
《電視英語》是於1996年7月社會科學文獻出版社出版的圖書,分為上、下兩冊,共有30個課時,作者是張道真 。


  • 書名:《電視英語》
  • 作者:張道真
  • 頁數:1368
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
  • 出版時間:1996年7月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32
  • 書號:7-80050-360-7
Lesson l : The English Alpbabet (I)
Tonal Practice
Lesson 2 : Pattern Drill
Talk About Pictures
Pattern Drill (This is..., Is this..., etc.)
Lesson 3 : Pattern Drill (What are..., What colour is...,etc.)
Talk about Pictures
Exercises (vowel sound [e])
Lesson 4 : Text A : My Room
Text B : Our Classroom
Pattern Drill (There is, There are, etc .)
Exercises (vowel sound )
Lesson 5 : Text A : A Little Girl
Text B : Brother and Sister
Talk about Pictures (verb to have, can)
Exercises (vowel sound [i])
Lesson 6: Text A: Tom and Mary
Text B : The Greens
Pattern Drills (How old is..., etc.)
Exercises (vowel sound [a] ; numerals)
Lesson 7 : Text A: A Picture of My Family
Text B : Nancy's Family
Pattern Drill
Exercises (vowel sound [A] ; verb to be)
Lesson 8 : Text A : My Foreign Friend
Text B: Diana and Koji
Pattern Drill (Who is ...,is..., etc.)
Exercises (Vowel sound [ei], Good moming, etc.)
Lesson 9 : Text A : Nancy's Apartment
Text B: Our Living Room
Pattern Drills (verb to be, There is..., There are,etc.)
Exercises (vowel sound [i :] ; Mrs. Smith's Living Room)
Lesson IO : Text A : Our House
Text B: A New House
Pattern Drills (There is..., There are..., etc.)
Exercises (vowel sound [ai] ; a dialogue)
Lesson 11 : Text A: The Week
Text B : The Seasons
Pattern Drill (It's cold , etc.)
Exercises (vowel sound [au] ; dates; James Anderson's New House)
Lesson 12 : Text A : Peter Smith
Text B : Betty
Patern Drills (Where does ...,What time do...,etc.)
Exercises (vowel sounds [u],[u:], [ju:] ; two dialogues)
Lesson 13 : Text A:
Text B : Kelly Hall
Questions and Answers (Verb to do)
Grammar : Parts of Speech
Exercises (vowel sounds [a:], What timeis it ? Mrs . Watson)
Lesson 14: Text A: A
Text B : The Gomez Family
Questions and Tense)
Exercises (vowel sounds [au], [a], [ea] ; the plural forms of nouns; Mr.
and Mrs. White)
Lesson 15 : Text A: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Text B :Questions and Tense)
Grammar : The Simple Present Tense
Exercises (consonants [tf], a dialogue)
Lesson 16 : Text A: The Dawsons
Text B : The Clarks
Questions and Answers(the Simple Present)
Exercises ( and some other consonants ;the Sawyers)
Lesson 17 : Text A : In the Classroom
Text B : Cleaning the Classroom
Questions and Answers (the Present Continuous)
Grammer:the Present Continuous Tense
Exercises (some consonant sounds ; the Sawyers)
Lesson 18 : Text A : On the Sportsground
Text B : Sports
Questions and Answers
Talk About Pictures (tbe Present Continuous)
Exercises ( Learn to read transcriptions; the -ing
forms of verbs; a dialogue)
Lesson 19 : Text A: The S
Text B: Sunday in the Park
Questions and
Talk About Pictures (th e Present Continuous)
Exercises (plural endings ; the Black Family)
Lesson 20: Text A: A Fine Day
Text B : Free Activity Hour
Questions and Answers (the two tenses)
Pronunciation : Worf Stress
Exercises (words in transcription; the -ing forms of verbs; Rod Watson)
Lesson 21 : Text A: A Letter
Text B : Mr. Patterson
Questions and Answers
Exercises (Comparison of vowels ; be going to construction ; a dialogue)
Lesson 22 : Text A : Our City
Text B: Ha
Questions and Answers
Talk About a City
Exercises (Comparison of vowels ; review of tenses ; Monday Through Friday)
Lesson 23: Text A: A Letter From paris
Text B : A Letter From london
Questions and Answers
Exercises (Comparison of vowels; some rules of reading; a dialogue)
Lesson 24:Text A:New York City
Text B : London
Questions and Answers
Exercises (More rules of reading;self-pronouns;Marion Lake)
Lesson 25 : Text A: The Millers
Text B : Nancy and peter
Questions an: Answers
Conversation: Talk About the Weather
Exercises (More rules of reading; review of tenses ;the Dawsons)
Lesson 26 : Text A : Christmas
Text B : Christmas Day
Conversation : Talk About Holidays
Exercises (More rules of reading; special questions ;Americans)
Lesson 27 : Text A: A Letter
Text B : Travel Arrangements
Conversatioh : At the Airport
Grammer:The Simple Future Tense
Exercises (More rules of reading ; tense forms ;My Daily Activity)
Lesson 28 : Text A: An
Text B : The Visitor's Plan
Conversation : Going to a Concert
Grammar : Members of a Sentence
Exercises (Learn to read words with the help of rules of reading ;
possessive pronouns ; Lucy)
Lesson 29 : Text A : My Cousin
Text B : Captain Alison
Conversation : Watching Television
Grammer:Adverbial Clauses
Exercises (Learn to read words with the help of rules of reading ;
choice of tenses ; the Scott Family)
Lessson 30 : Text A: The Flying Camera
Text B : THe Four Seasons
Conversation : Weather Forecast
Grammer:Object Caluses
Exercises (Compound words ; object clauses ; My Family)
Lesson 31 : Text A: Working in the House
Text B : Redecorating the Bedroom
Conversation : Yesterday's Activities
Exercises (Phonetic transcriptions ; tense forms ;The Car Race)
Lesson 32 : Text A : A Picnic in the Country
Text B : A Trip the the Counryside
Conversation : Hobbies
Exercises (More rules of reading ; words ending in -et and ist; Sunday)


