



  • 作者:新東方名師編寫組
  • ISBN:9787100072991
  • 頁數:630
  • 定價:53.00元
  • 出版社:商務印書館
  • 出版時間:2011-7
  • 裝幀:平裝




Lesson 1 A Puma at Large001 短對話002 Look for the Lost Digital Camera尋找丟失的數位相機 When a Bear Is in Our Tent當熊在我們的帳篷里003 Studies on the Amphibians關於兩棲動物的研究004 The Lost Receipt失物招領005 Animals’Ways of Protecting Themselves動物保護自己的方式 An Unsuccessful Delivery失敗的郵遞006 A Report About Lab Monkeys實驗室猴子研究報告Lesson 2 Thirteen Equals One007 短對話008 Two Neighbors Talking About the Apple Tree 兩個鄰居談論蘋果樹Go to See a Film去看電影009 Insurance保險010 Pianist鋼琴家011 The Train Announcement列車廣播 A Good Teacher or Not好老師還是壞老師012 The America’s New Policy for Iraq 美國對伊拉克的新政策Lesson 3 An Unknown Goddess013短對話014 The Ancient Egyptian Temple古埃及金字塔 The Fossil化石015 The Diverse Minerals多種多樣的礦石016 The Art Movement藝術運動017 The American National Flag美國國旗 Washington Elm華盛頓榆樹018 Notice通知……Lesson 4 The Double Life of Alfred BloggsLesson 5 The FactsLesson 6 Smash-and-GrabLesson 7 Mutilated LadiesLesson 8 A Famous MonasteryLesson 9 Flying CatsLesson 10 The Loss of the TitanicLesson 11 Not GuiltyLesson 12 Life on a Desert IslandLesson 13 “It's Only Me”Lesson 14 A Noble GangsterLesson 15 Fifty Pence Worth of TroubleLesson 16 Mary Had a Little LambLesson 17 The Longest Suspension Bridge in the WorldLesson 18 Elecrtic Current in Modern ArtLesson 19 A Very Dear CatLesson 20 Pioneer PilotsLesson 21 Daniel MendozaLesson 22 By HeartLesson 23 One Man's Meat Is Another Man's PoisonLesson 24 A Skeleton in the CupboardLesson 25 The Cutty SarkLesson 26 Wanted: A Large Biscuit TinLesson 27 Nothing to Sell and Nothing to BuyLesson 28 Five Pounds Too DearLesson 29 Funny or Not?Lesson 30 The Death of a GhostLesson 31 A Lovable EccentricLesson 32 Alost ShipLesson 33 A Day to RememberLesson 34 A Happy DiscoveryLesson 35 Justice Was DoneLesson 36 A Chance in a MillionLesson 37 The Westhaven ExpressLesson 38 The First CalendarLesson 39 Nothing to Worry AhoulLesson 40 Who's WhoLesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral PeaceLesson 42 Modern CavemenLesson 43 Fully InsuredLesson 44 Speed and ComfortLesson 45 The Power nf the PressLesson 46 Do It YourselfLesson 47 Too High a Price?Lesson 48 The Silent VillageLesson 49 The Ideal ServantLesson 50 New Year ResolutionsLesson 51 Predicting the FutureLesson 52 Mud is MudLesson 53 In the Public InterestLesson 54 Instinct or Cleverness?Lesson 55 From the Earth: GreetingsLesson 56 Our Neighbour, the RiverLesson 57 Back in the Old CountryLesson 58 A Soot of BotherLesson 59 CollectineLesson 60 Too Early and Too Late


