select 3 cards at once, one card can be selected for a set of three instructions. You can change card by tapping forward or backward arrow. When you see the desired card in the box, tap on it to select as one of your 3 selections. To change the selected card, tap on it to remove. After selecting 3 cards, CONTINUE button will be enabled, when you tap CONTINUE, opponent will randomly pick 3 cards, then the movement of the players will be started according to the selected card. After completing all 3 movements NEXT ROUND button will be ready for another 3-card selection. This procedure will continue until player 1 or player 2 get finished. Whether you win or lose in the first round you will get a chance to play again by clicking the REPLAY button. Download the full version by clicking on the GET FULL VERSION button and ENJOY !


