簡單的舞美就更強調舞台的假定性。格雷夫斯利用燈光和舞台調度在各個人物之間輾轉騰挪,在敘述者,六歲的自己,父親,老校長,以及老校長的痴呆兒子之間在各個年齡段之間穿行無阻這確實是本戲最大的看點。格雷夫斯在大部分時間確實做到了鬆弛與緊張的有機結合,其肢體與聲音的造型性準確並且情感表達準確。特別是在“可憐的TOM”說出那段生存還是毀滅的時候,劇場被他完全控制住了,那段確實可以take your breathe。另外我感覺非常突出的在於他那深邃的眼神,雖然我得不時分神看字幕,但必須承認他的眼神太勾魂了,作為一個大叔控我已經被控了。不得不說在塑造人物方面他的眼神幫他加了至少一半的分。
一張桌子,兩把椅子,外掛一個莎士比亞的肖像旗,這就是整部戲的舞台設計——簡單。一個有些禿頂的老英國演員在台上盡情的表演,一會兒是古稀老人,一會兒是6歲孩子,一會兒是慈祥的父親,一會兒是酒鬼老師,一會兒又是智力殘障兒子……都演得惟妙惟肖;尤其當演到殘障兒子朗讀“to be or not to be”時,我被深深的震撼了,這是怎樣的一種對待父親喜愛莎士比亞的認同啊,才能以斷斷續續的話語念出那段經典獨白。
Written and performed by Joseph Graves
Revel’s World of Shakespeare was written and will be performed by Joseph Graves, and directed by Xiaoqing Hu. Graves draws heavily on his considerable personal experiences with Shakespearean plays and study of the plays’ articulations. Graves magically weaves a wildly comedic and deeply moving tale of childhood confusion and exploration, relating it all to the greatest of English writers, William Shakespeare.
At six years of age Graves was introduced to Shakespeare at the difficult hand and demanding style of his brilliant, though drunken teacher, Clive T. Revel (whose last name inspires the title of the piece) headmaster of The Chelsea School for Boys in London, England were young Graves matriculated. The first two years of their alternately hilarious and stormy relationship, (which eventually spanned some forty years) are explored in depth in this provocative, thought provoking and charmingly written new American play.
Revel’s World of Shakespeare has so far performed in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau and Taipei.
Joseph Graves
Artistic Director of PKU Institute of World Theatre and Film. Over the last twenty-eight years, Joseph has directed over fifty stage productions, including classical, contemporary, musical theatre and opera, in America, Great Britain and China, such productions include: Romeo and Juliet, Richard III, A Midsummer’s Night Dream, The Alchemist, The Sea Gull, Three Sisters, The Private Lives of The Master Race and Fiddler on the Roof at such notable venues as The Welsh National Theatre, The Royal Court Theatre, and The Haymarket Theatre (West End) in Great Britain and numerous theatres throughout America as well as several in China.
Graves has also written extensively for film and stage, including such films as Sweetwater for Viacom, and Hannah and Jack for Academy Award winner, Sir John Mills, along with many others. His plays, such as Revoco, Bunyan, and Word Circus, have received productions at such venues as The Wilshire Theatre in Los Angeles, Perth Repertory Theatre in Great Britain and The Moscow Art Theatre in Russia. His latest play, Revel’s World of Shakespeare, was given its world premiere in Beijing in the summer of 2005.